Walkthrough - The finale - Infiltrate Alpha Protocol | The finale
I'd suggest beginning this mission only after meeting with the important NPCs and finishing all the things you need to do (reply to the e-mails, buy stuff at the black market etc.), as you won't be able to return to the hideout anymore.
It also would be wise to equip yourself properly. I especially suggest EMPs (you will come across many difficult mechanism) and weapons with rare kinds of ammo (you'll need to fight three bosses).

The game will allow you to choose a handler for this mission (screen). You will be able to choose between SIE, Albatross and Heck. SIE will be inactive if she died in Moscow and you won't be able to choose Albatross if you haven't contacted him after beginning this campaign. Luckily there are no limitations for Steven Heck.


Before you begin the mission itself, there's a series of conversation waiting for you. You can ignore the meeting with Sean. Afterwards you will meet Leland and that one is much more important. You can:
1) Agree to join Halbech (Join Halbech). Choosing this option will let you unlock one of the possible game endings. Leland will unveil the plans and will tell you of the need to eliminate Mina Tang.
2) Reject his proposition by choosing the (Forget It) option at the end of the conversation or by knocking him out by choosing (Punch). This option is required if you want to team up with Alpha Protocol or if you've already teamed with Al-Samad (destroying both Halbech and Alpha Protocol).
Regardless of the decision, you will be transported to the clinic (the same in which you started the game).

On your way to the clinic you can bump into Conrad Marburg, of course assuming you haven't killed him during the last mission in Rome. The course of this meeting won't have a big influence on the further gameplay. The only curiosity is the ability to choose a special if you gained all the Intel on him (it was already possible during the stay in Rome).

If you've chosen SIE for your handler and improved your relations to the maximum (choosing aggressive style behaviours), there's a (nice) surprise waiting for you after you get to the clinic. Note that you can resist SIE, or just go for it (screen) (screen). :-)

Begin you second visit to this place (M21A, 1) with collecting your gear, which can be found in a small bag somewhere inside the room. Get ready, as two enemies will appear in the area after you take it - take care of them. Additionally there's a turret by the roof in the southern room. Destroy it and keep in mind to regularly break into the alarm switches you come across on your way, as thanks to it you will be disabling parts of the security system, which will allow you to surprise the less cautious enemies more easily. After securing the area, go into the elevator (M21A, 2), which will take you to the next level.

After getting out of the elevator, get ready to eliminate the enemies patrolling the nearby corridor and those in the northern corridor, where you should now head. After getting inside, focus firstly on the (M21A, 1), thanks to which you will gain new Intel on Parker, the safe with Intel on Alpha Protocol (M21A, 2) and EMP grenades lying on the table.

Afterwards use the computer (M21A, 3). If you've killed Omen Deng during the Taipei campaign, the only possible option will be to talk with Parker, which can end in two ways. You can count for a positive attitude if you inform him on Madison's situation. Choosing any of the three other options will result in a bad attitude.

If you haven't killed Omen Deng during the Taipei campaign, you will now be able to download the data, which president Sung is interested in. In order to do this, you would have to choose the (Download PDA Files; screen) option instead of calling Parker.

Look out, as after you finish the conversation the enemies will use a flash grenade and you will have to defend from their attack. Afterwards head towards the next corridor (M21A, 4). It would be good to go inside only after disabling the alarm, thanks to which you won't be attacked by the turret by the ceiling.

Talking with Scarlet isn't obligatory, but I'd suggest meeting with her anyway. Break into the southern (M21A, 5), where you will find Intel on United States Military (M21A, 3), EMP grenades and hidden data Conrad Marburg (computer) (M21A, 4). Additionally I'd suggest breaking into the safe at the eastern (M21A, 1), in which you will find the Advanced Pistol Muzzle Assist (pistol upgrade) and more Intel on United States Military. Move to the room in which you've been talking with Westridge at the very beginning of the game (M21A, 6). This time you will meet Scarlet there. If you didn't download the data from Parker's computer, you will now learn that she was the shooter in Taipei. Afterwards you will be able to make a decision (screen) - you can leave her be (Leave Her) or join forces with her (Join Forces). In this second option, Scarlet will replace your previous handler (chosen at the beginning of the mission).

If you've chosen (following Omen Deng's and president Sung's request), you will already know that Scarlet was the shooter. The course of the conversation will also change (screen), as you will be able to kill her (Kill) or let her be (Spare).

Return to the corridor in which the last guard was (M21A, 4) and go towards the eastern door (M21A, 7). You have to cross a well-knows location, with new enemies who have appeared in the meantime and some new security system as well. I wouldn't suggest staying at the upper balconies, as you'd be an easy target that way. Instead, go down the ladder and use the northern stationary machine gun (screen). You will have to destroy, inter alia, another machine gun post and an active turret.

After securing the area head south, go up the stairs onto the upper balcony and use the nearest passage (M21A, 8). Soon you will get to a smaller room with a camera (M21A, 9) and a short cutscene with a talk with Leland or Westridge will be shown. Generally you don't have to do anything and additionally there are no decisions to be made. It's however worth mentioning that getting to Mina will be necessary only if you've teamed up with Leland and of course you will then have to kill her. In the two other cases (not working with Leland or wanting to destroy both organizations) it won't be needed.

