The Last of Us 2 Guide
The last shall be only. The Last of Us 2 Guide is a spoiler free walkthrough, the best tips, tricks, enemies, location map of all secrets, collectible and trophy guide.

The Last of Us 2 Guide
This guide to The Last Of Us 2 is a spoiler free extended survival game guide and walkthrough to the brutal post-apocalyptic world created by Naughty Dog studio. By reading our guide you will be able to survive all encounters with infected and living opponents, discover all secrets hidden in the game world and complete TLoU2 in 100% to earn the platinum trophy.
The first major chapter of our guide is a comprehensive guide to The Last Of Us 2. This initial part of this chapter contains starting tips, which should help you understand some unusual mechanics and avoid making frequent mistakes that, in extreme cases, can even lead to the death of the controlled character. The following pages of our guide cover topics such as combat and sneaking, world exploration, crafting, selecting the difficulty level and saving the game, using the best skills, acquiring new weapons and gadgets, and how to behave if you get attacked by dogs. Our guide is complemented by a trophy guide that contains a detailed description of all trophies which are required to earn the platinum trophy. Also, we have prepared a mini-chapter about character development and in-game equipment. Furthermore, you can find a section about in-game controls and system requirements.
An important chapter of our guide is the spoiler free walkthrough, which will help you successfully complete a single player campaign. Our walkthrough describes in detail all stages and steps required to advance to the next chapters of the storyline - you will find out, among others, how to bypass or eliminate opponents, how to acquire important story items, and how to complete mission objectives. In a separate subsection of our walkthrough we have prepared solutions to complex in-game puzzles and tips about most difficult confrontations. The knowledge gained in this way will minimize the risk of getting stuck in a place and not being able to continue your journey.
In a separate chapter of our guide we have comprehensively discussed the topic of secrets and collectibles. We provide information that will allow you to find 100% of the in-game secrets. By using our guide you will be able to find, among others, all training manuals, safes, crafting tables, artifacts, cards, or journal entries. Collectibles have been divided by location. Also, more important secrets associated with character's development were described in detail on separate pages. In the secrets section you can also find a mini world atlas - we have prepared a high-quality map of Seattle's downtown, which is the largest and most extensive semi-open location in the game. We have described all points of interests that are worth visiting and secrets hidden in the downtown area.
The last major chapter of this guide is the FAQ section which contains answers to frequently asked questions. In our FAQ we have prepared answers to many common problems and more confusing issues. We explain, among others, how long it takes to complete TLoU 2, how to bypass or eliminate clickers, how to heal a character, how to acquire a bow, how to use silencers, how to improve weapons, and whether there are any romances in TLoU2.
The Last of Us Part II is the sequel to the highly acclaimed action adventure game which was released in 2013. The new title continues the story from the previous part and allows you to play as mature Ellie. In terms of gameplay, it is a further development of ideas and game mechanics well-known from the previous installment - players will face many demanding battles with infected and live opponents. Also, there is a huge emphasis on sneaking and survival aspects, for example, you have to save supplies due to their limited quantity. The magnificent and spectacular post-apocalyptic world is also an unquestionable advantage of the game. In TLoU2 you will spend a lot of time on exploring various areas and districts of Seattle that are overgrown with lush vegetation.
- List of all chapters and walkthrough
- Quick Tips for Beginner Players
- All secrets available in TLoU 2
- Controls
List of all chapters and walkthrough
Our spoiler-free walkthrough The Last of Us 2 has a list of all the main chapters and stages of the single-player campaign. A look at the list below will help you determine how many levels are in the game and quickly find the stage you are interested in.
Seattle Day 1 - Ellie
- Packing Up, The Gate
- Downtown
- Return to the gate with fuel canister
- Eastbrook Elementary
- Capitol Hill, Channel 13
- The Tunnels
- Theatre
- The Birthday Gift - flashback
Seattle Day 2 - Ellie
Seattle Day 3 - Ellie
Seattle Day 1 - Abby
- The Stadium
- On Foot
- The Forward Base / The Aquarium
- Hostile Territory
- Winter Visit
- The Forest
- The Coast
Seattle Day 2 - Abby
Seattle Day 3 - Abby
The Farm
Santa Barbara
Quick Tips for Beginner Players
Below you will find some useful tips for beginners. We encourage you to read them before you start playing for the first time. You will find more hints and tips in a more detailed form in the Starting Tips section of our guide.
- Don't use too much ammo, cocktails and bombs. In The Last of Us 2 there are limited quantities of ammunition, medikits and crafting materials. If this is not necessary, try not to use them while confronting your opponents, because you may end up in a situation in which you won't have any spare supplies. You can eliminate many enemies by performing silent executions that do not consume any supplies.
- Thoroughly explore all locations. This is primarily intended to obtain a variety of loot. Look for items in sight, but also loot all drawers, cabinets and other containers. While replenishing your supplies, you will also find some collectibles - there are over 200 of them in the game.
- A heroine is unable to regenerate health points. You can't forget about this issue. Beginning the battle while having a heavily wounded character may lead to your instant death. You can treat yourself primarily by using crafted or collected first aid kits. However, you can also find candy bars that restore some of your lost health points.
