Side quests in The Exchange

The following chapter contains the description of all of the side quests located in the Exchange, such as A memory problem, Hostage Taking, Crowds of beggars, A soldier's bitterness, or A combat drug. Not all of them are available from the beginning of the game.


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The Exchange is the first location you will get to. It's connected with the Sewers and the Slums located in the Ophir. There's a lot of different side quests available here, but some of them aren't available from the very beginning - you will need to complete main quests to gain access to them. However, try to complete all of the activities in this location before starting the Under Surveillance quest from Finding Earth group - afterwards, you will be escaping from Ophir. You will be able to get back to the city later, but some of the side quests and part of the city will become unavailable.

Scattered clients

Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, 50 Serum.

How to unlock: Speak with Fiorello about business, after rescuing him during the Merchant rumors quest.


  • Warn the quartermaster
  • Warn the Slum merchant
  • Get back to Fiorello
Quartermaster Ryan. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Quartermaster Ryan.

After completing the Merchant rumors quest, a merchant called Fiorello will appear in the area. He seems to be troubled - offer him your assistance. You will be given tasks to war two characters about a threat - the first one will be the Quartermaster located in the Exchange, and the second one a merchant located in the Slums.

This is all you had to do. The quest is simple, but the reward is small as well - you will be given it after going back to Fiorello and informing him that you've conveyed the message.

A memory problem

Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, 50/100 Serum, reputation points (details at the end of the chapter).

How to unlock: after the quest Merchant Rumors speak with Fiorello about the girl standing nearby.


  • Investigate the amnestic girl
  • Find the Black Dahlia gang
  • Find someone to leave the amnesiac girl with
  • Go back to see Fiorello
Fiorello will be available only after rescuing him during the Merchant rumors quest. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Fiorello will be available only after rescuing him during the Merchant rumors quest.

After completing the main quest Merchant Rumor and rescuing Fiorello, go back to him to acquire a new quest. During the conversation ask the man about the girl.

Inside of the Quartermasters room you will find a colorful item lying on the table - it will provide you with additional guidance. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Inside of the Quartermaster's room you will find a colorful item lying on the table - it will provide you with additional guidance.

Head to the Quartermaster. Inside of the room with the man there's a colorful item lying on the table. The item can be investigated. Further clue leads to the Slums, where the Black Dahlia gang can be found. You should be able to find the gang members quite easily - after a short brawl they will tell you where you can find a character that will help you with your problem.

Mara Rogue. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Mara Rogue.

Head to speak with Mara Rogue. You will learn that the girl comes from the Vory gang. You can either deliver the girl to the Mara Rogue, or decline and deliver her to captain Eliza Major (Abundance). Depending on your choice, your reputation will change:

  • Deliver the girl to captain Eliza: +2 Abundance rep., -1 Vory rep., 50 Serum from Fiorello.
  • Deliver the girl to Mara: -1 Abundance rep., -1 Vory rep., 50 Serum from Fiorello.

Afterwards, get back to Fiorello to get your rewards and finish the quest.

A body for a merchant

Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, 200 Serum.

How to unlock: Speak with Fiorello after completing A memory problem side quest.


  • Find the strongest mutant in corral
  • Speak with the supervisor about Beg the mutant
  • Find a way for Beg to leave the corral
  • Go back to see Fiorello
Head to the Slums where a group of mutants are kept prisoners in a large warehouse. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Head to the Slums where a group of mutants are kept prisoners in a large warehouse.

After the conversation with Fiorello you must head to the Slums. There, right next to the edge of the district is a large building, a home of the mutants. Get inside and head upstairs, where at the end of the building you will meet a large mutant, Beg.

Bed - the largest, blonde mutant is your target. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Bed - the largest, blonde mutant is your target.

Beg agree to come with you, but the overseer will not when you try to speak with him (he can be found right next to the entrance to the building). Get back to the mutant and after establishing the plan attack one of the mutants.

After the conversation with Beg, beat one of the mutants to summon the overseer. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
After the conversation with Beg, beat one of the mutants to summon the overseer.

After you've beat him enough, the overseer will arrive, and then:

  • Beat him,
  • Pay 100 Serum,
  • Convince (Charisma) to give Beg back.

Regardless of your decisions Beg will go back to Fiorello and you don't have to escort him. Get back to the merchant to claim your reward.

