Accessing the Boyle Estate building | Mission 5 - Lady Boyle's Last Party Dishonored Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
There are three different ways in which you can access the Boyle Estate building. The most obvious one is through the main door.
You can also use the ballroom door. You will not profit from this, however, because you can move freely around the Estate's ground floor.
The least obvious variant is to reach the bedroom door on the upper balcony. To do that, you need to access the upper level of the guards quarters and teleport over to the balcony (the above screenshot), and go around or eliminate the guard there by killing or choking him.
Note - if you just want to focus on finding the right Boyle Lady, skip to the subsection entitled Identify your target. Otherwise, I recommend that you take a look at the optional subsections entitled Explore the basement and the ground floor of the Estate and Explore the Boyle Estate's first floor,