Leader skills | Leaders

All of the spells and skills, available for the leader, differ from class to class. Additionally, this way of learning spells is only available to the leaders that are not the leaders of the faction. each skill costs you a certain amount of points, which you earn after you level up (5 per level). Some of the skills concern the leader only, where the other ones are useful for the entire army that he leads. The majority of the skills are the ones that need to be used in battle. The category of passive skills consist mainly of buffs and bonuses to attack against a certain type of units, as well as buffs to defense against certain types of attacks. Below, you can find a list of skills available for the leaders of a given class, along with a short description. The spells available for the leaders have been labeled "Only for the Leaders". The rest of the skills (with the exception of the ones that increase the number of Casting points) are available for leaders, as well as for the minor leaders. The suggested upgrades will suit the liking of some of the players, whereas they will be disliked by others. There are plenty of possibilities, depending on the kind of the opponents, or the units that you have. If you, e.g. think that the spells available for the leader are too weak, and it is pointless to spend your points for them, then...it is very well. Spend them on something else then, e.g. on increasing your melee attack, so as to enable him to deal with the opponent at close quarters.
Skills available for all classes
+1 Ranged Strength
+1 Defense
+1 Resistance
+5 Hit Points
Cost: 1-20
With each new level, it becomes possible to enhance the above statistics. Of course, the cost to upgrade them gets higher, depending on the amount of points that you added earlier. In general, the available skills can be divided into the ones that affect the leader himself, the ones that affect the army and the possible spells and skills that affect the enemy units. Also, there also are the upgrades that affect the number of Casting points, available for each class. The cost of this skill is 5/7/9/9/9/9/9 points, for levels 1/3/5/7/9/11/13, correspondingly. It is named differently for each of the classes however, the effect is identical.
Arch Druid - Druidry I-VII
Dreadnought - Invention I-VII
Rogue - Cloak and Dagger I-VII
Sorcerer - Sorcery I-VII
Theocrat - Divine Channeling I-VII
Warlord - Warfare I-VII
Arch Druid
Name | Cost | Required level | Effect |
Befriend Animal | 2 | 1 | Attempts to win the opponent's Animal unit over to his side. |
Cure Disease | 2 | 1 | Removes all of the negative effects (Poison) from the selected allied unit. |
Shock Protection | 2 | 1 | The leader receives additional 20% of resistance to a Shock attack. |
Nature's Resistance | 4 | 1 | Each unit in the army receives +1 Resistance. |
Warm at Night | 4 | 1 | Each unit in the army receives 20% to resistance to Frost. |
Root Spears | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. deals 20 physical damage and attempts to "tie up" the enemy unit (it loses 50% of movement points in the following turn). |
Rust Strike | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. The enemy unit, which has the Armored attribute, loses 2 defense points, or deals 20 physical damage to Machine type of units and attempts to weaken it (in the case of success, it loses 4 defense and attack). |
Savage Rage | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. The selected allied unit, of the Monster or Animal type, receives the Charge, First Strike, Armor Piercing, Overwhelm, Wall Crushing skills, and 3 additional points to physical attack, until the end of the battle. |
Revive Instinct | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. all of the enemy units, which have the Mount attribute, lose 12 movement points, for 2 turns. |
Healing | 2 | 3 | After being used, it restores 20 HP to the selected unit. |
