Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list


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On this page, you will find the trophy guide to Deathloop, which contains very detailed descriptions of all the achievements available in the game. You'll learn which activities and challenges you will have to complete to earn each trophy and how to meet the achievement requirements in order to receive the platinum trophy in Deathloop.

General trophy information

  1. Deathloop features 55 obtainable trophies - 1 platinum (available only on the PS5), 1 gold, 11 silver and 42 bronze.
  2. Almost all trophies are related to Colt's campaign, that is, the story campaign. 2 trophies require online play and are tied to playing as Julianna. Fortunately, both multiplayer trophies can be obtained in a few minutes without much effort.
  3. You need to finish Colt's campaign only once. There are no trophies associated with choices or endings. Additionally, after completing the main storyline you can still finish sidequests and explore the island.
  4. Most of the trophies are obtained for progressing through the game, that is, finishing main quests and side quests (leads), killing Visionaries in various ways, collecting unique gear and abilities. There also exist trophies regarding creative usage of your powers or completing missions with unusual requirements (for example, without using any gear). None of them are particularly difficult though.

Into Eternity

How to unlock: Earn all other trophies.

Trophy type: platinum

Comment: The platinum trophy is only available on the PS5 version.

Nowhere To Run To

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, eliminate Julianna while she is invading your timeline - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, eliminate Julianna while she is invading your timeline.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This achievement can be earned very early in the campaign and you practically can't miss it, because Julianna repeatedly attacks Colt during the main storyline.

You should get the trophy while Julianna is still being controlled by the AI, as it will be much easier to defeat her and her behavior should be more predictable. For more tips on how to deal with the antagonist, check out the Julianna Blake page in the Bosses chapter.

Nowhere To Hide

How to unlock: While playing as Julianna, eliminate Colt - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: While playing as Julianna, eliminate Colt.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy requires you to play online, because you can only play as Julianna when attacking other players' timelines. To do this, select the Protect The Loop option from the main menu - it becomes available after you complete the entire campaign introduction as Colt.

We've discussed in detail how to play the game as Julianna on the Invasions - what are they? page. The described achievement isn't difficult to obtain, because all you need to do is kill another player once after invading their world.

One Perfect Day

How to unlock: Complete "Ending It".

Trophy type: gold

Comment: Ending It is the final mission (lead) available when playing as Colt. You will find a detailed walkthrough of this quest in our game guide and you can't miss this trophy.

It's important to remember that after arriving at the final battle, you can choose any ending of the game. You will obtain this achievement either way.

Welcome to Blackreef

How to unlock: Complete "The Longest Day".

Trophy type: silver

Comment: The Longest Day is the first mission (lead) you will need to complete while playing as Colt. You will find a detailed walkthrough of this quest in our game guide and you can't miss this trophy.

Baby, You're a Firework

How to unlock Complete "The Ballad of Ramblin’ Frank".

Trophy type: silver

Comment: The Ballad of Ramblin ' Frank is one of the visionary leads (main quests) available when playing as Colt. You will find a detailed walkthrough of this quest in our game guide and you can't miss this trophy.


How to unlock: Complete "Lost in Transmission".

Trophy type: silver

Comment: Lost in Transmission is one of the visionary leads (main quests) available when playing as Colt. You will find a detailed walkthrough of this quest in our game guide and you can't miss this trophy.

Dangerous Liaison

How to unlock Complete "Afternoon Delight".

Trophy type: silver

Comment: Afternoon Delight is one of the visionary leads (main quests) available when playing as Colt. You will find a detailed walkthrough of this quest in our game guide and you can't miss this trophy.

An Offer She Can't Refuse

How to unlock Complete "What Wenjies Want".

Trophy type: silver

Comment: What Wenjies Want is one of the visionary leads (main quests) available when playing as Colt. You will find a detailed walkthrough of this quest in our game guide and you can't miss this trophy.

Beyond the Horizon

How to unlock Complete "Radio Silence".

Trophy type: silver

Comment: Radio Silence is one of the visionary leads (main quests) available when playing as Colt. You will find a detailed walkthrough of this quest in our game guide and you can't miss this trophy.

Gooooood Morning, Blackreef!

