Deathloop: Ending It - walkthrough
This page of the Deathloop guide contains the walkthrough for the final mission Ending It. You will learn how to kill 7 Visionaries on day 1 and reach Julianna.
This page of the guide to Deathloop contains a walkthrough of the Ending It lead/mission. From our solution you will learn how to unlock the last mission of the main storyline, what to do to kill the 7 Visionaries within one day, and for Colt to reach Julianna's hideout with a rocket.
- Unlocking the endgame
- Key information about the endgame
- Morning - Kill Harriet
- Morning - Sabotage Frank's fireworks
- Midday - Ruin Egor's experiment
- Afternoon - Kill the love birds
- Evening - Crash a party - Kill everyone
- Evening - Aleksis
- Evening - Egor
- Evening - Wenjie
- Evening - Launch the rocket
Unlocking the endgame

The final mission is unlocked automatically after you complete the 8 Visionary Leads. All these Leads are described in detail in a separate chapter of the guide. They concern assassinating the Visionaries (one by one or a few at once if they appear in the same location).
You don't have to do the Arsenal Leads to unlock the endgame. They are seen as side missions used to acquire additional equipment.
Key information about the endgame

In the final mission you have to kill 7 Visionaries within one day, using the knowledge you gained during the previous Visionary Leads - you will have to sabotage a few things and make some of the antagonists meet in one location at the same time of day. After killing 7 visionaries Colt will be able to reach the rocket to Julianna's hideout and thus lead to the final confrontation with the main opponent.
You have to start the last mission in the morning. In the Visionary Leads tab, search for the mission and follow it. This way you won't miss any action. Making a mistake or leading to Colt's "ultimate" death during the final Lead will force you to replay it from the beginning (the next morning).
You don't have to do the side quests and activities before the finale. This will also be possible after the end of the game, as the campaign doesn't have a definitive ending and doesn't force you to replay the whole game. This topic is described in more detail on a separate page Point of no return - is it in the game?.
You can choose any powers for the finale you want. You won't meet any final boss in the endgame of Deathloop. Instead, you just need to get rid of all the Visionaries you already know from previous tasks at once. We recommend equipping the Shift power. Choosing the second power is less important - consider Aether if you want to sneak, or Havoc if you want to be safe in case of open combat.
Deathloop has more than 1 ending and we described them on the next page of the guide. Unfortunately, in order to watch all endings, you will have to replay the entire mission again, as there is no option to save your progress just before the final meeting with Julianna.

Note - expect that Julianna may disturb you during the last quest. She may show up more than once. Every time you receive a warning about her appearance, we recommend pausing what you're doing and focus on eliminating Julianna. This will prevent her from disturbing you at crucial moments, e.g. when you're planning the assassination of a Visionary.
Remember that in every district that Julianna appears you must hack the antenna before you return to the tunnels (this doesn't apply to the last district, as Colt will go to the rocket site).
Morning - Kill Harriet
The following endgame walkthrough lists and restates all the required actions. We've discussed the assassination or puzzle solving methods on the pages devoted to the quests where you first encountered them. This walkthrough contains many references to other pages of the guide.

You need to get to Karl's Bay in the morning. Just to remind you, Harriet Morse is in hangar 2. We've described the recommended assassination method for Harriet on the page devoted to the Chaos Theory Lead. As a reminder, we recommend:
- reaching the vicinity of hangars 1 and 2,
- geting to the roof of hangar 1, going inside through the roof windows and using the bridge that connects the two hangars,
- sneaking with the Shift into the room next to the plane wreck from which Harriet speaks,
- sneaking up behind Harriet and taking her out with a sneak attack.
Of course, this is not the only possible tactic, and you can also use other assassination options. All that matters is that Harriet dies.
Morning - Sabotage Frank's fireworks

Stay in Karl's Bay and get to the back of hangar 2 to open the firework container- the code for the electronic lock is random, and you can read it in Colt's journal. For more details, see the page that describes The Ballad of Ramblin' Frank Lead.
Interact with the fireworks machine and sabotage it. Remember that you'll see the effects of this action only in the evening when the firework show starts.
Midday - Ruin Egor's experiment