Night Vision | 2 | 3 | Increases the range of vision, in the underground, by 2 hexes. |
Natural Healer | 4 | 3 | All of the units of the leader's army regenerate an additional of 6 HP per turn (very useful). |
Spirit Protection | 2 | 5 | The leader gains and extra 20% of resistance to Spirit type of attacks. |
Swimming | 3 | 5 | The leader can cross water fields, without the necessity to board and without losing a turn. |
Spirit of the Land | 4 | 5 | Each unit in the leader's army gains an extra 20% of resistance to Spirit type of attacks. |
Natural Immunity | 4 | 5 | Each unit in the leader's army gains an extra 20% to Poison resistance. |
Hornet Swarm | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leaders. The Hornet Swarm deals 20 damage (Poison) to the selected unit. Additionally, it can jump over, to the other nearby units, within the radius of 3 hexes, for 4 times (therefore, a spell cast once can deal damage to 5 different units, if they are staying close to each other). Does not work against the Machine and Undead type of units. |
Twisting Roots | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leaders. Decreases by a half, the range of the units of the opponent that move on foot (Walking). |
Undead Slayer | 2 | 7 | The leader deals additional 3 damage to Undead units. |
Entangling Touch | 3 | 7 | Attempts to entangle the enemy unit. After a successful attempt, the unit cannot make any move (for 2 turns). |
Revitalize | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leaders. The selected allied unit loses Cooldown necessary for using a skill again, and regains 50% of movement points. |
Vageful Vines | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leaders. deals 20 damage to walls at the beginning of each round, during battle. |
Inflict Bleeding Wounds | 3 | 9 | With the leader's each attack, there is a chance to inflict bleeding wounds, which deal additional damage for 2 turns. |
Call Ancestral Spirits | 5 | 9 | Only for the Leaders. Summons the Ancestral Spirits (for the rest of the battle) into the battlefield. |
Sustainable Warfare | 8 | 9 | All of the units in the army require 50% lower pay. |
Call Beast Horde | 5 | 11 | Only for the Leaders. At the beginning of each turn, it summons a random unit (Beast), to reinforce the leader in the battle. . |
One with the Trees | 6 | 11 | The leader's all units receive Forest Concealment, which allows you to remain invisible in forest. |
At the beginning, it is a good idea to invest some into health points, improvement of defense and attack. Out of the starting skills, the Nature's Resistance is excellent, because it affects the entire army, in one go, and the Natural Healer, when it becomes available, which speeds up HP regeneration for the entire army. At the higher levels, it is also going to be necessary to invest into Healing. At the 5th level, the type of resistance, selected for the army, is going to depend on the type of opponent that you are fighting currently - resistance against poison is going to be useful against Goblins, and from Spirit attacks with, e.g. Theocrat. At the higher levels, in the case in which the money supply is tight, you are also going to find Sustainable Warfare useful, and One with the Trees should be a must, because it will allow you to attack by surprise. The leaders other than the faction leader, i.e. the ones that can learn spells, should keep increasing the number of their Casting Points, thanks to Druidry. The spells that should be compulsory are Root Spears (useful for finishing off units at a long distance) and Savage Rage, which raises the skills of the selected unit, considerably. With level five, you gain access to the Hornet Swarm spell, which is perfect for dealing damage to groups of opponent. In the case of sieges, you are also going to do with the Vageful Vines, and finally, it is a good idea to equip the leader with Call Beast Horde skill, which can ensure considerable advantage in battle.
