The Last of Us 2: Crafting - list of items
Crafting: First Aid Kit, Molotov cocktail, stun bomb, smoke bomb, pipe bomb, mine trap, silencer, melee weapon, arrows, explosive arrows, incendiary bullets, ammunition, blades – How to unlock the recipes? Ingredients, tips, and who can craft items?
This page of the guide to The Last of Us 2 contains the most important information about crafting - the mechanic of creating new items. You can learn what types of objects you can craft, for which playable characters they are available and what uses they have, how to unlock new crafting items, and how to obtain materials for crafting.
- General information about crafting
- Health Kit
- Molotov
- Stun Bomb / Smoke Bomb
- Trap Mine
- Silencer
- Melee Upgrade
- Arrows x2
- Explosive Arrow
- Pipe Bombs x2
- Incendiary Shells x2
- Hunting Pistol Ammo x2
- Shiv x2
General information about crafting

You can't craft all kinds of items right after starting TLoU 2. You need to obtain the right recipe before crafting a specific item. New crafting recipes can be acquired by making enough progress in the plot or through optional exploration. You can look, for example, for new training manuals (we have described them on a separate page).
All currently known recipes appear in the first inventory tab.

You need rafting ingredients, such as a rag or a container, to make each item. You can find materials by searching the locations. The important information, however, is that you won't get a single unit of a given material right away. You need to collect several pieces of the same object (e.g. a few rags) to increase their number by 1 on the crafting screen.
The requirement of collecting many identical ingredients simply means that you can't produce new items too often. You will struggle with a shortage of crafting materials throughout the entire game, especially when playing on higher difficulty levels. Try to use the crafted items only when really necessary, e.g. throw a Molotov cocktail when you have a perfect opportunity to set a tough enemy on fire.

Not all of the items which you have created while playing the initial chapters as Ellie will be available for the second playable character - Abby. Only three projects are common, while all others are already reserved for one of the playable characters.
However, it should be noted that Ellie and Abby must also search for the same types of crafting materials. Playing as Abby you can also, as in the case of Ellie, increase the quantity and efficiency of crafted items by unlocking specific passive skills.
Health Kit

Who can craft them? - It's an item that can be crafted by Ellie and Abby.
How can I unlock the recipe as Ellie? It is automatically unlocked due to the progress in the campaign. The game unlocks it after one of the conversations with Dina in the Jackson chapter, during which she gives Ellie the ingredients to produce the health kit.
How to unlock a recipe as Abby? It's immediately available for this character. For the first time you will be able to create a first aid kit when you enter The Stadium stage.
Required crafting materials: 1x alcohol, 1x rag.
Comment: The Health Kit is one of the most important "gadgets" in the game since it can heal the main character. Note that lost health points don't restore automatically in TLoU2. A health kit is one way to recover lost hp. We advise to always have 2 health kits in stock - they can also be found in the game world. If you have the maximum number of health kits in your inventory, the game won't allow you to pick up another.

Who can craft them? - This is an item that can only be produced by Ellie.
How can I unlock the recipe? It is automatically unlocked due to the progress in the campaign. After winning the first battle with the Clickers in the Jackson chapter, Ellie receives a Molotov cocktail from Dina and learns how to make these items immediately.
Required crafting materials: 1x alcohol, 1x rag.
Comment: Molotov cocktails are useful for setting fire to all kinds of opponents - other people, infected and dogs. They are especially useful when fighting dogs since they can track the main character. It is worth noting, however, that throwing a Molotov cocktail at someone doesn't always mean that the target will burn. The attacked character may begin to put the fire out and survive.
After finding the explosive training manual, you can buy a permanent upgrade that increases the Molotov cocktail's attack range by 50%. This will increase the effectiveness of Molotovs when you are throwing them at groups of opponents standing close to each other.
Stun Bomb / Smoke Bomb

Who can craft them? - This is an item that can only be produced by Ellie.
How can I unlock the recipe? - The chance to unlock this recipe appears during Seattle Day 1 section, specifically during the Downtown stage, which features a semi-open map that you can explore freely. In order to obtain the recipe, Ellie and Dina must go to the United States Court House marked on the map above.

Inside the courthouse, you must defeat a group of infected and then locate the stairs leading to the lower floor. A stun bomb is on one of the shelves. Taking it will also automatically unlock the recipe.
Required crafting materials: 1x container, 1x explosive.
Comment: This gadget stuns enemies and is useful only in unusual situations, e.g. after raising an alarm or when you see opponents heading your way. The explosion can stun them for a few seconds - you can use that to attack them or escape somewhere else.
Get the passive ability to create smoke bombs from the crafting tree to automatically improve all stun bombs. From then on, each bomb thrown will also release a smokescreen, limiting the opponents' field of view. It's a useful upgrade if you're using bombs often to lose your pursuit.
Trap Mine

Who can craft them? - This is an item that can only be produced by Ellie.
How can I unlock the recipe? - You can unlock it during Seattle Day 1 section, shortly after you get out of Eastbrook elementary school and reach the abandoned motel shown in the picture.

