Side quests in The Caravanserai
In this chapter you will find information about the side quests in The Caravanserai, a mandatory location within Noctis.
The Caravanserai is a trade settlement, a city hidden in the mountains. You will be welcomed here after your escape from Ophir. Noctis will also be added as a faction with low starting reputation ("Suspicious" level). Note that the main part of The Exchange will now be closed - entering it will result in an instant death. Additionally, you must avoid contact with any of the Abundance's patrols like in The Exchange and in The Slums - stumbling upon them will start a battle.
- Miracle healing
- Relics
- Strange fruit
- Accountable
- A friend found
- A new Great Master
- Wind turbine robbery
- Bloody revenge
- Counter-ambush
- Holy theft
- Scott's son
- Weapons for the mutant nation
- Zoologist
- Scott has disappeared
Miracle healing
Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, 25 Serum, +2 Noctis rep.
How to unlock: speak with the refugee found in the southern part of the city (stand in front of the city gate, enter it and head to the right).
- Investigate the epidemic by talking to the refugees
- Analyze the blood sample from someone who is sick
- Obtain a proof of poisoning
- Put an end to the schemes of the preacher's son
- Go back to see the refugees

The refugee you meet in the southern part of the city will tell you about the epidemic in the city. After a short conversation head through the city gate, where you will stumble upon two additional refugees.

First speak with the standing one and then with the one sitting on the ground - the latter will give you a blood sample for analysis. You can analyze it on your own, provided that you've spent points in Science - otherwise speak with Scott.

After analyzing the blood you must gather evidence. Head to the southern part of the city, close to the place where you've received the quest from. You should be able to see a swarm of people standing in the line for free food. Speak with the Cook. You can now analyze the soup that is given to the people by interacting with the middle table. You can analyze it on your own, or ask Scott to do that for you.

Preacher's son will be the culprit. He can be found behind the entrance to the main part of the trade area, behind the stone arch, assisted by two companions. The tallest guy is the one you want to speak with. As you've probably guessed the conversation will lead to battle. During the encounter focus your attacks on the preacher's son - after taking 3/4 of his health the man will want to negotiate.
The quest can now be completed in several ways, and after each one of them you must get back to the refugee for the reward:
- Allow the thug to live - +2 Karma,
- Let him bribe you - 250 Serum, +1 Karma
- Kill the culprit - additional 25 Serum from the refugee.
Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, 500 Serum
How to unlock: speak with Preacher
- Find the relics in Valles marineris
- Give the relics to the preacher

After speaking with the Preacher found in the center of the city (on the upper floor), head to Valles Marineris through the main gate - it's the same location you've travelled through during your escape from Noctis. There you will find three destroyed buildings and chests located in each one of them.

Each artifact will always be located inside of an unlocked chest. You will, obviously, run into a group of enemies near each one of those. Locations of the three chests are marked on your map.
Afterwards, take the artifacts back to the client (you can also keep them, but you won't have anything to do with them). In return for your services you will be given 500 Serum.
Strange fruit
Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, +1 Mutant rep.
How to unlock: during the conversation with a mutant in the Back on track quest select dialogue, and you will be given this quest.
- Find someone who witnessed the hanging
- Speak with the fanatics
- Denounce the fanatics
- Optional: Reassure the fanatics

The mutant standing next to the rocks near the entrance to the city will give you this quest - you need to speak with Dandolo beforehand and refrain from trying to convince him (Charisma / Science). You must find a witness - a trader with a stall located in the middle of the plaza in front of the palace is the man you're looking for. You can convince him to talk (Charisma), or bribe him (20 Serum).

You will learn about a group of fanatics located on the upper floor, above the trade plaza. Immediately after you start a conversation with them the group will attack you. You must incapacitate all of them to continue. You must now get back to the mutant to receive your reward - it depends on your decision about the fanatics:
- Lie to the mutant - you will be given 100 Serum after returning to the fanatics,
- Report the fanatics,
- Try to convince the mutant to refrain from getting revenge.
In each case the quest will end with a success and you will be given the same amount of experience and reputation with the mutants.
Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP, +3 Niesha rep.
How to unlock: after speaking with Dandolo once you've arrived in city, go and speak with Niesha.
- Enter the Vory warehouse in Ophir
- Interrogate the person behind the denunciations
- Stop Niesha from getting revenge, or leave her be

Niesha can be found together with the rest of your companions, next to the palace. Speak with the woman. You must head to the warehouse in The Slums, the same from where you've rescued prisoners during the Merchant Rumors main quest. This time, however, you will go through the (previously closed) door in front of the corridor.

