Dungeon's beginning
Dragon battle
The battle (does not need to be fought) with the Dark Elf leader
Watchtower entrance
The beginning of the watchtower
Mode one
Mode two
Two levers on the sides
The fight with Marcus
After the visit in the tomb, Morgan will want to start the battle of Karthal and save his own granddaughter. Go to the Crag to ask the Pirates' boss for the help.
Once you get there but everything you need, because you won't be able to return here until the mission ends. You should but Resurrection scrolls. It is also worth to take a druid with you so you can quickly resurrect your team members. You can also spend all gold you have on healing and mana potions, because you'll use them constantly. Buy many supplies and use them wisely until starting the quest "The Master of Assassins".
When Crag heard that it is about his granddaughter, he had immediately mobilized the army. He will await you at the harbor.
Go to the harbor at The Crag and talk to Orc there. Once you step on the ship, the battle begins.
First boss - the dragon
You will appear in Karthal (1) already in the battle and you'll have to face Dark Elves as opponents. They are very vulnerable to light magic, so if you have such spells, you should use them. They will attack you at once. After defeating the first wave, go ahead. Prepare to fight a Great Dragon (2). He hits very hard and also poisons his opponents, to it is good to use regeneration no to waste time for healing each party member.
After defeating him, move ahead until you encounter next enemy soldiers. It is best to get to some corner, so they can attack you only from one or two sides. When you defeat them, you'll talk to an elf (3), which you met once in the Elemental Forge. If you answer with dialog options 1 to 4, he will attack you. But if you choose option 5, then he will commit a suicide. This is unfortunately not possible with the current version of the game (bug), because he still stands there and you can't bypass him. So choose any option from 1 to 4.
In this fight it is worth to get to the temple door
The fight with him is not a problem. Spells work well against him, but melee hits are not as good. Each successful block adds him additional attack, so it would be good to use attacks, which can't be dodged. After the fight enter the Guardhouse (5).
Inside you'll find the town ruler, Markus Wolf. He will flee immediately and you'll be welcomed by the Black Guards and mages. In order to move forward you have to switch two gears (6 and 7), so you'll be able to pull the levers (8) and open the next door.
In the next room you'll encounter Markus Wolf again. But he will flee once more and call the Guards.
Here is Markus Wolf, who falls after one hit
An army of enemies will attack you. Try to have a wall from at least one side of you, because if they surround you, you'll have a tough time. It is worth to use such spells as Fire Breath, which deals damage to all enemies in one line.
And regeneration is a base to survive.
Once you defeat the army, move south. You can drink fountain water along your way. After walking over the corridor and killing enemy survivors, you'll be able to finally fight Markus Wolf (9). Unfortunately he will fall after the first hit. Now you can decide whether to kill or stun him.