Souvenir for a mother

Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP

How to unlock: after completing A body for a merchant side quest.


  • Give Beg's mother the souvenir
  • Tell Beg what happened
Deliver the stone to Begs mother standing near the bar. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Deliver the stone to Beg's mother standing near the bar.

This is a very short quest. First things first, speak with Beg and then head to the Slums. There, near a bar, you will find his mother - Jenny Labour. After a short conversation and a cut-scene you will be able to get back to Beg to complete this quest.

Crowds of beggars

Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP.

How to unlock: speak with Tom Goodsman after completing the Merchant rumors quest.


  • Persuade the beggars to leave
  • Equip your team with beggars' rags
  • Talk with the smuggler
  • Find smuggler in the Underworks
  • Tell the merchant about what happened
Tom Goodsman. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Tom Goodsman.

Tom Goodsman will task you with getting rid of the beggars from the city. You can find one of them several meters away from Tom's shop:

  • Convince him by using your Charisma to tell you what you need to know,
  • Beat him - after a short brawl you will be given the necessary information.
One of the beggars can be found nearby, but they arent very talkative. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
One of the beggars can be found nearby, but they aren't very talkative.

The remaining information and the further part of the quest can be found after speaking with another beggar located near Joe's store. You must now acquire Beggar's Rags, which you might already have after searching through bodies and chests in the world. If you don't have them, you can purchase them at Fiorello's for 40 Serum/piece. You must acquire 3 sets of those clothing, 2 for your companions.

Note - If you don't have two companions yet (The deserters quest), the quest can bug, telling you to dress two of your companions with the necessary items even if you don't have them (companions). If that is the case, start the quest, gather a full party and continue with it.

In the Underworks you will find a smuggler youve spoken on the station. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
In the Underworks you will find a smuggler you've spoken on the station.

After equipping disguises a new objective on the train station will appear. There you will meet with a smuggler, who will offer to take you out of the city, but you will need to pay 200 Serum for the task. This is of course a hoax and you will learn about it after meeting with him in the Underworks. All you need to do is to beat the smuggler and he will stop the fight - that is if you want to let him go free. You can now decide whether you want to kill him (you will be able to get back 200 Serum you gave him) or let him go.

Marks of the past

Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP

How to unlock: after completing the Merchant rumors quest.


  • Find Master Connor
  • Find Connor in the Ophir Underworks
  • Take the elevator
  • Follow Connor to Lucky
  • Discreetly listen in on Lucky and Connor's conversation
  • Investigate someone called Andrew
Lucky. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide

Next to the merchant you've rescued (Fiorello) you will find a man named Lucky (the guy leading next to the wall) who will speak you to when you walk near him. He will ask you to speak with Connor on his behalf. You won't find him in the Technomancer's Headquarters, so ask Ian Mancer whether he knows where you can find the man.

Connor will be fighting with monsters in the Underwork - obviously, he cannot die. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Connor will be fighting with monsters in the Underwork - obviously, he cannot die.

You will be directed to the Underworks. You should enter them from the Exchange, as Connor is not inside of the rocky tunnels, but in the concrete corridors. You will find him fighting with monsters. You should be especially careful about the biggest one - after performing a jump the monster will cause a shockwave. If you, however, have your companions with you, you should be able to easily get rid of the enemy. After the encounter don't forget to skin the monsters to gain valuable crafting materials.

Eavesdrop on the conversation between Connor and Lucky by sitting at the nearby table. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Eavesdrop on the conversation between Connor and Lucky by sitting at the nearby table.

Use the elevator to get back to the surface and head to the training field, where Connor will meet with Lucky. Sit at the nearby table and eavesdrop on the conversation between them. Finally, learn something about the mentioned name - Andrew. It doesn't matter who you speak with, the reward will always be the same. You can choose Alan, captain Eliza or Ian mencer.

Hostage taking

Rewards for completing the quest: 500/1000 EXP

How to unlock: head to the marker located in the north-eastern section of the city, near the wall separating the roads around the city.


