Eliminate the Prince Woodville | A Grand Final in the Fun Fair The Testament of Sherlock Holmes Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Enter the building and climb down the right side of stairs, then head to the scene. You find the prince Woodville. Talk about anarchists and a bomb.
No matter if you call Moriarty a traitor or treat him as your ally, the conversation ends up the same: Woodville aims with gun at Watson and demands from Holmes bringing the professor here.
So go the exit, climb up and take off a rope blocking the way.
Then go downstairs and to backstage area, where the curtain is controlled.
Click on ropes at the wall, where you can see a piece of curtain. A riddle appears - you have to untie ropes.
Highlighted (red) ropes are tangled, grey are free. You have to move the red ones, by clicking on buttons and moving them, so all of them become grey.
Riddle is random and I can't provide you with the proper solution. Above you can see a three examples of solution.
When the curtain falls on the prince, you have to remove him from the scene. To do so, pull a lever on the other side of pulpit. This gives you another achievement: "Stage Manager".
When it's done, walk under the stage and pick up diamond ring which a prince lost.
Then look at a mannequin sitting on the right.
Zoom and take his leather belt with a attached bag. Cut it open, it turns out to had magician's powder.
Leave a building and cross the square to get on the opposite stairs, so you can return to anarchists' trailer via the main road.