How to unlock Escape to Updaam.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You will unlock this trophy automatically during Colt's campaign (The Longest Day). When you start a new game at Manor Cliffs, you must complete all the required steps to learn the door code and unlock passage to the Updaam district.

All The Live-Long Day

How to unlock: Survive all 4 time periods in one day - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Survive all 4 time periods in one day.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: There is a good chance that you will get this achievement during the prologue. Colt must survive all 4 times of the day - morning, midday, afternoon and evening. You should get the trophy at the end of the day, before reaching the transition window to the next day.

If you die "irrevocably" in the middle of the day (i.e. without the option to use Reprise to revive Colt), then you will have to try to earn the trophy again during the next Loop.

Die, Die, and Die Again

How to unlock: After acquiring Reprise, die for real - at least until the next Loop - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: After acquiring Reprise, die for real - at least until the next Loop.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy is easy to get early in the game and you basically can't miss it. There are two ways to earn it:

  1. Let Colt die three times in the same island district - During the first two tries, you will be saved by the Reprise ability. The third death will be final.
  2. Try to complete the Ubiquity lead. In its final part, Colt will "deliberately" die to learn how to obtain the Residuum resource (this moment is pictured in the attached screenshot), which should earn you the achievement.

Dead Drop

How to unlock Absorb Residuum from a body - like some kind of temporal sponge - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock Absorb Residuum from a body - like some kind of temporal sponge.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You can complete this achievement at any time after completing the Ubiquity mission, i.e. once you have learned how to obtain the Residuum resource.

You can't absorb residuum from the corpses of regular enemies. Instead, kill any of the 8 visionaries, stand by their corpses, and hold the interact button.

Pieces Of Eight

How to unlock: Kill Frank while playing as Colt. Or Charlie. Or Fia. Or Wenjie. Or Aleksis. Or Harriet. Egor will do as well.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You can't miss this achievement because it involves eliminating any visionary (boss) except Julianna. Check out the Bosses chapter of our guide to learn where to find the visionaries and how to eliminate them.

Ensemble Tragedy

How to unlock Kill each visionary at least once.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is another trophy you can't miss, because you will need to eliminate each visionary at least once to complete Colt's campaign. You can kill them in any order and using any method.

Alpha Burger

How to unlock Kill Aleksis with his own meat grinder - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock Kill Aleksis with his own meat grinder.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: We've described in detail how to identify and eliminate Aleksis using the meat grinder located under the trapdoor on the Identifying Aleksis - how? page.

As a reminder, you need to visit the masquerade in Updaam (in the evening), find Aleksis (he has two orange weapons attached to his belt) and use the trap button when he starts his speech on the podium.

Power Chord

How to unlock Kill Frank using a Slab - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock Kill Frank using a Slab. Take a bow.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: To obtain this trophy, you will have to take out Frank in his club, which is a part of the Ballad of Ramblin’ Frank lead - you will find its walkthrough in our game guide.

If you want to kill Frank with a Slab, you have to:

1) Equip Colt with Karnesis (one of the offensive abilities).

2) Reach the Fristad Rock district (in the morning) and infiltrate the club without using the ClassPass that prevents your character from using their powers. You need to reach the caves under the club (pictured above) as this passageway will allow your character to infiltrate the club without losing their powers.

3) Use Karnesis to murder Frank - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

3) Use Karnesis to murder Frank. You may first weaken the Visionary with a few firearm shots or use Karnesis on him several times, making sure you deal the killing blow with Karnesis.

You may also additionally upgrade Karnesis' combat capabilities before you head to Frank's club.

Judgment Day

How to unlock Kill Harriet with poisonous gas.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Game Over

How to unlock: Kill Charlie within the rules of the "Condition Detachment" game.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Quantum Solution

How to unlock: Kill all versions of Wenjie within 90 seconds - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Kill all versions of Wenjie within 90 seconds. Simple.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You will encounter different versions / copies of Dr. Wenjie Evans for the first time when visiting the Complex district in the afternoon during the Ubiquity mission. However, you can also return to this place later in the campaign. For more information, check the Wenjie Evans page in the Bosses chapter.