  • Save the hostage [time to complete: 24 hours]
  • Negotiate with the hostage taker
  • Speak with the bookie
  • Negotiate with Anton Rogue
While travelling through the city you will come across a situation - hostage taking - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide

While travelling through the city you will come across a situation - hostage taking. This quest must be completed in 24 hours, otherwise it will be automatically finished. You can complete this quest in a multitude of ways:

  • Convince the man to surrender (Charisma) (1000 EXP),
  • Attack the man, defeat and arrest him (500 EXP),
  • Suggest that you deal with the debt...
Sam Rogue in the bar. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Sam Rogue in the bar.

In the first and second case the quest will be quickly completed. In the third case, however, you need to do quite a lot of stuff. First things first, head to the Slums and look for Sam Rogue in the bar. During the conversation:

  • Propose to deal with the debt (200 Serum),
  • Convince Sam (Charisma) to pay the sum of money (if you have good relations with the Vory),
  • Leave the conversation
Speak with Anton Rogue to cancel the debt. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Speak with Anton Rogue to cancel the debt.

Contrary to appearances, the last dialogue option is also a choice that leads to a further scenario, but if you aren't successful you will be left with the option to rescue the captive. You must go meet with Anton Rogue. He won't help you, however, if you aren't in friendly relations with the Vory faction (you need to complete several quests for him, which will be unlocked after completing the Break the opposition quest).

A soldier's bitterness

Rewards for completing the quest: +3 David rep., 500 EXP; for improperly led conversation you will earn experience, but -1 David rep.

How to unlock: only if you complete The Deserters quest in accordance to the guidelines (by killing Boris, regardless of what you tell captain Eliza Major afterwards).


  • Investigate the disappearance of David Ward
  • Find David Ward at the Curiosity's
David can be found in barracks, or in the bar in the Slums - depending on whether he travelled with you during The Deserters quest. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
David can be found in barracks, or in the bar in the Slums - depending on whether he travelled with you during The Deserters quest.

If you've killed Boris, David - one of your potential companions - will disappear. In the barracks speak with the soldier standing next to the door located between tables. From him you will learn that David likes to drink. Afterwards, speak with Jeffrey and head to the bar in the Slums.

Note - the quest might have a bug in which David is either standing in the barracks and you won't be able to speak with him, or he is still your companion and you can't speak with him about the quest either. If that's the case, take him with you to the bar and speak with him there.

If David is not in the bar, take him as a companion there. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
If David is not in the bar, take him as a companion there.

The conversation in the bar can have various outcomes. By leading the course of conversation properly, you will gain reputation with David. Below you can find the dialogue options leading to the "positive ending":

  • Convince him (Charisma),
  • Try to understand -> Talk about what Boris said -> Tell one's own story.

If you've avoided this quest, started another one, or a lot of time has passed (not indicated by the game) the mission will be marked as a failed one, but you will be able to ask David where he was. It won't affect the story or the future of the man, but because of the failed quest you will lose some (-2) of the reputation with David.

The feeling of being followed

Rewards for completing the quest: +3 Jeffrey rep., 500 EXP

How to unlock: Speak with Jeffrey after completing The Deserters quest.


  • Go to the barracks to put the plan in motion
  • Follow the Jeffrey's plan to draw the spy in
  • Lead the spy into the dead end to trap him
  • Search the spy to find information
  • Talk to Alan about the spy
Circle the town by going in accordance to the mini-map hints. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Circle the town by going in accordance to the mini-map hints.

After speaking with Jeffrey he will express his suspicion about being followed. Head with him as your companion near your room in the barracks to start the quest. You must head along the street leading around the city, until you reach a dead end with the spy waiting there.

A further clue will lead you to Alan, with whom you must also fight. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
A further clue will lead you to Alan, with whom you must also fight.

You must beat the spy. Afterwards, search through his body to find a tablet. You will learn that was ordered by Alan Mancer. The man can be found near the barracks. After a short conversation you will need to beat Alan as well (you can ignore his companions). When his health drops to zero the encounter will end and the quest will be completed.

A nasty invasion

Rewards for completing the quest: +1 Abundance rep., 1000 EXP, 50 Serum

How to unlock: speak with the Quartermaster (Ryan Steward) and ask him about the job; after completing The Deserters quest.


  • Obtain traps for Ryan Steward (3)
  • Give the traps to Ryan Steward
Give the traps to the quartermaster, or take care of the problem yourself. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Give the traps to the quartermaster, or take care of the problem yourself.