On the upper floor, inside of the room you will find a group of Vory you must incapacitate. As always, you must take out the target only - the man in the mask (if you want to let them go). The battle takes place inside of a small room, making traps extremely effective here. Watch out for the larger bandit and his "rush" attack. After the encounter ends:
- Let Niesha kill the enemy - +2 Karma, +1 Vory rep.
- Stop your companion from getting revenge - -1 Karma, -1 Vory rep.
A friend found
Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP, +3 Andrew rep., Andrew becomes a technomancer
How to unlock: speak with Andrew about his missing arm.
- Speak with Andrew
- Find a way for Andrew to regain his abilities
- Find Scott's research about technomancy
- Find technomancer uniform
- Give Scott notes and equipment
- Get the prosthesis from Scott

Note - you might have some problems with getting this quest. During the conversation with Andrew you must select the dialogue option associated with helping the man - if you don't do that, the quest will be permanently lost. If the correct dialogue didn't appear, try to push the Chapter II story a little further and speak with the man in The Slums. He doesn't have to be your friend (green status) for you to start this quest.

By completing this quest Andrew will be given a prosthetic arm, allowing him to wield two-handed weapons and use the magic of the technomancers, turning him into a very powerful ally. After a short conversation with him, head to Scott. You must find his notes, which is an easy task, as they are lying in his infirmary in The Slums.

Technomancer's outfit can be found in the technomancer's chapel located in The Exchange. As the plaza is inaccessible you must get there through the southern passage, available from the second chapter, going from the Underground. The outfit can be found in a side room, inside of an unlocked locker, to the right of the entrance.

After you've gathered all of the elements, take them to Scott. You will need to wait 12 hours until your friend is done. You can help him reduce the time by half if you have Crafting talent. Afterwards, get back to Scott to end the quest.
A new Great Master
Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, optional: 250 EXP
How to unlock: after completing the Brothers in Danger quest.
- Speak with Melvin Mancer, the leader of the escaped technomancers
- Speak with the technomancer masters
- Optional: Earn the approval of all of the technomancer masters
- Become Great Master of the technomancers

During this quest you have a chance to become the new great master of the technomancers, giving you new dialogue options and influencing the ending of the game. Speak with Malvin in the palace, and the man will direct you to the technomancers located in the opposite corner of the room.

Each one of them has a different task for you. You must complete them to gain the trust of specific masters. Starting from the door:
- Knowledge test, the correct answers are: Mars, 71%, Youri Gagarine, Mariner 4;
- Upgrade the technomancer's staff: you will be able to upgrade this weapon at the Workshop, but you need at least one level of Crafting;
- Win a duel with the woman: your companions can't participate in the battle, you can use all tricks, you have to deplete the health bar of the enemy;
- A test about the technomants: Doctor and patient, Vessel of water, Protecting the secret and attempt to find Earth.
Afterwards, get back to Melvin to complete the quest. If you've completed all of the masters' quests, you will be given additional 250 EXP.
Wind turbine robbery
Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, +2 Noctis rep., +2 Vory rep., 200 Serum
How to unlock: complete the Subterfuge quest.
- Obtain information from the raider
- Find the thieves
- Steal the wind turbine parts
- Take the wind turbine parts to the thieves
- Stop the leader of the thieves once and for all
- Report back to the person in charge of the wind turbines

Close to the place where the food is distributed (southern part of the city, outside of the trade district) a certain man will yell at you. He will tell you about robberies that concern him. The information can be gained from the mutant standing on the stairs, in the northern part of the city - the same mutant who sold you a part for your rover. You must convince him to talk (Charisma) or beat him.

You will be directed near the client, where a group of thieves can be found. They will order you to steal the wind turbine. The turbine is located below you - you can see it from the place you've spoken with the thieves. The object is protected by a small group of guards. Those guards will have a key that can be used to open the gate (you can use it only from the southern side), or you can open the door yourself, provided that you have level 2 of Locks.