After completing the first two actions (killing Harriet, sabotaging the fireworks), return to the tunnels. Go to the Complex district. It should currently be midday.
You have to go to Egor's camp. We've described what you need to do in the camp on the page with the walkthrough of the Lost in Transmission Lead. As a reminder, you must:
- reach the laboratory buildings inside the camp,
- get to the upper room - it's best to use the Hackamajig in advance to neutralize the turrets inside,
- take one of the Field Nullifier cases,
- reach Egor's camouflage device and place the Field Nullifier next to it,
- enter the code to sabotage the device - it's random and you can read it in Colt's journal.
After a successful sabotage Egor will appear in Updaam in the evening.
Afternoon - Kill the love birds

Return to the tunnels and go to the Fristad Rock district in the afternoon. You need to repeat all the steps that we've described on the page devoted to the Afternoon Delight Lead, that is:
- get to Charlie and Fii's hideout,
- solve the cassette puzzle - the cassette numbers are randomized and you can read them in the main character's journal,
- go down to the underground bunker,
- get rid of two Visionaries by any means during their heated encounter.

Remember that it is possible to eliminate Charlie and Fii with an ambush, namely by reaching the lever and flooding the underground site. You will then have to quickly run to the exit and hack the antenna by the door.
Colt can easily die if you don't hurry or fall into deep water, but if you didn't use the Reprise power in this district yet, you will simply respawn at the top and will be able to continue the journey without having to restart the whole Loop (so the whole described mission).
Evening - Crash a party - Kill everyone

Go back to the tunnels and go to Updaam in the evening. That's the hardest part of the finale because you have to eliminate 3 Visionaries in the same district (or even four, if Julianna randomly appears).
All targets are in the castle. You can try to eliminate the antagonists stealthily or by engaging in open combat. In the latter case, it may be a good idea to look around near the main entrance to the castle. You'll find 1 active turret and 2 more in suitcases. You can hack them all and spread them around so you can eliminate all the party guests more efficiently. This method can be especially helpful if you equip Colt with a medallion that increases turret efficiency before you go to Updaam.

If you've sabotaged the fireworks correctly during your visit to Karl's Bay, you'll see an explosion in the background that will kill Frank. This way, you'll get rid of this Visionary passively.
Evening - Aleksis

We've described an example of Aleksis's assasination on a page devoted to the Devouring of the Lambs Lead.
Alexis is easiest to get rid of when he speaks standing on a trapdoor - you'll recognize him by the two orange machine guns strapped to his belt. You can then press the button above the ballroom and cause an "arranged accident". You can also identify Alexis using the DJ's machine from the castle and kill him in any way you want, e.g. by using a sniper rifle and aiming at his head or by throwing grenades into the masquerade room.
Evening - Egor

We've described an example of Egor's assassination on the page devoted to the Lost in Transmission Lead.
You can get rid of Egor more easily if you don't alert the entire castle and manage to infiltrate its upper floors quietly (teleportation and invisibility powers can be helpful). Egor will be in one of the rooms and you can, for example, surprise him by destroying the boards by the fireplace and hitting the bottle with poisonous gas.

If an alarm has been triggered, Egor will most likely move to the roof of the castle or to one of the higher balconies. You can then try to sneak up on him or eliminate him by shooting from a long distance - in the latter case, we recommend having Shift and Aether ready should you need to escape.
Evening - Wenjie

We've described an example of Wenjie's assassination on the page with the walkthrough of the What Wenjies Want Lead.
The doctor should be on the roof of the castle by default. She's accompanied by a group of ordinary opponents - you can try to quietly draw them away (e.g. by sabotaging the power box in a nearby room), so that you can eventually sneak up to her, or just shoot Wenjie from a long distance (again, we recommend a sniper rifle for that).
Evening - Launch the rocket

After killing all mission targets, you won't go back to the tunnels. Instead, you have to return to the underground Complex with the Rakyetoplan.
Just to remind you, the entrance to the underground Complex is on the outskirts of Updaam. You'll get there by using the stairs shown in the picture. Colt must open two sets of doors on the way; he will already have all the passwords and will automatically say them.

In the rocket room, use the stairs to reach the cockpit. You must confirm that you want to use the rocket. You don't have to prepare for the journey in any way, as there won't be any more fights ahead of you.
We've described the course of the very endgame and the choice it involves on a separate page - Endings.
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