Buying a truck | Truck dealers American Truck Simulator Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Visiting a truck dealer
To buy a truck go to a truck dealer by clicking the button on the main control panel. You can see all the discovered dealers on your map. Click on any available and choose "visit selected dealer".
Use arrows to see all available models. You can check parameters of each truck (chassis, power, torque or price) and its price.
Use "configuration customization" to upgrade the selected model [you can find more about upgrades in "Trucks: upgrades and repairs" chapter].
When you decide to buy one, click on "purchase". You can use "swap" option to exchange your truck for a new one by paying some additional sum of money.
Buying online
Once you have at least five trucks, you become a reliable partner for truck dealers. It means you do not have to visit them and you can buy vehicles online. When you select your car dealer click on "buy online". A selection window will be displayed. You can also select the "configuration customization" and finally buy the chosen truck. However, you cannot swap your truck for other.