The parts are located in the corner, next to barrels. Take them to the thieves. They will direct you to their boss (and your target) - he can be found in Valles Marineris. He is quite a difficult enemy, accompanied by his underlings - you should take them out as quickly as possible. Afterwards, get back to your client.
Bloody revenge
Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, positive or negative reputation with the Vory, see the end of this chapter
How to unlock: talk to the Local mob boss during quest A worm in the apple, but before you actually fight him (i.e. before you complete the main objective).
- Find out who is killing the pimps
- Examine the corpses of the pimps in Valles marineris
- Interrogate the prostitutes
- Interrogate the violent client
- Discreetly follow the prostitute
- Spy on the discussion
- Speak with the prostitutes
- Confront the local mob boss
Note - this quest serves as a supplementary one for quest A worm in the apple. Receive this quest from the mob boss, before you chase him out of the city.

After the quest starts, go to Valles marineris, into the cave. You will be attacked by moles. After that, you can loot the corpses. You can find them on the ground by the North-Eastern wall and they are quite difficult to spot among the stones - use the torchlight to see better. After you have examined two of the bodies, you will have received the information and you can return to Noctis.

You will have to interrogate three prostitutes. One of them is in the market place, another one by the palace, after you climb up the first flight of stairs and the last one is inside the palace, across from your room. Now, you will have to walk over the steel floor at the floor above the market place, where you find one of the clients in the passage. Use Science to prove him guilty, or use force to make him confess.

Now, you will have to follow the prostitute. You will have to follow the one on the stairs by the palace. Crouch behind the barrier above her and start following her when Zachariah tells you to. This will take around a minute. You do not have to sneak or even follow her closely.

She will take you to the hideout, where you have to give the correct password. You do not have to remember it and your character will do it for you, after he hears it from the prostitute that you are following (stand by the opposite wall behind the crates and crouch). Then, approach the wall that the prostitute talked by and press in the interaction button. As a result, a ladder will slide down. Climb up to talk.
At this point, you will have to complete quest A worm in the apple, i,e, chase the mob boss out of the city. Afterwards, return to the girls.

If you want to help them, go to Slums to kill the mob boss, instead of throwing him away. You will find him at the upper floor in the bar, where he will be alone. After you deal with him, get Serum from him. Then, return to the girls (-4 rep. the Vory).
Refuse to cooperate with the prostitutes to receive (+2 rep. the Vory). At this point, you will also have to return to the mob boss in Slums, but only to report back to him.
Note - as a result of killing the mob boss, you may be unable to take on some of the side quests.
Rewards for completing the quest: 1000 EXP, 150 Serum
How to unlock: complete Contraband and talk to Dandolo
- Ask the merchant to take the team in caravan
- Hide in the sand sail
- Foil the ambush and protect the merchant
- Report back to Dandolo
- Find the spy lurking in Noctis
- Go back to see Dandolo

In this quest, you will have to talk to one of the citizens standing next to Scott. Then, get into the sand sail. You will travel to Valles merineris, where you immediately start a fight. It does not take too long and afterwards, you will return on the sail into the city. Go to Dandolo to receive further instructions.

You have to find a spy. The man you are looking for is dressed in green and standing below the palace stairs, in the corner of the square. After you talk to him, he will attack. However, he is not too demanding an opponent and you will quickly face a choice:
- kill the spy - +1 rep. Noctis;
- Do not kill the spy and tell Dandolo the truth - no changes to your reputation;
- Do not kill the spy and lie to Dandolo - -1 rep. Noctis.
Holy theft
Rewards for completing the quest: depending on the decisions that you make, see the end of the chapter
How to unlock: talk to Vicar, while The Vory are in the city (the active quest A worm in the apple and later, provided you do not kill the mob boss in Bloody revenge, you can also start this quest during Under threat.
- Interrogate the leader of the Noctis Vory
- Interrogate the member of the congregation
- Find the stolen Serum
- Optional: Give the serum to Dandolo

After you have talked to the Vicar, go to the boss of the local mob near the city gate. Then, go towards the palace. There, one of the traders in the corner will provide you with further information (you cannot trade with him).

The final part of this quest is the return of the Vicar. You have to climb onto the podium behind his back, but the guards will not let you in. Approach the other edge of the podium where you can climb up. After you have eliminated the guards, open the flat crate on the floor (Lockpicking level 2). Inside, you find the stolen Serum. Now, return to the Vicar, where you can do one of the following:
- Return the Serum to the Vicar - 1000 EXP, 200 Serum, -3 rep. Noctis;
- Do not return the Serum to the Vicar - 500 EXP, 500 Serum, -3 rep. Noctis;
- Tell Dandolo about Vicar and give him the Serum - +3 rep. Noctis.
Scott's son
Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP, +3 rep. Amelia
How to unlock: talk to Amelia after the rover is fixed (in Back on track), after you have completed The explorer's father side quest from the previous chapter.
- Let Scott go and take the Amelia onto the team
- Find information on Scott's son
- Search the Ophir archives

This quest is short, and it consists of two stages only. In the first phase, talk to Dandolo after you receive the quest from Amelia. You have to take her along for this quest, but without Scott. You will have to search the Ophir archives for more information. You find it in exchange, near the bungalows.