Name | Cost | Required level | Effect |
Repair Machine | 2 | 1 | Restores 15 HP to the selected allied machine. |
Tunelling | 2 | 1 | The leader can walk through Dirt Cavern Walls, which will help unlock new passages in the undergrounds. |
Vision Range Upgrade | 2 | 1 | The range of vision, of the leader, is increased by 1 field. |
Lightning Rod Banner | 4 | 1 | All of the units in the leader's army receive resistance to Shock type of attack (20%). |
Imperial Authority | 4 | 1 | All of the units in the leader's army receive an increase in contentment, by 200 points. |
Overload | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. The selected allied machine deals additional damage (+10) until the end of the battle but, there is a risk that it will be stunned for 2 turns (no possibility of movement). |
Repair Fortification | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. Regenerates HP of a wall, or a gate, to its maximum value. |
Flash Bang | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. Deals 4 physical damage and 3 Fire, and attempts to blind the enemy unit. In the case of a failure, its range of attack is decreased to one hex, for the duration of 2 turns. |
Force Field | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. The selected allied unit receives increased resistance (by 60%) to Frost, Fire and Shock type of attacks, for 3 turns. |
Rapid Reload | 3 | 3 | Reloads the selected allied machine, thanks to which it reduces the Cooldown necessary to reuse the skill of that machine. |
True Sight | 3 | 3 | The leader sees the invisible and hidden units on the map. |
Forge Aprons | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive resistance to Fire type of attack (20%). |
Inflict Immolation | 4 | 3 | With each attack by the leader, there is a chance to set the enemy unit on fire, which deals additional 3 of damage (Fire) and decreases resistance to magic and strength of attack, for the duration of 2 turns, by 2. |
Wizard Hunters | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive +1 Resistance and the Summoned Slayer skill, thanks o which they deal extra 3 damage to all the units summoned into the battlefield. |
Wall Climbing | 2 | 5 | The leader can climb walls. |
Throw Net | 3 | 5 | An attempt to entangle an enemy unit. In the case of a failure, the enemy unit can take no action for the 2 following turns. |
Sabotage | 3 | 5 | Deals 30 damage (15 fire, 15 physical) to the selected enemy machine, or 40 damage to the selected wall fragment. |
Reassemble | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leaders. Repairs the destroyed allied machine, with 33% of the maximum of its health points. |
Pest Control Party | 5 | 5 | All of the units in the leader's army receive the Animal, Fey and Monster Slayer skills which results in damage, higher by 3 dealt to this type of units. |
Weapon Kit | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leaders. The allied units of the Infantry or Pikemen type, receive the Fire Blunderbuss, Sabotage and Throw Net skills, until the end of the battle. |
Physical Protection | 3 | 7 | The leader receives resistance against physical attacks (20%). |
Fire Bomb | 5 | 7 | Deals Fire damage to the selected unit, and to all the others within the radius of one hex. |
Bestow Iron Heart | 5 | 7 | The selected unit regenerates 15 HP and receives increased defense and resistance (both +1), and also Strong Will, until the end of the battle. |
Summon Siege Engine | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leaders. Summons a random machine to the battlefield, which remains there until the end of the battle. |
Choking Fumes | 5 | 9 | Only for the Leaders. All of the units in the battlefield receive -6 movement points and -2 defense, melee attack and resistance to magic. Does not concern the Dragon, Machine, Undead and Incorporeal units. |
Tree Crusher | 9 | 9 | While over the Dense vegetation type of terrain, the leader turns it into Barrens, and receives a token amount of gold. |
Dampening Field | 5 | 11 | Only for the Leaders. Doubles the amount of mana and Casting points necessary to cast the spell, for all the players, except for the caster. |
Bomb Party | 10 | 11 | All of the units on the leader's army receive the Explosive Death skill - they explode after dying and deal damage to all the units (also allied) within the blast radius. |
Destabilized Mana Core | 5 | 13 | Only for the Leaders. An explosion that occurs within 2 turns and deals 60 fire damage to all the units in the battlefield. For obvious reasons, - it is best to use this one during battles against the enemy with considerable advantage in numbers, in a situation, in which you are not against wasting your own army. |
After a few initial HP points are added, defense and attack are increased, it is necessary that you select Imperial Authority, which increases morale of the commanded army. In a situation in which you fight against a warlock, the Wizard Hunters skill is going to e a considerable reinforcement. The Pest Control Party is compulsory, because it bolsters the attack of all the units against various types of units, which often roam about the map. What is going to be useful, for the leader himself, is the Fire Bomb, which is capable of dealing AoE damage and Bestow Iron Heart, as a skill that enables healing and reinforces both types of defense. Bomb Party is also attention-worthy however, this is a two-edged weapon, and in the case in which you own that skill, you need to remember to keep your units away from the other ones, if they are on the brink of dying. Apart from these skills, leaders cannot forget about increasing the number of Casting Points and choosing appropriate spells. and so, definitely Overload and Reassemble are going to be of use, but only in the case in which you have machines. Flash Bang is also useful, especially if you manage to blind the enemy ranged units. It is also worth selecting Summon Siege Engine, because you are going to do with additional machines, during a siege, especially in the case in which you forgot to recruit your own ones. Dampening Field is an idea l skill against leaders that use many spells in battle, e.g. the abovementioned warlocks. Destabilized Mana Core can help you in the face of the enemy's advantage in numbers however, this should not be your goal that you strive for, at the cost of the other skills that often are more useful.