In order to earn this trophy, we recommend selecting a good offensive weapon and playing aggressively. Subsequent copies are marked with unique icons, and you have quite a number of them to kill. Reach them quickly by sprinting and dispose of them. When attacking Wenije don't let the sensors detect you and don't get too close to the turrets.

Not-So-Invisible Man

How to unlock: Kill Egor when he is under the influence of a nullifier.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Didn't See It Coming

How to unlock: Kill Fia without causing a deadly reaction - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Kill Fia without causing a deadly reaction.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy is earned by taking out Fia in her personal bunker. We've described the infiltration of the bunker in the Fristad Rock district (at midday) in more detailed in our game guide, on the Afternoon Delight lead walkthrough page.

Keep in mind that once you enter Fia's bunker, you need to sneak (use the Aether and Shift abilities) to avoid triggering the alarm and prevent Fia from deliberately overloading the reactor. You must sneak into the upper control room and then into the adjacent rooms, which belong to Fia. This will allow you to sneak up behind the visionary and kill her with a sneak attack.

Violent Delights

How to unlock Kill Charlie and Fia with one bullet.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Ghost At The Feast

How to unlock: Kill 3 targets at Aleksis' party without being seen - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Kill 3 targets at Aleksis' party without being seen. Leave Updaam knowing that you made the party so much better.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This trophy requires some preparation. We've described how to get 3 visionaries to appear at the masquerade in the Updaam district (in the evening) on the Ending It page in our walkthrough. As a reminder:

  1. Aleksis is always at the masquerade.
  2. Egor will appear in the castle if you complete the Lost in Transmission lead on the same day.
  3. Dr. Wenjie will appear in the castle once you complete the What Wenjies Want lead.
Additionally, avoiding being spotted will be much more difficult - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

Additionally, avoiding being spotted will be much more difficult. You can dispose of Aleksis by opening the trapdoor and eliminating him in an accident. Unfortunately, there's no sneaky way to eliminate Egor and Wenjie. Try to carefully kill or lure away the regular eternalists accompanying them. The Aether and Shift powers will be very useful here, as will weapons with a silencer. Lead to a situation in which Wenjie and Egor are left alone in a certain part of the castle (e.g. on the roof or balcony). This will allow you attack them from the back and kill them from stealth.

Forever Yours

How to unlock: Infuse a Slab.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Infusing objects requires Residuum, and we've described this process in detail on the Keeping powers and weapons - how? page. Obtain any Slab (power) by defeating one of the visionaries and after returning to the tunnels, spend Residuum to infuse it in order to keep it permanently.

Spare No Expense

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, obtain all Slab upgrades - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, obtain all Slab upgrades.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This is the continuation of the aforementioned Forever Yours trophy. After unlocking and infusing one of the powers (Slabs), you can then start to acquire its upgrades. This is done by eliminating the same Visionary or Julianna again (in this case, the rewards are random).

Each of the powers in the game has 4 available upgrades. You need to unlock and infuse them, i.e. buy them with Residuum.

Rip and Tear

How to unlock: Deal a lot of damage to Eternalists with one use of Havoc when playing as Colt - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Deal a lot of damage to Eternalists with one use of Havoc when playing as Colt.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is a slab (power)-related trophy. We've described the Havoc power in more detail on the Best powers page in our guide.

For this trophy, it's best to purchase the Withdrawal upgrade aside from putting Havoc into an active slot. It allows you to renew your power bar by attacking your opponents, and thus, you'll be able to attack them longer within a single slab use. Choose any larger enemy group as the target of the attack, e.g. guests and guards of the masquerade ball in Aleksis's manor.

Blink Of An Eye

How to unlock: Move an enemy onto a mine with the Shift power when playing as Colt - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Move an enemy onto a mine with the Shift power when playing as Colt.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is a slab (power)-related trophy. We've described how to use the Shift power and others in more detail on the page Best powers in the guide.

Aside from setting Shift as an active power, purchase its Swapper upgrade. It allows you to switch places with a selected opponent. To do so, you need to:

  1. sneak up on any opponent to get within the Shift range,
  2. plant a proximity mine where Colt is,
  3. teleport to the chosen Eternalist to switch places with them.

Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: PAIN

How to unlock: As Colt, transmit damage over more than 20 meters using Nexus - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: As Colt, transmit damage over more than 20 meters using Nexus.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is a slab (power)-related trophy. we've described how to use the Nexus power and others in more detail on the Best powers page in our guide.

Aside from setting Shift as an active power, purchase its Influence upgrade, which allows for new connections to form between enemies autonomously. This will create a "network of connections" between Eternalists that are fare from one another, and when you hit one, the damage will start transferring to other connected enemies.

Death Is In The Air

How to unlock: As Colt, achieve 3 airborne headshots on enemies you’ve launched using Karnesis - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: As Colt, achieve 3 airborne headshots on enemies you’ve launched using Karnesis.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is a slab (power)-related trophy. We've described how to use the Karnesis power and others in more detail on the page Best powers in the guide.

Aside from setting Karnesis as an active power, purchase its Suspension upgrade which, as its name suggests, allows you to suspend the attacked enemy in mid-air. This will allow you to aim at their head with a firearm. Do this again on 2 more opponents.

Don't Mind Me

How to unlock: While using Aether as Colt, kill 3 enemies without alerting the nearby ones - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: While using Aether as Colt, kill 3 enemies without alerting the nearby ones.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: To get this trophy, we suggest obtaining any firearm with a silencer. The example in the picture above shows LIMP-10, which can (but doesn't have to) be left behind by the boss Aleksis.

Having a silenced weapon will make it very easy for you to get the achievement - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

Having a silenced weapon will make it very easy for you to get the achievement. When you're in locations full of enemies, reach the shelves or balconies above them. Activate Aether try to attack single enemies with the silenced weapon before the camouflage wears off; aim at their heads to make sure that a single shot will do it.

If you don't have a silenced weapon, we recommend sneaking a lot and using Aether just before a stealth attack with the machete.

Dressing Down

Unlocking method: As Julianna, disguise yourself as Colt using Masquerade - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

Unlocking method: As Julianna, disguise yourself as Colt using Masquerade.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy requires you to play online, because you can only play as Julianna when attacking other players' timelines. To do this, select the Protect The Loop option from the main menu - it becomes available after you complete the entire campaign introduction as Colt.

This achievement requires you to use the Masquerade power/slab, which is available only to Julianna. During gameplay, find the player who controls Colt and use the power on him instead of attacking him. This way, you'll steal his appearance.

For Every Occasion

How to unlock: Take 36 different Trinkets into the field with you while playing as Colt - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Take 36 different Trinkets into the field with you while playing as Colt.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: It's good to remember about this trophy since the very beginning of Colt's campaign. Try to collect as many character and weapon trinkets found in the game world and collected from defeated enemies. Keep them in active slots and take them with you on your next expeditions. You can also buy them for Residuum to have more freedom as to when you wan to use them.

Spoiled For Choice

How to unlock: Infuse one of each type of weapon - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Infuse one of each type of weapon.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Keep this achievement in mind from the moment you complete the Ubiquity mission, after which you'll unlock the option to infuse your weapons with Residuum.

We recommend taking 1 or 2 weapons with you to always have at least 1 slot free. This will allow you to return to the tunnels with the weapons you found to infuse them.

Below we've listed all the kinds of weapons needed for this trophy. In case of ordinary weapons, you can look for them in the game world and infuse any one you wish to (only one firearm for each weapon type).

  1. legendary Constancy Automatic pistol - finish the All Night Long arsenal lead
  2. legendary Strelak Verso pistols - finish the In This Together arsenal lead
  3. legendary Heritage Gun shotgun - finish the Super Shifty arsenal lead
  4. legendary Sepulchra Breteira sniper rifle - finish the Keep On Giving arsenal lead
  5. Fourpounder pistol
  6. Tribunal pistol
  7. Limp-10 submachine gun
  8. MG-1 Pepper Mill machine gun
  9. PT-6 Spiker nail gun
  10. Strelak 50-50 shotgun
  11. Vopat Trencher shotgun
  12. Rapier rifle

The Spice of Life

How to unlock: When playing as Colt, die in every possible way. Drown. Choke on poison gas. Succumb to fatal depressurization. Get blown up. Shot. Stabbed. Ground up. Fried by the rocket. Oh, and obliterated by a reactor. Have fun!