This quest can be done in two ways. In the easier one you just have to bring 3 traps to Ryan - those can be purchased in a store, or found in the world (they are quite common).

You must destroy 3 monster nests in the Underworks - its worth your while because of the experience points you can gain. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
You must destroy 3 monster nests in the Underworks - it's worth your while because of the experience points you can gain.

The more difficult scenario requires you to head to the Underworks to blow up 3 locust nests. Those will be better protected than they normally are, so keep that in mind. The energy-based enemies should be dealt with as quickly as possible, as your shield won't help you against their attacks. Start by eliminating the smaller enemies and monitoring the parent. The latter one will constantly create an electrical field around itself and shoot energy balls at you. Additionally, it will charge the smaller foes with energy, allowing them to attack you with that as well (fortunately it doesn't do much damage).

You can blow up the nest by standing near it and pressing the action button, but only after you've defeated all of the enemies. The reward for completing the more difficult variant is the same.

A combat drug

Rewards for completing the quest: +1 Abundance rep., 1000 EXP, 80-150 Serum, optionally: +1 Karma.

How to unlock: speak with Quartermaster (Ryan Steward) after completing A nasty invasion quest.


  • Find a way to avoid casualties among the soldiers
  • Roust the soldiers from their hideout
  • Report back to Ryan Steward
  • Ask Scott for an antidote
  • Give the antidote to Ryan Steward
The wife of one of the soldiers, standing at the entrance to the barracks. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
The wife of one of the soldiers, standing at the entrance to the barracks.

The quest is given to you by the Quartermaster Ryan Steward. To properly complete this quest by meeting one of the criteria (prevent casualties) head towards the closest mission marker located near the barracks. There you will find a woman, who is a wife of one of the soldiers.

Guards in front of the building where the soldiers are hiding. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Guards in front of the building where the soldiers are hiding.

Afterwards, head to the soldiers' hideout. Those standing in front of the entrance won't allow you to enter. You can either beat them, or convince them (Charisma) to change their mind. You can also try to sneak by from the other (western) side, but you won't be able to get to the building unnoticed - but you will be able to kill the opponents outside the building quietly.

If you've spoken with the wife of one of the soldiers, you won't have to fight with anyone inside of the building (you will also be given +1 Karma). Otherwise, you have to beat all (3) of the soldiers inside of the hideout.

After reporting to the Quartermaster speak with Scott and head to his lab. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
After reporting to the Quartermaster speak with Scott and head to his lab.

After going back to the Quartermaster you will be given a portion of your reward. The man will ask you to prepare an antidote. In order to do so, you must speak with Scott - if he is in your party, head to his lab in the Slums.

A friend under pressure

Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP

How to unlock: Speak with Niesh after completing the Personal Protection quest.


  • Talk to Abbie Goodsman
  • Investigate the threats received by Abbie Goodsman
  • Keep an eye on the soldier behind the threats
  • Protect Niesha's friend [time to complete: 4 hours]
  • Tell Niesha about events
Niesh will appear here only after youve completed the Personal protection quest. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
Niesh will appear here only after you've completed the Personal protection quest.

After the conversation with Niesh (located on a large plaza in the corner of the city) you will learn that he friend - Abbie Goodsman - is in need. She can be found near the barracks. You will learn that she is harassed by a soldier named Sam Scout.

The soldier located near the workshop is one of the suspects - speak with him. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
The soldier located near the workshop is one of the suspects - speak with him.

Enter the barracks and speak with captain Eliza. You won't get anything valuable, so just talk with the suspect - he can be found near the workshop, next to the exit from the barracks. It still won't give you much - you must now go to the locker-room and search through Sam's bag.

After leaving the barracks and heading towards the plaza you will notice armed soldiers. - Side quests in The Exchange - Side quests - The Technomancer Game Guide
After leaving the barracks and heading towards the plaza you will notice armed soldiers.

Leave the barracks through the northern exit and you will be able to eavesdrop on a conversation between two soldiers standing near Abbie. By approach the tradeswoman you will start an encounter - you have 4 hours if you want to prepare for it, but it's not a difficult one. There will be 4 opponents, with one being equipped with a rifle, and Sam with a shield. You should search through their bodies before going back to Niesh.

The Technomancer

June 28, 2016

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