At the rear of the motel, you will find an apartment building with a seemingly inaccessible balcony. Start moving the trash container around - you can climb the container and then onto the balcony.

The first trap mine is found on a bed in the bedroom, inside the apartment. Taking it will automatically unlock the crafting recipe.
Required crafting materials: 1x container, 1x explosive.
Comment: This is, in our opinion, the most useful type of explosive in the game, because it is helpful in fighting infected as well as living opponents and dogs. You can set up trap mines in places where you know that opponents will soon appear (e.g. a dog that follows Ellie's scent trail), and in locations where you want to "draw" enemies - in the latter case, throw a bottle or brick to alert nearby opponents. Be careful not to hit a mine prematurely.
After finding the explosive training manual, you can buy a permanent upgrade that increases the trap mine's attack range by 50%. This will increase the chances of killing strong enemies (e.g. Shamblers) or regular enemies travelling in groups. You should also unlock an upgrade from the same tree that allows you to carry and craft more traps.

Who can craft them? - It's an item that can be crafted by Ellie and Abby.
How can I unlock the recipe as Ellie? - All steps of obtaining a silencer recipe are described on the Gun silencer - how to get it? page. For the record, reach the Capitol Hill stage during Seattle Day 1 sequence and go to the bookstore near the gas station.

In the bookstore, you will find a stealth training manual. You must purchase the first skill from this manual - Craft Silencers.
How to unlock a recipe as Abby? It's immediately available for this character. For the first time you will be able to craft a silencer in The Stadium stage.
Required crafting materials: 1x rag, 1x container.
Comment: Silencers are incredibly helpful in stealth combat. With them, you can eliminate opponents quietly. This is your only chance of performing stealth ranged attacks until you get a bow. Unfortunately, you have to remember two important limitations of silencers - they can only be installed on the pistol and they wear out by after three shots (the default value). Be sure to aim carefully at the heads of your enemies so that you don't "waste" any shots.
Get Improved Silencers passive skill. This increases the durability of each silencer from 3 to 5 shots - you won't have to craft them as often.
Melee Upgrade

Who can craft them? - It's an item that can be crafted by Ellie and Abby.
How can I unlock the recipe as Ellie? - The chance to unlock this recipe appears during Seattle Day 1 section, specifically during the Downtown stage, which features a semi-open map that you can explore freely. In order to obtain the recipe, Ellie and Dina must go to the United States Court House marked on the map above.

Inside the courthouse, you must defeat a group of infected and then locate the stairs leading to the lower floor. A crafting training manual is in one of the rooms. Purchase the first passive skill from the new tree - craft melee upgrades.
How to unlock a recipe as Abby? It's immediately available for this character. For the first time, you will be able to craft an improved weapon in The Stadium stage.
Required crafting materials: 1x binding, 1x blade, 1x any melee weapon.
Comment: This is a very useful manual, especially if you often use a melee weapon and prefer to engage in direct combat (Ellie's switchblade is sufficient to perform silent executions on enemies). Try to use this improvement as best as you can. First of all, choose weapons that can be used 6-7 times before they get destroyed, for example, different types of machetes. Hold on with the upgrade until you only have 1-2 strikes left. Unfortunately, the same weapon cannot be upgraded twice.
Arrows x2

Who can craft them? - This is an item that can only be produced by Ellie.
How can I unlock the recipe? It is automatically unlocked due to the progress in the campaign. Ellie will visit Hillcrest during her second day in Seattle. In one of the garages, the heroine will be attacked by an infected stalker. The defeated monster will drop a bow. Looting the bow automatically unlocks the ability to produce arrows.
Required ingredients for crafting: 1x binding, 1x blade.
Comment: In the vast majority of cases you have to reckon with the fact that the arrow will be destroyed after it hits the target. Only in a few cases you may be able to retrieve an arrow. As a result, try to aim accurately at your opponents so that you never miss (also take into account that your projectiles won't fly in a straight line!). Arrows can be found in the game world (among others, as a loot near bodies of enemies who used a bow), but most of them have to be crafted by Ellie.
It's worth unlocking the Craft More Arrows upgrade from the Precision skill tree. This skill allows you to produce 3 arrows at the same time.
Explosive Arrow

Who can craft them? - This is an item that can only be produced by Ellie.
How can I unlock the recipe? The opportunity to unlock this recipe appears during the second day of your stay in Seattle, specifically during the stage called In The Search of Nora - The Seraphites. In the initial part of this stage you can optionally examine the residential building shown in the picture. You must specifically reach the apartment located on the upper floor of the building.