Name | Cost | Required level | Effect |
Armor Piercing | 2 | 1 | The leader deals additional 2 damage to the units with the Armored attribute. |
Break Control | 2 | 1 | Dispels all of the effects of the Mind Control type (e.g. . taking control over an unit, by the opponent) on an allied unit. |
Dirty Half Dozen | 4 | 1 | All of the units in the leader's army receive Devout Slayer, which increases damage dealt to Devout, units by 3. |
Infiltration Party | 4 | 1 | All of the units of the leader's army receive the ability to climb walls (Wall Climbing). |
Blind | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. Attempts to blind an unit. In the case of success, such an unit can only attack enemy units within the radius of one hex In the case of failure, the unit loses 50% of its movement points. |
Panic Attack | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. In the case of success, the enemy unit attempts to flee from the battlefield, for 2 turns. Otherwise, the unit loses 50% of its movement points. |
Quick Dash | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. regenerates 10 HP and 50% movement points of the selected allied unit. |
Rain of Poison Blades | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leaders. Deals 12 physical damage and 8 Poison damage to the selected unit. Damage is higher (by 2) against the units with the Armored attribute. |
Projectile Resistance | 2 | 3 | The leader receives extra 2 points of defense against ranged attacks. |
Stunning Touch | 2 | 3 | Attempts to stun the enemy unit. After the successive attempt, it cannot then (for the duration of 2 turns) perform any move. |
First Strike | 3 | 3 | The leader deals damage as the first (counters even before the enemy's attack proper), unless the enemy unit also has this skill. |
Stronger than Steel | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive the Armor Piercing skill, thanks to which they deal more damage (by 2) against the Armored units. |
Counterpoison | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive a boost resistance against poison damage (by 20%). |
Sprint | 2 | 5 | The leader's movement points are increased by 12, for the duration of this skill. |
Taunt | 3 | 5 | In case of a success, the enemy unit does not listen to orders and attacks, with melee attack, the nearest unit, for 3 rounds. |
Assassin's Strike | 4 | 5 | Performs a strong attack against the enemy. This attack cannot be countered. |
Poison Knowledge | 4 | 5 | All of the units in the leader's army receive a boost to poison attack by 1 point. |
Moving Target | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leaders. The selected unit receives +8 defense points for the next 2 turns. |
Stealth Commander | 5 | 5 | All of the units in the leader's army receive the Forest Concealment, skill, which makes it possible to hide in forest. |
Cunning Escape | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leader. Allows you to retire a selected allied unit from battle. It can be used only by the attacking party. |
Pass Wall | 3 | 7 | The leader can climb over walls, without any problems. |
Weapon Finesse | 4 | 7 | All of the units in the leader's army receive +1 to melee attack. |
Sadism | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. Boosts morale of the allied units, each time an enemy unit is killed. |
Shadow Form | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. The selected unit receives defense against physical assault (40%) and the Pass Wall skill, until the end of the battle. |
Inflict Severely Poisoned | 5 | 7 | Attacks can poison an enemy unit. It then suffers poison damage for 2 turns. |
Charm | 5 | 9 | Attempts to take the control over an enemy unit. In the case of success, that unit changes sides in the battle. |
Inflict Crippling Wounds | 5 | 9 | Attacks may maim the enemy unit. It then loses 8 movement points for 2 turns. |
Smoke Screen | 5 | 9 | Only for the Leader. All of the units on the battlefield receive increased defense and resistance to magic (+4) against ranged attacks. |
