Optional locations
Wrecking Crew base - gang, which you must destroy to finish mission in Highpool (quest gives you Sean Begin in Highpool also in destroyed).
Gornikovich's Distillery – Distillery is connected with quest of solving Gornikovich's problem with supplies of liquor. Location will show on your map, when you convice barman to allocate you this task.
Infected area - quest connected with AG Center (destroyed or not). In AG Center you get a serum for infection, which you'll have to pour into water container in this location.
Leve L'upe Mine - When you're at neighborhood you hear a calling for help. Part of the mine colapsed. You have to go to traped people in tunnels, killing Honey Badgers (with 6 armour value), so be prepared. At the end of tunnel mount fuse which you've been given at the entrance to mine and blow up the rocks to free miners.
In reward you'll get 100$ and three granades. Also you'll be able to join to team Takayouki, who will be standing not far from the entrace into mine.
Rick's RV - Here you'll find antiradiation suits, in which you'll be able to go to Damonta (main quest of the game). About location you'll hear from Baychowski from prison in Ranger Citade. Code to safe, in which suits are, is 733.
Abandoned Railway - location knows also as "Robots!", because they completly control the region. If you wanna go here you'll have to be prepared well. Location isn't connected with any quest, but you'll find here a robot Vax known from Wasteland 1 in container at the end of location. Use Computer Science on it to make it foolow your team.
Shrine - In this place is located statue, which gives +1 skill point or small amount of experience for every team member.
Silos 7 - Here you'll find nuclear missile, connected with Temple of Titan thread.