I'd suggest getting to the place where Mina Tang is being held even if you don't work with Leland, as it won't complicate anything. If, on the other hand, you do work with Leland, it's of course obligatory. Begin with breaking into the northern room (M21A, 10), in which you will find a computer with new Intel on Westridge (M21A, 5). It's important, as you won't be able to come here again after you return from Mina. Get back to the main room (M21A, 9) and break the security on the southern door for a change (M21A, 11).

Look out, as in the first room (M21A, 12) you will bump into some enemies and a turret, which of course you have to destroy. Move on, picking up the EMP charges on your way. You can also break into the safe at the main room, which will give you the Featherweight Pistol Reflex Sight (pistol upgrade) (M21A, 2). Now you need to go pass the training ground known from the beginning of the (M21A, 13), which will be guarded by some enemies. Don't rush and try to surprise your enemies.

You need to look out here, as there are two turrets set by where Mina is being held. Get rid of them while being hidden behind a cover and afterwards break the security on the door (M21A, 14). After you go inside, a cutscene with Mina will begin. If you're working on your own, Michael will free Mina automatically. In the other case, you will be able to change your mind on killing Mina one last time (screen). Naturally, if you still want to work with Leland, you shouldn't.

Now you need to return to the room with the camera (M21A, 9). Before you do it, take a look round the area and you will find not only new EMP charges, but also the Composite Pistol Grip (pistol upgrade) (M21A, 3). You can return to the northern rooms in two ways - by using the same path as before or by going up the ladder onto the balconies (M21A, 15). Regardless of the chosen solution, you should be ready to eliminate some more enemies.

Open the door leading to the western room (M21A, 16). Look out, as the passage behind you will crumble and you will find yourself in an area occupied by the enemy. I'd suggest beginning with destroying the turret opposite to you. Only once it's destroyed should you move to attacking the guards. Be ready to leave your hiding place if the enemies decide to use grenades. Afterwards take the Intel on VCI (M21A, 6) and head towards the stairs leading to the upper floor (M21A, 17). If the alarm is on, you will probably bump into some more enemies on your way. In the other case, it's worth to avoid the cameras. You will meet your handler on the upper floor (M21A, 18).

Approach the hole in the left wall (M21A, 19) and shoot the enemies below from this spot. Ride down the line and take care of the leftovers. Use the chance and take a look around the area. Hack into the local computers to gain new Intel on Alpha Protocol (M21A, 7) and Henry Leland (M21A, 8). Head to the nearby control room (M21A, 20) and pick up the grenades lying there. Use the door leading to the bigger room in order to begin the fight with this mission's first moss (M21A, 21).

This fight can have a different course, depending on the decision made earlier. If you told Alan Parker the truth about Madison, he will attack Marburg and you will have to fight Conrad. Note that you only have six minutes, so you need to hurry. Begin with attacking the normal enemies present in the room. However don't kill them all, as new ones would appear to replace them.

Sooner or later you will have to begin attacking Marburg. Just like before in Rome, you need to use the covers and try to destroy the enemy's armour and then drain his life. Help yourself with explosives and remember not to approach Marburg too much, as he can take a large part of your health in a direct fight.

Note that defeating Marburg won't stop the timer, so you must have at least one minute left. Ignore the other enemies and run towards the northern control room (M21A, 22). Here you have to use the central computer marked by the game (M21A, 23).

If you didn't speak with about Madison with Alan Parker, didn't speak with him at all (the option to send the data needed by president Sung), or killed Conrad Marburg before (in Rome), you will have to fight Alan. This fight will be different from the first one. Parker himself won't participate in the battle, instead you will have to fight some standard enemies and turrets hanging from the ceiling on both side of the room. Try to keep destroying the turrets and don't forget about the six minutes time limit.

After initially securing the area, look for a computer in the eastern part of the room (M21A, 24) and hack into it, thanks to which you will disable all nearby security system. Now you can head to the northern control room (M21A, 22). After getting there you need to eliminate Parker, which luckily will be very easy (one burst from the rifle will be enough). Afterwards use the central computer marked by the game (M21A, 23).

Go out of the room by the eastern door (M21A, 25) an head north. On our way you luckily won't meet any enemies on our way. You goal is to get to the big elevator (M21A, 26). Wait to get transported to the surface.

You begin at the southern part of the map (M21B, 1). Get rid of the two nearest enemies and consider getting onto the left sniper tower in order to eliminate the enemies visible in the distance. Jump down and head to the north-west. As you get close to the new location (M21B, 2), there will be a cutscene.

This time you will have to fight Sean Darcy. Stay at by the narrow passage and try to eliminate all the incoming enemies from here. Help yourself by shooting the explosives items. Unfortunately you can't stay here forever, as new enemies keep on appearing in place of the killed ones.

You can defeat the boss, who's hiding inside the northern sniper rifle (M21B, 3) in two ways. The more risky solution is to stay at the main square, as Sean, apart from using the sniper, will also throw grenades at the places you will want to hide at. Inevitably it will make hiding behind, inter alia, the trucks, as they will explode. You can damage him with accurate shots from a bigger distance or by running to the tower and throwing in grenades.