Urban Stealth Commander | 6 | 9 | All of the units in the leader's army remain hidden when they are on the fields with structures erected on them (Urban Concealment). |
Mass Battlefield Panic | 5 | 11 | Only for the Leader. Attempts to cause panic among all of the enemy units, in the battlefield. The ones that resist the attack, lose half of their movement points for the duration of one round. |
Assassin of Kings | 6 | 11 | The leader gains the Hero Slayer skill, which increases its attacks against the other leaders (+3). |
At the very beginning, you are going to need the Dirty Half Dozen and Infiltration Party skills, where the former is especially effective against the units of the Theocrat, and the latter during all sieges. On the next levels, you are going to find Stronger than Steel and Poison Knowledge, useful. These are skills that reinforce the attacks of the units in the leader's army. Also, you will find the Stealth Commander very useful. It allows the units, commanded by the leader, to hide in forest. Also Weapon Finesse is a good influence on all of the units commanded by the leader, and the skill that acts on the leader himself is Charm, which can be useful while taking control over the enemy units. For units to hide, you are going to need the Urban Stealth Commander, and finally the Assassin of Kings, thanks to which the leader deals increased damage to the other leaders. For the non-leader units, it is going to be necessary to ensure appropriate number of Casting Points, so as to enable them to cast more spells. Definitely, what you will find useful here is the Quick Dash, which allows the selected unit to throw itself into the heat of the battle. Rain of Poison Blades is going to be great for dealing damage. Due to its effect, the Smoke Screen is ideal against the enemies that have advantage in the numbers of archers and often while seizing the enemy cities. Finally, it is a must that you get the Mass Battlefield Panic, which strikes fear into the hearts of the units of the enemy army.
Name | Cost | Required level | Effect |
Steal Enchantment | 2 | 1 | Steals the spells of the selected unit and makes them available for the leader to use. |
Dispel Magic | 2 | 1 | Lifts all of the negative, magical effect on the selected unit. |
Magic Affinity | 4 | 1 | All of the leader's units receive increased defense against magic(Resistance +1). |
Charged Army | 4 | 1 | Reinforces the magical attack (Shock +1) of all the units in the leader's army. |
Magic Fist | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. A spell that deals 21 damage (physical) to the selected enemy unit. |
Star Blades | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. The selected allied unit receives the Inflict Shocking attribute and +1 damage from this type of attack (Shock) until the end of the battle. You will be able to shock the enemy with this attack, which results in losing of 8 movement points for the duration of 2 turns. |
Harmonizing Energy | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. Restores 30 HP to the selected allied unit. very useful in slightly dire situation. |
Sphere of Protection | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. Bolster defense against physical attacks (+80% Physical Protection) for the duration of 2 turns. |
Blight Protection | 2 | 3 | Bolsters the leader's defense against poisons (+20% Blight Protection). |
Fire Protection | 2 | 3 | Bolsters the leader's defense against fire (+20% Fire Protection). |
Dragon Slayer Party | 4 | 3 | All of the units of the leader's army receive the Dragon Slayer attribute, which reinforces their attacks against the Dragon units (+3 damage). |
Spirit Shield | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive the increased defense against the Spirit type of attacks (20% Spirit Protection). |
Strong Will | 4 | 5 | The leader receives complete resistance to Spirit type of attacks and becomes resistant to Mind Control. |
Arcane Binding | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leader. Allows you to capture control over the enemy magical unit (Magical Origin) or a unit that has been summoned into the battlefield earlier. In the case of failure, it loses 50% of movement points (for the duration of one turn). |