- Use listen mode to find and track opponents. Its use is not limited in any way and it is also available on higher difficulty levels. Activating listen mode will allow you to plan attacks from behind more effectively and reduce the chances of being spotted by a missed opponent.
- In the game you can use silent weapons and they are very useful to eliminate single enemies without alerting the whole area. In the initial part of the game the only such weapon is a pistol with a silencer, but in the later part of the campaign you can also get a bow and crossbow.
- Your character can hide in the high grass, although it is not 100% effective if you want to avoid of being detected. If you want to make it even harder for your opponents to locate your character, lay back on the ground. However, this action will very clearly limit your mobility.
- Rely on dodges in melee combat, which can be activated by pressing L1 button. They have two main uses - to protect your character against the melee attacks of your opponent, or to avoid being caught by an enemy. If you get caught, press the Square quickly to free yourself and not to die or lose too much health.
- You can easily distract your opponents by throwing items - bottles or hollow bricks. This is particularly effective while confronting infected that are immediately moving towards the sounds they hear. This makes it easier to bypass them or ambush them and throw at them a Molotov cocktail or a bomb. Throwable items are also able to confuse the enemy guard dogs which are often tracking the heroine.
- Keep Shamblers at a distance while fighting them. The unique and most powerful attack of this new type of infected is a cloud of poisonous gas and you can receive heavy damage if you are in range. It is also good to use a shotgun, rifle, flamethrower, trap mines and bombs to kill Shamblers.
All secrets available in TLoU 2
Our spoiler free guide will help you find 100% secrets and collectibles that are available in The Last of Us 2. We divided the descriptions of places where the secrets can be found in stages, taking into account only those levels where there is at least 1 secret to find.
All secrets available in the Jackson chapter:
- Waking Up - 1 artifact and 2 trading cards.
- The Overlook - 1 artifact.
- Patrol - 6 artifacts, 2 trading cards, 2 journal entries, 1 workbench, 1 safe.
- Packing Up - 1 artifact, 2 journal entries.
All secrets available in the Seattle Day 1 chapter - Ellie:
- The Gate - 6 artifacts, 4 trading cards, 1 journal entry.
- Downtown (map)- 18 artifacts, 5 trading cards, 2 journal entries, 1 workbench, 3 safes.
- Eastbrook Elementary - 3 artifacts, 1 trading card.
- Capitol Hill - 7 artifacts, 6 trading cards, 2 workbenches, 1 safe.
- Channel 13 - 1 artifact, 1 trading card.
- The Tunnels - 5 artifacts, 3 trading cards, 1 journal entry, 1 workbench.
- The Theater - 4 artifacts, 2 trading cards.
- The Birthday Gift - 1 artifact, 2 trading cards, 2 journal entries.
All secrets available in Seattle Day 2 chapter - Ellie:
- Hillcrest - 10 artifacts, 5 trading cards, 1 journal entry, 2 workbenches, 1 safe.
- Finding Strings - 1 artifact, 1 trading card, 1 journal entry.
- The Seraphites - 7 artifacts, 6 trading cards, 3 journal entries, 2 workbenches, 2 safes.
All secrets available in Seattle Day 3 chapter - Ellie:
- Road to The Aquarium - 3 artifacts, 4 trading cards, 1 journal entry, 2 workbenches.
- The Flooded City - 6 artifacts, 2 trading cards, 1 journal entry, 2 workbenches, 1 safe.
- Infiltration - 1 journal entry.
All secrets available in The Park chapter:
- Tracking Lesson - 3 artifacts, 1 coin.
All secrets available in Seattle Day 1 chapter - Abby:
- The Stadium - 4 coins.
- On Foot - 1 artifact, 4 coins, 1 workbench, 1 safe.
- The Forward Base - 1 artifact, 3 coins, 1 workbench.
- Hostile Territory - 12 artifacts, 1 coin, 1 workbench, 1 safe.
- The Forest - 1 artifact, 1 workbench.
- The Coast - 3 artifacts, 4 coins, 1 workbench, 1 safe.
All secrets available in the Seattle Day 2 chapter - Abby:
- The Shortcut - 6 artifacts, 2 coins, 2 workbenches, 1 safe.
- The Descent - 3 artifacts, 5 coins, 1 safe.
- Ground Zero- 5 artifacts, 2 coins, 1 workbench.
All secrets available in Seattle Day 3 chapter - Abby:
- The Marina - 1 artifact, 2 coins.
- The Island - 4 artifacts, 3 coins, 1 workbench.
- The Escape - 1 coin, 1 workbench
All secrets available in the Santa Barbara chapter:
- Constance 2425 - 1 artifact.
- Pushing Inland - 3 artifacts, 1 trading card, 1 journal entry, 1 workbench.
- The Resort - 2 artifacts, 1 trading card, 1 journal entry, 1 workbench.
Multiplayer - is it available in the game?
No. There is no multiplayer mode in the current version of The Last of Us Part II. TLoU 2 only has a single player campaign to offer. Multiplayer will be available in the future. However, details about this mode have been shrouded in mystery at the moment.
The Last of Us: Part II is a much longer game than its predecessor and players shouldn't complain about the lack of content in the newest production of Naughty Dog studio. The lack of multiplayer may also be considered as good news for trophy hunters - the Platinum trophy can be earned just by playing the single player mode.
Game length - how long is the story campaign of TLoU 2?
The game is clearly longer than the first part of The Last of Us - it should take about 25-30 hours to complete the campaign for the first time, assuming that you will spend some time exploring your locations (and that you won't play on the lowest difficulty level).
For more information about the length of the game and its main attractions, check another page of our guide - How long does it take to run-through The Last Of Us 2?.
Platinum trophy - is it hard to get it?
Earning the platinum trophy in The Last of Us Part II should be much easier than in the first part. This is due to two main factors - in TLoU2 there are no trophies related to multiplayer content or trophies related to difficulty levels. The game can be played on any difficulty level, including the lowest level.
Most trophies available in The Last Of Us: Part II consist in finding secrets and improving the equipment of the controlled character. However, there are no trophies in the game that would require you to grind. For more information, check out our trophy guide, in which we have described every available trophy in detail.
Co-op - is it available in the game?

