Dungeon's beginning
Descent to level 2
Descent to level 2
The door ahead
Descent to level 3
The beginning of level 3
Entrance to Ker-Thal
The beginning of Ker-Thal
Descent to Ker-Thal - level 2
Ker -Thal - the beginning of level 2
Descent to Ker-Thal - level 3
The beginning of Ker-Thal - level 3
The first note - not required
The second note - not required
The first fragment of the Seal of the Solar Sigil
The second fragment of the Seal of the Solar Sigil.
The third fragment of the Seal of the Solar Sigil.
The third note - not required
The fourth fragment of the Seal of the Solar Sigil.
The slot for the Solar Sigil.
Password: Michael
After defeating Markus Wolf (1) a cutscene begins. Now you have to follow captain Crag. Near the body of Markus go back a bit and choose one of ways to the second (2) level of the Guardhouse.
Once you get to the second level (3) go forwards walking on the middle (4), because paths on sides are closed. Elves appear again and this time they are supported by mages. Try to eliminate them first.
After a while you'll get for sure to one (5) of entrances to the third level.
First fight with Faceless - it is not so bad
Here (6) you'll encounter Elves along with Faceless and Shadow Watchers.
In the middle you'll have to face Faceless. Kill him because he is not very tough opponent for the team about 30th level of experience and go by him to the descent (7).
Once you get in Ker-Thal (8) you'll see captain's Crag body. You can go left, but you'll find there only Dark Magic resistance shrine, or go right in order to get to the passage to the second level of Ker-Thal(9).
There are not much forks on the second level
On the second level (10) there are no riddles. But the corridor you have to go through is very long and you'll be attacked by many monsters there. Each fight looks the same. It is best to use area spells as well as area healing. All strengthening spells will also help you defeating enemies. Do not spare potions but save rests for the third level, because you will need them there. Keep going ahead until you get to the descent to third level (11).
You'll finally encounter Dunstun there (12), who doesn't look nice and inconspicuous as on the game beginning. Go to the right and take one of torn pages (13).
Erebos/Dunstan in the real form
Now you have to watch out, because on the bridge you won't be safe and Erebos will be appearing often near you. Several powerful attacks are enough to get rid of him but he can also deal some damage. Go to the first chamber and defeat Elves there. Take the second page (14) and go to the next room to get the first piece of the sun seal (15).
It is worth mentioning that you are safe only in such rooms and you can heal your wounds there by resting.
Go to the bridge again and move to the room on southeast (16). Now head to the one east from this room (17) and west from it (19). In the last room you can find the third page (18). Remember that in each room around 20 opponents will await you. They have the same power as previously but there are many of them, so prepare for long fights.
Here you activate the seal
Once you have all pieces, you have to go to the platform in the middle (20) to activate the seal. There are four Faceless ones next to the mechanism, but you'll be able to rest before inserting the seal. When you insert the seal, you'll have to enter the name to activate the system.
This name is: Michael
Congratulations, you just have completed the main story plot. You can continue exploring the world.