Chain Lighting | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leader. A spell that deals 18 shock damage to the selected unit. It can pass onto 4 other units, if they are deployed within appropriate distance (3 hexes). Ideal for casting at the very beginning, when the enemy units are, usually, close to each other. |
Phase | 4 | 7 | The leader can teleport to any field, during the battle. |
Inflict Stun | 5 | 7 | Attacks by the leader may stun the enemy unit for the duration of 1 turn. It cannot then perform any actions. |
Cosmic Spray | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. The selected enemy unit, and other ones, located within one field, receive 4 damage of each type (up to 24, therefore). |
Static Sphere | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. The allied unit receives a shield, which causes the opponent to receive shock damage, each time it attacks with melee attack |
Master Illusionist | 15 | 7 | All of the units of the leader's army become invisible on the strategic map. In spite of the steep price, this is an immensely useful upgrade. |
Double Gravity | 5 | 9 | Only for the Leader. Strips all the units of the Flying type, of their ability to fly, which makes them incapable of flying aver the walls. |
Inflict Spirit Breaking | 5 | 9 | Attacks from the leader may depress the enemy unit, for the duration of 2 turns. The selected unit, in case of success, loses 2 defense and resistance points, to magical attacks and decreases physical damage dealt by those units. (also by 2). |
Mass Stasis | 5 | 9 | Only for the Leader. Attempts to immobilize all of the enemy units in the battlefield. In case of failure, they lose 25% of movement points, for one turn. |
Projectile Reflection | 5 | 9 | 50% of damage dealt to the leader returns to the unit that inflicted that damage. |
Mend Magical Being | 5 | 11 | Restores 20 HP to the selected magical unit. |
Static Electricity | 5 | 11 | Only for the Leader. All of the units in the leader's army receive Static Shield, and all enemy units suffer from 20% of Shock Weakness. |
Chaos Rift | 5 | 13 | Only for the Leader. Each turn in the battle, an unit is summoned, which sides with the caster. Additionally, 20 points of shock damage is dealt to 2-3 random enemy units (also each round). |
I recommend that, as a beginning set, you choose Steal Enchantment, Dispel Magic, Magic Affinity and Charged Army. These skills will slightly improve on the statistics of the units commanded by the leader and himself, he will receive the ability to steal spells from the other units, which are stronger, as for now, and to dispel the negative magical effects. Then, you can choose the abilities increasing resistance to a given type of spell, depending on who you are going to fight against ( e.g. resistance to fire attacks will be useful for fights against the Draconian race). Also, you are going to find the healing of magical beings, useful (Mend Magical Being) and Projectile Resistance. Thanks to this, some of the damage dealt to the leader will be reflected. I recommend Master Illusionist in the case in which you have abundance of points- this upgrade is great and very useful, although costly. A real Sorcerer also needs to ensure the increased pool of Casting Points, which will allow him to cast powerful spells. First of all, you are going to need Magic Fist, which deals damage to the selected enemy unit, as well as Harmonizing Energy, which is a spell that restores as much as 30 HP. Another good spell is the Sphere of Protection, which is useful, if you are surrounded by the enemy that attacks at short range. At the next levels, you are going to need Chain Lighting, due to the considerable damage that can be dealt to multiple enemies, in one go. Also, to deal AoE damage, you are going to need Cosmic Spray. Finally, and this is compulsory, the Chaos Rift - not only does it deal damage to enemy units, but also summons reinforcements for the player, in the form of various units.