No, TLoU2 does not offer co-op mode and is designed for 1 player only. As in the case of the first part, the character we control may be accompanied in some stages by a partner controlled by artificial intelligence. In Ellie's case, it could be Dina.
Unfortunately, you cannot give any commands to the AI companion, but it doesn't make any huge mistakes or flaws during the gameplay. You also don't have to protect your companion all the time. Only in extreme situations his or her life may be in danger.
Chapter selection feature - is it available in the game?

Yes, TLoU 2 includes "chapter select" feature. In the main menu you can choose which section of the main campaign you want to play, for example, to replay a particular chapter.
As you select different chapters and stages, the game displays information about found items and achievements in the selected difficulty level. You can easily identify the stages where you haven't gained 100% of the secrets yet and repeat them in order to collect the omitted collectibles.
A list of all stages can be found on the first page of our walkthrough of The Last of Us 2.
Jumping on command - can you jump in the game?

Yes, one of the novelties in The Last of Us 2 is the addition of a dedicated button for jumping - this is the X button.
The main application of this action is to jump over smaller and larger gaps. It is worth noting that some locations require long jumps - in such cases jump button must be pressed during sprint (you must hold the L1 button). Additionally, jump will only succeed if you activate it just before reaching the edge of the floor from which you have to bounce off.
Choices - can I make any decisions in the game?
No, the story campaign in The Last Of Us Part II is linear. You don't have any impact on the main story. TLoU2 does not allow you to choose any ending (this game has only 1 ending). Also, you can't decide which characters you would like to spare or save them from misfortune.
Open world - is there complete freedom of exploration?

No, TLoU 2 is not a game with an open world that you could explore freely, as in Horizon Zero Dawn or Days Gone.
However, should be noted that some locations in the game are semi-open. This means that different paths can lead to your destination and you can explore locations which are not connected to the main plot. The most open stage in the game is Seattle downtown, which we discussed in more detail in our world atlas. It is a fairly extensive location where you can move freely. The controlled character does not have to focus on the main storyline right away, but can explore optional spots first. Stages with a similar structure had already appeared in the previous games developed by Naughty Dog. A similar scheme was available during the Western Ghats chapter in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy.
Obstacle in the way - why can't I get past it?

As you explore the game world, you may encounter obstacles, such as fallen trees or fortifications similar to those in the picture above. The controlled character may not be able to bypass this type of obstacles and it's not a bug in the game, but a deliberate blockade set by game designers.
The solution to this problem is very simple - you have to mount a horse and jump over an obstacle.
HUD - can I deactivate it completely?