Of course, the entrance is heavily guarded and inside, there also are several guards. Find the marked locker and harvest the data, thanks to which you end this quest.
Weapons for the mutant nation
Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP
How to unlock: talk to Phobos after you complete quest Back on track and Souvenir for a mother from chapter I.
- Equip your team with Noctis merchant's overcoat
- Go to the meeting with the Aurora quartermaster
- Negotiate for the merchandise

Talk to Phobos, as soon as you gain access to the rover - you find it among the rest of the team members. Earlier, you should complete Souvenir for a mother from chapter I.

Go to the trader by the city gates. Buy 3 Noctis traders overcoats (unless you already have some, buy as many as you need), they are quite expensive, because 3 coats are 855 Serum. Give them to your team members.

With Phobos and any other team member, go to Shadow path. At the end of the rocky corridor, you find your contact that you have to strike a deal with. There are three dialogue options to choose from:
- Use Charisma and convince him - +3 rep. Phopbos;
- Talk about other corporations by omitting Abundance -> Alliance's spirit of scientific inquiry - +3 rep. Phobos;
- Talk about other corporations by omitting Abundance -> minimize Alliance's technological edge - -2 rep. Phobos;
- Talk about mercenary market - -2 rep. Phobos.
Rewards for completing the quest: you will be rewarded for each monster you kill: a total of 2000 EXP and 900 Serum
How to unlock: talk to Zoologist
- Kill a strom locust
- Give the storm locust glands
- Kill a black mole
- Give the black mole samples
- Kill the shield toad
- Give the shield toad skin

In the Prince's palace, to the left of the stairs to the upper level, there is the Zoologist - or he will find you, because he will be calling on you from afar. He has a special three-part quest for you, where you have to find unique monsters in specific spots kill them and harvest samples.

The first monster is Storm locust. You find it in Sewers in Ophir, alongside other monsters of the same type. Keep vigilant here, because the monster itself is tougher than the rest of them and its energy attacks can deal much more damage. A good way is to fight at long range and eliminate the smaller creatures, whenever possible. Try using traps and your pistol. Unfortunately, technomancer magic is of little use here. - the monsters are highly resistant to electricity. After the fight, search the corpse to obtain the gland. Take it to the Zoologist to receive another part of the quest. Also, you will receive 150 Serum.
Note - you receive the key to the Sewers after the first meeting with Dandolo.

Your next target is Black mole. You will find it in Valles marineris, in caves outside of the city. These creatures, for a change, are highly vulnerable to electricity. Also, your traps may come in handy here, because the target is surrounded by a sizeable group of smaller moles. Again, harvest the gland and take it back to the Zoologist to receive 300 Serum.

The final objective - Shield toad - you find it in Canyon. To get there, you first have to fix the rover Back on track. You visit this location on your way to rescue Scott in Scott has disappeared.
You find the toad in the North-Western part of the location. Simply, follow the canyon to the left, after you get out of the rover. This time, the monster is all by itself, but it is very dangerous. Its attacks are exceptionally strong, it is tough and it spits acid. Try to beat it up at a distance, as much as possible.
Scott has disappeared
Rewards for completing the quest: 500 EXP, +3 rep. Scott
How to unlock: this quest becomes available after you return from Caravanserai, after quest In search of the lost dome
- Investigate Scott's disappearance
- Find Scott in the Canyon
- Rescue Scott

You will receive preliminary information about Scott's disappearance from Dandolo. You will have to wait for him to find out more about what has happened. To receive supplementary information, more or less, you will have to wait for as long as for the tablet to be deciphered in Patience.

Dandolo will take you to another temporary location Canyon. In there, you will also find the shield toad for the quest from the Zoologist (you will be visiting this location on several other occasions). Jump down from the rock into the wider part of the canyon and go right. In the distance, you will spot a wall that you have to jump over to find Scott. The Vory will not give him up without fight, which is why you have to eliminate them in the first place. After the fight, Scott will be free and you can keep traveling with him.
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