Name | Cost | Required level | Effect |
Healing | 3 | 1 | Restores 20 HP to the selected unit. |
Aura of Resistance | 4 | 1 | All of the leader's units receive increased defense against magic (Resistance +1). |
Divine Protection | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. The selected allied unit receives the increased resistance to magic (+6 Resistance) for the duration of one turn in battle. |
Healing Aura | 5 | 1 | All of the units in the leader's army regenerate extra 6 HP, per turn, which is especially useful while at war with another player, during incessant battles and skirmishes. |
Instant Wrath | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. Deals 50% of all the damage, dealt to the unit, to the unit that dealt it. |
Slayer's Doubt | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. decreases the number of movement points of the selected unit, by 18. In the case of a failure, it decreases by half, but only for the duration of one turn. |
Smite | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. Deals 30 damage (Spirit) to the selected unit In the case of a failure, it deals 15 damage. |
Touch of Faith | 2 | 3 | The selected unit receives increased resistance to magic (Resistance +3). |
Turn Undead | 2 | 3 | Attempts to start panic in the selected enemy unit (Undead)In the case of a failure, . In the case of a failure, the unit attempts to flee the battlefield for two rounds. . |
Chaplain | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive extra 200 contentment points. |
Sacred Arms | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive increased attack (+1 Spirit). |
Monster Slayer | 2 | 5 | The leader deals additional damage (+3) to the Monster type of units. |
Convert | 5 | 5 | Attempts to capture control over the selected unit. |
Purifying Burst | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leader. Dispels all of the magical effects from the units in the battlefield. |
Absorb Pain | 3 | 7 | Associates the leader with the selected unit. All of the damage dealt to that unit is "directed" to the leader. |
Blessing of Health | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. All of the allied units (with the exception of machines, and Undead) receive extra 10 HP until the end of the battle. |
Control Undead | 5 | 7 | Attempts to capture control over an enemy Undead unit. In the case of a failure, the unit receives 8 damage(Spirit). |
Holy Champions | 5 | 7 | All of the units in the leader's army receive the Holy Champion, thanks to which they deal more damage (+5, Fire) against the Undead and Devout units. |
Rebirth | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. The selected unit receives the Resurgence. If it falls in the battlefield, it will respawn, towards the end, with 1/3 of health points. Works only in the case of winning the battle. |
Power of the Word | 5 | 9 | Only for the Leader. Attempts to immobilize enemy units, which cannot move, in case of success, for the next 2 turns (however, they can perform the rest of the actions, e.g. attack at a distance). |
Vow of Poverty | 6 | 9 | The maintenance of all of the units in the leader's army is lower. |
Holy War | 5 | 11 | Only for the Leader. All of the units of the Devout type, in the battlefield, receive extra reinforcement to damage (+10, Spirit) until the end of the battle. |
Divine Justicars | 10 | 11 | All of the units in the leader's army receive Resurgence. The units that fell in the battle respawn towards the end with 33% of the initial amount of health points; the condition is that you win the battle. |
While playing as the Theocrat you should first select Healing and Healing Aura. As soon as you reach level three, make sure that you have selected Chaplain, which boosts the morale of your armies. For the leader himself, you might find Convert useful.
At the higher levels, it is a good idea to choose Holy Champions, which affects the entire army and increases damage dealt to certain types of units (Undead and Devout).Finally, it is a good idea to invest in Vow of Poverty, a skill that decreases the cost of maintaining the units, as well as Divine Justicars, which will allow you to respawn the units fallen in battle, after you win. Leaders other than faction leaders need to ensure the appropriate number of Casting Points and to choose useful spells. definitely, it is a good idea to obtain Smite, which will allow you to attack enemies at long range, with this spell. During battles, you also are going to need Purifying Burst, especially while fighting enemy leaders who cast a lot of spells. Later on, you will have to obtain Blessing of Health, thanks to which all of the units receive additional health points. At the higher levels, you will also need the Power of the Word and Holy War. As a matter of fact, it is not worth investing in Rebirth, it is better to wait until you gain 4 more levels and get Divine Justicars, which equips all of the units with the Resurgence attribute.