If you try to interact with the workshop table in the apartment, a group of people will attack Ellie. Wipe them out and look check the room where they were hiding. You'll find there, among others, the explosives training manual shown in the picture. The first passive skill which is available in this handbook concerns the possibility of crafting explosive arrows.
Required ingredients for crafting: 1x explosive charge, 1x binding.
Comment: Explosive arrows should be treated as a much rarer item. Try to unlock the last skill from the explosives skill tree quite quickly which will allow you to produce 2 explosive arrows at once and carry a maximum of 4 explosive arrows in your inventory. Even then, try not to waste explosive arrows on weak and individual opponents. They are best suited to attack groups of enemies that cannot be safely approached in order to throw a Molotov cocktail or set up a trap mine.
Pipe Bombs x2

Who can craft them? - It's an item that can only be crafted by Abby.
How can I unlock the recipe? It is automatically unlocked due to the progress in the campaign. It will be available immediately after you start The Stadium stage as part of the Seattle Day 1chapter, in which you play as Abby.
Required crafting ingredients:1x alcohol, 1x container, 1x explosive charge.
Comment: pipe bombs are a great alternative to the mines used by Ellie. They are also more useful than Molotov cocktails, as the explosion of a thrown bomb is capable of killing most of the common enemy types. Try to use them to attack groups of enemies and characters that are not currently moving. The bomb will not explode immediately after it hits the ground, but after a short while. If an opponent manages to bounce it back earlier, then such enemy can avoid damage or will only receive some minor damage.
Incendiary Shells x2

Who can craft them? - It's an item that can only be crafted by Abby.
How can I unlock the recipe? - The option of crafting incendiary shells for shotgun is the first passive skill of the Firearms training manual. . It will unlock the Firearms skill tree. You can find this manual during The Forest mission that is part of the Seattle Day 1 chapter. The handbook will be located inside La Rosa's Auto Shop. Heroes will reach this place after they run away from the opponents. Passive skill costs 20 supplements if you want to unlock it.
Required crafting ingredients: 1x alcohol, 1x explosive.
Comment: Incendiary shells for a shotgun doesn't completely fill the gap resulting from Abby's inability to use Molotov cocktails, but nonetheless it's still an interesting proposition. Ammunition that sets enemies on fire should be used primarily during battles with different varieties of the infected, and in particular with their stronger varieties, like Bloaters or Shamblers. A burning opponent will gradually lose health points and there is also a chance that he can temporarily stop launching further attacks.
In the further part of the game, buy more Craft More Incendiary Shells passive ability. It allows you to produce 3 shotgun shells at the same time and carry a maximum amount of 6 shells in your inventory (the default limit of incendiary ammo is 4 bullets).
Hunting Pistol Ammo x2

Who can craft them? - It's an item that can only be crafted by Abby.
How can I unlock the recipe? - The option of crafting ammunition for a hunting pistol is the second passive skill of the Firearms training manual. . It will unlock the Firearms skill tree. You can find this manual during The Forest mission that is part of the Seattle Day 1 chapter. The handbook will be located inside La Rosa's Auto Shop. Heroes will reach this place after they run away from the opponents. A second passive skill of the Firearms skill tree costs 20 supplements.
Required crafting ingredients: 1x explosive, 1x blade.
Comment: A hunting pistol is a perfect weapon to attack single and strong enemies (especially elite varieties of infected) and to deal with more distant enemies (in this case it is necessary to buy a scope upgrade). Additional ammunition will always come in handy, although try not to produce it up to the limit as far as possible, because the ammo for this weapon can be found with other loot. If you have a full stock of ammo, you can't pick it up.
You can increase the amount of crafted ammo to 3 rounds by purchasing the Craft More Hunting Pistol Ammo passive ability. This is a good investment if you want to use this weapon a lot.
Shiv x2

Who can craft them? - It's an item that can only be crafted by Abby.
How can I unlock the recipe? - The option to craft Shivs blades is the first passive skill of the Stealth training manual. . This manual will unlock the Covert Ops skill tree. You can find this manual while playing the On Foot stage of Seattle Day 1 chapter. It will be located on the boat which is hanging in the hangar. The passive ability costs 20 supplements.
Required crafting ingredients: 1x binding, 1x blade.
Comment: This is the most important type of item which can be produced by Abby. This is because she doesn't have a knife - one of the most important weapons used by Ellie to silently eliminate Clickers. In the case of Abby, a blade is required if you want to eliminate a Clicker after sneaking behind it or if you want to use melee combat (otherwise you have to bypass the monster, or use firearms / pipe bombs). It is worth noting that the blade can also be used to kill ordinary opponents. However, this is not a good idea except to accelerate a silent kill in order to reduce the risk of triggering an alarm.
We strongly advise investing in the Craft More Shivs passive ability available in the Covert Ops skill tree. It will allow you to produce 3 shivs at the same time and carry a maximum of 6 blades in your inventory (standard limit is 4 shivs).
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