By far the better option is to get into the southern sniper tower (M21B, 4), however you do need to have an EMP, thanks to which you will quickly upon the door leading to the tower. Go up the ladder and use the sniper rifle here, thanks to which you will easily defeat Darcy (screen). O f course you need to hurry, as you can get attacked by other enemies in the meantime.

After you eliminate the boss, take care of the other enemies and take a look around the area. Apart from first aid kits, you will also find, inter alia, the SMG Muzzle Break (SMG upgrade) (M21B, 1) and the Printed Circuitry (armour upgrade) (M21B, 2). You can also head towards the newly unlocked northern passage (M21B, 5).

Get ready that once you reach the new location (M21B, 6), a hostile helicopter will attack you. Some important hints:
1) try to get the enemies to move to the small canyon (M21B, 7), where you will be safe (screen)
2) don't hide behind exposed obstacles (for example small walls) as then you can be hit by a rocket anyway, which in the best case will seriously damage your armour
3) use sprint to move from one cover to another right after the helicopter fires a missile
4) don't try to use invisibility, it won't work in this case

You could of course use standard weaponry to eliminate the helicopter, but it's way better to look around the area for rocket launchers (M21B, 8). Remember that each launcher allows you to shoot only once, so after you use one, immediately run to the next. Attack the helicopter until it catches fire and crashes down.

Now you need to get to the wreck of another wreck, which has been shot down right after you got to the surface. Go through the newly unlocked eastern passage (M21B, 9), eliminating a single enemy on your way. After getting to the new location (M21B, 10), firstly take care of destroying the turret on the right tower (screen). Wait until enemies appear. By the way it's worth to check the mentioned tower - you will find the Advanced Pistol Laser Sight there (pistol upgrade) (M21B, 3). There are two more turrets which need to be destroyed and it's best to shoot them from a distance. Don't forget about using a good cover.

Go to the entrance to the underground complex (M21B, 11); new enemies will come out of it in the meantime. You of course have to get rid of them and then head forward. Your goal is to reach the elevator (M21B, 12) which will take you to the last location, where the third and last boss will be waiting.

If you haven't joined forces with Halbech and aren't working with Al-Samad, you will have to fight Leland. Note that the enemy (M21B, 13) will be using a rocket launcher and as a result it will be important to move between the covers and avoid the explosives. For starters it would be good to secure the ground level, however you can as well avoid the enemies if you have invisibility.

You need to get to the stairs leading to the upper balconies (M21B, 14). Once there, you can behave in two ways - attack Leland or try to get closer to the room in which he's hiding. The second strategy is by far better, especially that the boss can destroy the pillars with his rocket launcher. You can stay at the balcony, or use the line. The room in which Leland is hiding is accessible by two door (M21B, 15).

After you get inside, start shooting at Leland, who won't be able to counter your attacks. Soon you will watch a new cutscene and will have to make the last decision - you can kill (Execute) or spare (Spare) Leland.

If you haven't joined forces with Leland and aren't working with Al-Samad, the last boss will be Westridge. Note that this enemy (M21B, 13) will be using his own weapon and two stationary turrets, as a result moving between covers and avoiding explosives will be very important. For starters it would be good to secure the ground level, however you can as well avoid the enemies if you have invisibility.

You need to get to the stairs leading to the upper balconies (M21B, 14). Once there, you can behave in two ways - attack Westridge or try to get closer to the room in which he's hiding. The first strategy is by far better, as getting to the room (M21B, 15) would be very difficult and dangerous. Instead find yourself a good cover (screen) and attack from there, while helping yourself with your abilities.

After you defeat the enemy, there will be some important decision to make. The first relates to Westridge himself (screen) - you can either kill him (Execute) or choose to talk (Talk), which will end up with him getting chained to the barrier.

Afterwards you will talk with Leland and here you can choose between betraying him (Betray) to take over the corporation, or continuing your cooperation (Agree). If you betray him, you'll be able to kill him (Kill) or just knock him out (Punch).

If you have agreed to Shaheed's proposition of working with Al-Samad and refused to work with Leland, Westridge will the last boss. Note that this enemy (M21B, 13) will be using his own weapon and two stationary turrets, as a result moving between covers and avoiding explosives will be very important. For starters it would be good to secure the ground level, however you can as well avoid the enemies if you have invisibility.

You need to get to the stairs leading to the upper balconies (M21B, 14). Once there, you can behave in two ways - attack Westridge or try to get closer to the room in which he's hiding. The first strategy is by far better, as getting to the room (M21B, 15) would be very difficult and dangerous. Instead find yourself a good cover (screen) and attack from there, while helping yourself with your abilities.

After you defeat the enemy, there will be some important decision to make. The first relates to Westridge himself (screen) - you can either kill him (Execute) or choose to talk (Talk), which will end up with him getting chained to the barrier.

A cutscene will then start, showing Leland being found. Now you can choose (screen) between killing the Halbech corporation leader (Execute) or sparing him (Spare).
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