Name | Cost | Required level | Effect |
Overwhelm | 2 | 1 | The leader deals more damage (+3) to the Pikemen units and the ones with the Shielded attribute. |
Defense Command | 4 | 1 | All of the units in the leader's army receive a bonus to defense (+1 Defense). |
Blood Honor | 4 | 1 | All of the units in the leader's army receive the Warrior's Honor skill. When an unit with this skill dies in battle, all of the other units receive higher morale (+100) until the end of the battle. |
Last Stand | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. The selected allied unit receives the Polearm, First Strike skills and increased defense (+2 Defense) until the end of the battle. |
Lion's Courage | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. The selected allied unit receives the Strong Will, Overwhelm skills and increased physical damage (+3). |
Berserk | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. Attempts to enrage the enemy, which results in its uncontrollability. Such a unit attacks the nearest allied units. In the case of a failure, it loses 1 of movement points for the duration of one turn. |
Shout of Intimidation | 5 | 1 | Only for the Leader. An attempt to intimidate the enemy unit. If it succeeds, the unit attempts to flee the battlefield, for the duration of 2 rounds. Otherwise, it loses a half of the movement points, in the next turn. |
Giant Slayer | 2 | 3 | The leader deals more damage (+3) to Giants. |
Martial Arts | 2 | 3 | The leader receives increased defense (+5 Defense) against counterattacks and attacks of opportunity (these are the attacks, by the enemy units, against an unit that crosses the hex, in the direction of which it is facing.). |
Melee Command | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive a bonus do attack (+1 melee attack). |
Ranged Command | 4 | 3 | All of the units in the leader's army receive a bonus do attack (+1 to ranged attack). |
Dragon Slayer | 2 | 5 | The leader deals more damage (+3) to Dragons. |
Charge Command | 5 | 5 | All of the units in the leader's army receive Charge. |
Field Medic | 5 | 5 | All of the units in the leader's army regenerate extra 6 HP per turn. |
Phoenix Warrior | 5 | 5 | Only for the Leader. The selected allied unit respawns after it dies, with 33% of the initial number of health points. The condition for this to work is that you win the battle. |
Fleet Command | 3 | 7 | All of the units in the leader's army receive Mariner (no penalties while boarding a ship and while moving over water fields). |
Killing Spree | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. The selected unit receives an additional action point and can move 1 hex more, after it kills an enemy unit. |
Steadfast Ward | 5 | 7 | Only for the Leader. The selected allied unit becomes, virtually, immortal, for the duration of 3 turns (its HP points cannot drop then, below 1). |
Blood Brothers | 10 | 7 | All of the units in the leader's army receive the Strong Will (invulnerability to Spirit attacks and Mind Control). |
Bloodbath | 5 | 9 | Only for the Leader. All of the allied units deal more physical damage (+5). |
Tireless | 6 | 9 | The leader spends no action points on counters and attacks of opportunity. |
Relentless Army | 5 | 11 | Only for the Leader. All of the units in the leader's army receive the Tireless, which means that they lose no action points for counters and attacks of opportunity. |
Toughness | 6 | 11 | All of the units in the leader's army receive additional resistance to physical attacks (+20% Physical Protection). |
After you increase the amount of HP and attack, or defense (depending on your preferences, it is a good idea to spend some of the starting points to improve on the basic statistics) it is a good idea to invest in Defense Command, which will improve on the defense of all the units in the leader's army. At the next level, what is going to be useful, is increasing the value of attack of the units that accompany the leader (Melee and Ranged Command) as well as Field Medic, which will allow you to regenerate HP faster. Also, you are going to need the Blood Brothers, thanks to which your units will be resistant to Mind Control. When it comes to the leader himself, what is going to be useful is Tireless, and for the army commanded by him - Toughness. As a standard practice, leaders should, gradually, improve on the available Casting Points, which will allow them to cast spells. From among the ones available at the beginning, what is going to be useful is the Last Stand, which improves on the statistics of the selected unit. Later on, it is a good idea to select the Phoenix Warrior, which will allow the selected unit to respawn, after the battle is won. Steadfast Ward is a must - it will come in handy, especially for the units of high HP value and strong attack value, which should be deployed among enemies, where it will be able to wreak havoc freely. Finally, you are going to need Bloodbath, which increases, considerably, the attack value of the available units, as well as Relentless Army, which will allow you to save up on movement points, while performing counters and attacks of opportunity.
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