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Bling Bling Bang Bang

How to unlock: Equip a loadout worth more than 45100 Residuum - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Equip a loadout worth more than 45100 Residuum.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: You should fulfill this trophy's requirements rather easily later in the campaign. Remember to equip Colt with gear of the highest possible quality (purple), and to install the maximum allowed number of upgrades, which also count towards the overall equipment worth.

Full Deck

How to unlock: Kill a Visionary using a full loadout, without any empty slots or sockets. Escape the map.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy is similar to the Bling Bling Bang Bang trophy described above. You must have:

  1. 4 character trinkets placed in active slots.
  2. 3 firearms in active slots and the maximum number of upgrades for each of them.
  3. 2 powers (Reprise doesn't count) in active slots and the maximum number of upgrades for each one.

Know Your Enemy

How to unlock: Complete one AEON dossier - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Complete one AEON dossier.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: AEON Profiles is a category of collectibles in Deathloop. You can find the subsequent documents e.g. in places where you kill the Visionaries. Make sure that in the end, you will have at least 1 Profile on each of them.

The G. O. D. of O. S. P.)

How to unlock: Enter a map with an empty loadout and kill all Visionaries present. Escape the map. Wash your hands.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is one of the trophies related to killing the Visionaries in an unusual way.

To get it, you have to empty all active slots and remove all firearm types, all active powers and all trinkets. Note, however, that the trophy doesn't prohibit collecting weapons from enemies or a loot found on the map. Get some weapons and engage in conventional combat and/or sneaking without using powers. For the Visionary you need to kill, choose e.g. Harriet or Wenjie (in the first location, which is her lab in the Complex).

Mightier Than The Gun

How to unlock: Kill all Visionaries in a map – and make it to the exit – without using a gun.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is one of the trophies related to killing the Visionaries in an unusual way.

Meeting the requirements of this trophy is very simple. Choose the Afternoon Delights Lead, and specifically killing Charlie and Fia during their meeting in the second bunker on Fristad Rock. Don't attack the Eternalists along the way at all, and once you get to the bunker, kill the visionaries by flooding it. Run to the exit, again not engaging in any combat with regular enemies.

Silent Disco

How to unlock: Get in and out of a map without being spotted – and kill all Visionaries present - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Get in and out of a map without being spotted – and kill all Visionaries present.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is one of the trophies related to killing the Visionaries in an unusual way.

For this trophy, you can e.g. quietly get rid of Aleksis by eliminating using the trapdoor. If you're not good at sneaking, you can repeat the Ending It finale, where you'll see the skull icon and you'll be able to eliminate Julianna by execution. This will be enough to get the achievement.

Only The Guilty

How to unlock: Kill all Visionaries present in a map and escape without killing any Eternalists.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Check out the description of the Mightier Than The Gun trophy. You can use the method described there to unlock this achievement as well.

Clean Sweep

How to unlock Kill everyone at a given time of day and escape - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock Kill everyone at a given time of day and escape.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: For this trophy, you can go to e.g. The Complex district in the evening to deal with Egor during the Lost in Transmission Lead.

To get this achievement you need to kill all enemies in a district, that is, the Visionary and all Eternalists (regular enemies). Thoroughly explore the district after finishing combat to make sure you've eliminated everyone, as the trophy only unlocks once you interact with the tunnels entrance.

You Only Die Once

Unlocking method: Finish an entire loop while wearing a ClassPass - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

Unlocking method: Finish an entire loop while wearing a ClassPass.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: As a reminder, ClassPass is the name of the pass that doesn't allow you to use your powers (slabs). For this achievement, visit the Fristad Rock district in the morning and use one of the ClassPass stations located in front of the entrance to Frank's club.

When you get your pass, go back to the tunnels. For the following parts of day (midday, afternoon, evening) follow this pattern:

  1. go to any of the four available districts,
  2. after arriving to the district immediately turn around, 180 degrees,
  3. interact with the exit and return to the tunnels.

You should get the achievement once you use the exit during the evening. Unfortunately you can't skip the times of the day by speeding up the passage of time.