Yes, The Last of Us 2 allows you to disable the entire user interface or only selected elements of the HUD. You must go to the HUD tab in game options.
TLoU 2 allow you, among other things, to hide the crosshair, health and ammunition information, hints, interaction icons or button icons displayed during combat.
Young Ellie - does she appear in the game?

Yes, despite the fact that for most of the campaign an adult Ellie is present, a young heroine also appears in selected scenes of the game. During this stages her appearance looks similar to the one known from the first part of the series. However, Ellie's model in TLoU 2 is much more detailed.
Climbing stages - are they present in the game?

Yes, in some locations of the game you have to complete climbing sequences. Fortunately, they are not very complex and serve more as a variety of gameplay than an integral part of it.
As you climb you may be forced to use a rope or make a long jump. In the latter case, you should be careful, because a fall from a high height after a badly measured jump may result in a fall into an abyss and death of the character.
For more information and advice, check out the Exploration chapter of our guide.
Vehicles - can I drive them?

There are various vehicles in TLoU 2 - they are used by members of the WLF to travel around Seattle. Unfortunately, you can't drive in cars, although in several stages you will have to shoot from the passenger seat.
The only fully interactive vehicle is the boat, which is primarily used during The Flooded City stage played as Ellie. The heroine uses a boat in the aforementioned mission to travel through flooded areas. The majority of the boat section is linear, although there are several larger areas with optional locations you can explore.
New game mode+ - does the game have it?

Yes, The Last of Us 2 features a New Game Plus mode - you unlock it after completing the game on any difficulty. The NG+ mode allows you to transfer your earned upgrades and equipment. This should make it easier to replay the game and get trophies for improving all weapons and unlocking all passive skills.
Swimming - can heroes swim?

Yes, Ellie and Abby can swim - you have to do this to reach certain locations. Furthermore, playable characters are also able to dive in selected locations. You may need to do this to reach a neighboring location or, for example, to find a secret or some valuable loot lying at the bottom.
![]() | Movement. |
![]() | Looking at important locations - this is only possible if there is an important building visible in the distance. Navigation aids - you need to have this feature activated when choosing the difficulty level. Holding breath - only available if you have unlocked this passive ability. The skill makes it easier to fire accurate shots. |
![]() | Looking around. |
![]() | Turning flashlight on / off - the infected do not respond to the flashlight being turned on, but the living opponents do. |
Photo Mode - you must first unlock this shortcut in the control options (Photo Mode Shortcut). | |
![]() | Dodge. Sprint - hold the button to sprint. |
![]() | Aiming weapon/throwable - you need to hold the button. |
![]() | Crouch. Crawling - you have to hold the button. |
![]() | Melee attack - your character will use a knife/fist or a currently possessed "large" melee weapon. Change the position of the camera when aiming (while having L2 pressed). |
![]() | Interaction. Changing weapon mode - only possible if the weapon e.g. has the option of installing a silencer or using a different type of ammo. Getting on a horse / getting off a horse. |
![]() | Jump / climb - in some cases the jump has to be combined with sprint (L1). Using the scope - this works only when aiming and only for the weapons you bought the scope for. |
![]() | Shoot/throw Reload - you must press R2 when you are not aiming the weapon, i.e. you do not have the L2 button pressed. |
![]() | Switching weapons Listen mode - you have to hold the button. Very helpful when finding and tracking opponents. |
![]() | Weapon and gadget selection Menu - up. |
![]() | Weapon and gadget selection Menu - left. |
![]() | Weapon and gadget selection Menu - right. |
![]() | Weapon and gadget selection Menu - down. |
![]() | Backpack inventory - the main bookmarks are crafting, buying passive abilities, and browsing the journal and found items. Seattle Map - you must hold down the button and have the map while playing as Ellie. |
![]() | Pause Menu - you can, among others, activate Photo Mode, repeat a fight, go to the options menu, or save and load the game. |

Author: Jacek Hałas
Working with since the old days, focusing on preparing guides for large and massive games, although occasionally smaller ones too. Besides more than 200 guides, his writing credits include reviews, previews, and editorials. Privately, almost exclusively a console player, most often playing action-adventure games (with a strong emphasis on good plot), racing games, and horrors. Also appreciates stealth games and tactical turn-based games in the style of XCOM. Plays a lot, not only at work but also outside of it, hunting - within the limits of reason and free time - for trophies. Apart from games, likes cycling trips, a good book (especially by Stephen King), and TV series (Stargate, The Sopranos, and Supernatural).
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