Quick view – Thanks to this windoow, you can give a quick view to the armies, leaders and cities that you have, as well as to check the victories and the avaiable quests.
Diplomacy window – Swiyches to manu where you can exchange with the otheqr players, pertractate, enter alliances, declare wards, etc.
Tome of Wonders – Allows you to view the Tome of Wonders
Information about resources – A window where what you own and the production of resources are displayed.
Structure – Information about the selected structure and the bonusses that are provided by the fact of its being in your domain.
HIstory of events – Allows you to view events that took place in the game.
Map settings.
Game settings.
Karma – Shows the player's karma. Negative karma is a result of evil deeds (e.g. destroying cities), and the good deeds are rewarded with positive points.
Empire Contentment – Information about feelings in the Empire
Information about the leader's status (active/ awaiting respawn).
Information about the currently conducted research and its status.
Spellbook – Allows you to select and prepare a global spell.
The turn-ending button.
Information about the other players.
Minimap – Allows you to fast-travel between the selected locations.