Play It Again, Colt

How to unlock: After finishing the game once, kill all Visionaries in a map and escape.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is a very simple trophy. After completing the Ending It finale, you will be able to continue the game. Go back to any of the Visionary locations, e.g. to Karl's Bary, where you need to kill only Harriet.

Clean-ish Hands

How to unlock: Kill all Visionaries – and no Eternalists – in a single loop.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: This is one of the trophies related to killing the Visionaries in an unusual way. Try to get this trophy only after proceeding to the Ending It finale, to have the chance to kill all bosses within a single day.

Here are some important aspects:

  1. In Harriet's case, wait until the show with her is over, so you can easily kill her in her quarters in Hangar 2.
  2. Avoid the Eternalists on the way to the fireworks container - it's best to move along the hangar rooftops.
  3. While sabotaging Egor's experiment, look for an opportunity to distract the eternalists so you can move the suitcase and complete the puzzle with no issues. You can also use Aether until the Nullifier is activated.
  4. As you infiltrate the Updaam masquerade, shoot Egor and Wenjie with a sniper rifle, so that you can more easily escape on the rooftops from ordinary enemies.
  5. Then, kill Julianna in the very endgame.

A Charlie Montague Game

How to unlock: Prove you’re a real gamer by winning Charlie’s Wake Up Challenge, Reward Scheme, the Moxie, Haul-A-Quinn, and the Yerhva.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.

Cooking With Gas

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, ignite a gas cloud while someone is inside it - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, ignite a gas cloud while someone is inside it.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy isn't too difficult, as the green clouds of poisonous gas explode after shooting them with any firearm. The only problem is finding a perfect spot to eliminate an enemy in this way.

Visit Updaam (midday) and head to Charlie's hideout. After entering the castle you'll find an area with poison gas on the ground floor - there should be an enemy standing there (as shown on the picture above). Quickly shoot in his direction to make the gas explode. The eternalist will die, rewarding you with the trophy.

Sugar Crash

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, use candy to gain a tactical advantage - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, use candy to gain a tactical advantage.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This trophy is related to the candy machines found in different parts of the island. You can easily unlock the trophy by visiting Updaam during the morning and examining the Candy Bar building to the left of the tunnel exit. Inside you will find rows of candy machines (picture above) - shoot them or kick them over.

After the candy scatters on the floor, open the back door and alarm the enemies standing there. Step back inside and let the eternalists run into the building - they'll slip on the scattered candy and fall over.

Residual Earnings

How to unlock: Absorb more than 20000 Residuum in a map - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Absorb more than 20000 Residuum in a map.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: Though it may not seem so, this trophy is easy, because each defeated Visionary leaves 10000 Residuum behind. You can, for example, kill 2 visionaries who always are in a given district, or 1 Visionary and Julianna after she unexpectedly attacks you.

Chop Chop

How to unlock: Kill 3 enemies with the machete in 10 seconds - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Kill 3 enemies with the machete in 10 seconds.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: You should be able to get this trophy easily. Choose any location with 3 opponents, preferably one where the enemies are facing in different directions and won't be alerted quickly. Try to kill the first one in a stealth attack, and then quickly run to the other two and execute them with a melee weapon.

Old Habits Die Hard

How to unlock: Enter 0451 on a keypad - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: Enter 0451 on a keypad.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: This is another very simple trophy. You can find keypads on all doors that have electronic locks. You'll find the first such door in the prologue on Manor Cliffs, but you can choose any keypad for this trophy.

Deathday Suit

How to unlock: Kill the (mostly) naked character in each map.

Trophy type: silver

Comment: We have described this achievement in more detail on a separate page of the trophy guide.


How to unlock: While playing as Colt, cause someone to fall to their death - Deathloop: Trophies/Achievements - list - Trophy Guide - Deathloop Guide

How to unlock: While playing as Colt, cause someone to fall to their death.

Trophy type: bronze

Comment: There are many places in the game world where you can make an enemy fall to their death. The first good opportunity comes in the prologue in the Fristad Rock district, where you can find the sitting enemy on the pier, as shown in the picture. Just sneak up on him from behind and kick him. Later in the game, you can also find many enemies that stand close to an abyss. You can kick them or push them off with Karnesis.


September 14, 2021

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