So Close, So Far | World 1 The Talos Principle Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Firstly, pick up the connector and place it on the plate by the fan, in order to activate it.
In the second area use the recorder and stay on the plate by the fan for about 10-15 seconds. In the meantime of your copy activating the fan, move to the first area.
Move the connector so that it points onto the, blue transmitter, first button and the second button in the second area, and place them on the pressure plate. Remember that you will have to return to the second area before the end of the recording.
In the second area take the second connector. Record yourself again doing the exact same thing. With the connector in your hands, go to the first area and direct the connector into the red button. Place the connector that you've just obtained onto the plate by the fan and return to the second area. Record yourself one more time just so you can return to the first area to retrieve the connector placed on the pressure plate (the copy of it will be created when you pick it up).
The last phase: You will have to record yourself as long as it is possible in case of any mistake which would force you to restart. Turn on the recorder, pick up the fan and place it on the plate which opens the gate. Pick up the connector and direct it onto the red transmitter. Stand on the plate of the fan and wait for 20 seconds, after that, finish the recording.
While the recording is playing, pick up the connector and when your copy sets up the sources, redirect them through the window into the other side, into the second connector. When your copy stands on the fan's plate, go to the opposite side and press the button behind the gate.