Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough


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This page of the guide to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order has a walkthrough for the fight with Gorgara on Dathomir. This big flying monster is one of the main bosses of the game. In addition to the boss battle, we ales included information on how to get to the tomb on Dathomir, how to complete the flashback with young Cal and how to escape from Dathomir.

Fight with Gorgara in the cave

For the record, Gorgara will appear after you get to the Witches Horn cave on Dathomir and inspect the corpses found in the cave - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

For the record, Gorgara will appear after you get to the Witches Horn cave on Dathomir and inspect the corpses found in the cave. During the fight, Gorgara attacks primarily by hitting the ground with its upper limbs. These are both usual attacks and red ones which are more dangerous. After using a red attack, the boss will stop for some time. This is an opportunity to attack the limb stuck in the ground.

When you attack the boss's upper limb that is stuck in the ground, you follow the game's suggestion to switch between the targets (in this case, different parts of the boss's body) or temporarily disable the lock-on.

Gorgaras another attack is biting - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Gorgara's another attack is biting. This attack telegraphed by the boss - this should give you enough time to dodge backward or prepare to block/parry (this isn't a red attack).

Gorgara can also attack you with its wing - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Gorgara can also attack you with its wing. This is a red attack, so don't try to block it. An additional problem is that this attack has a large radius. Either move quickly away from the boss or try to double jump over the wing (this can be difficult).

1 - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide
After several successful attacks, Gorgara will be stunned (example in picture 1) - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

After several successful attacks, Gorgara will be stunned (example in picture 1). The blue glow around the monster signals that you can use the Force - use Force Pull to knock the boss to the ground. This will allow you to run to Gorgara's head and perform a few attacks (picture 2).

2 - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide
In the next phase, Gorgara will start flying around the cave - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

In the next phase, Gorgara will start flying around the cave. The boss now has two aerial attacks:

  1. Scream (example in picture 1) - Jump to the side. This attack goes in a straight line, it cannot "turn".
  2. Ground slam causing a shock wave (example in picture 2) - Try to move away from the place where the boss has landed. You can use double jump to jump over the shock wave.
In the later phase, Gorgara will start to run around the arena - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

In the later phase, Gorgara will start to run around the arena. Don't risk here, focus on dodging. Wait for the boss to start using its main attacks again - this is the easiest way to weaken it.

One of the later boss's attacks is wings flap. Fortunately, this is one of the heavily telegraphed attacks - you should have plenty of time to move away from the boss to get out of reach of its wings.

You cant kill Gorgara yet - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

You can't kill Gorgara yet. The boss will escape from the cave when it has a few health points left.

Getting out of the cave

After winning the fight, examine the corpse again - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

After winning the fight, examine the corpse again. Cal will find Climbing Claws, thanks to which you can climb on the "colored" walls (in addition, each "normal" climbing will now be a little faster). Use this "gadget" and start climbing the red fragments of the wall adjacent to the examined corpses.

Reach the top shelf and squeeze between the rocks to get out of the cave. Move on the branches to reach a meditation spot. A new climbing wall is nearby - use the claws.

Defeating Gorgara

Gorgara will appear again after you start climbing the yellow wall - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Gorgara will appear again after you start climbing the yellow wall. The second encounter with the boss will, fortunately, be much easier - you will have to climb a bit and then free-fall. You won't deal damage directly to the monster.

During the climbing sequence, you just have to keep climbing without stopping. This will prevent Gorgara from reaching Cal.

In the free-fall sequences, you have to guide Cal to Gorgaras ridge to make the attack prompt appear on the monster (example in the picture) - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

In the free-fall sequences, you have to guide Cal to Gorgara's ridge to make the attack prompt appear on the monster (example in the picture). Fortunately, if you make a mistake, the game will allow you to try again without any punishment.

After completing all the climbing sequences and free-falling, Cal will finally defeat Gorgara.

Reaching the tomb on Dathomir

Start your journey to the ruins - go to the place where a fragment of a shelf collapsed earlier under Cal and where he met the mysterious man - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Start your journey to the ruins - go to the place where a fragment of a shelf collapsed earlier under Cal and where he met the mysterious man. Climb the red wall and use Force Pull on the interactive barricade. Defeat a group of Nightbrothers.

In the next location, you need to solve a simple puzzle - use the Force to lower the two barricades (the picture above), and then run along the wall and jump towards the climbing wall. You must do this before the interactive objects return to the default horizontal position.

Continue the journey - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Continue the journey. You return to the bridge in the village. However, this time, you have to grab the stalk below it and move while Cal is hanging down. Along the way, you need to squeeze between the rocks and climb the walls. You will reach a meditation spot.

You are in the main part of the Nightbrothers' village. Jump to neighboring shelves to attack enemies by surprise - Cal can land on one of them. Eliminate all the Nightbrothers in the area.

You now have to complete another simple environmental puzzle - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

You now have to complete another simple environmental puzzle. Find a large chest in the village and move it using Force Push. Place the chest near the stairs shown in the picture. Climb the chest and jump to the upper shelf.

Watch out for a Nightbrother hiding around the corner. Follow the linear path until you are outside. Soon you will come back to the village. However, you will reach its upper floor. If you want to, you can unlock a shortcut here. Head to higher levels until you reach the hanging rope that allows you to leave the village.

You can see the Mantis in the distance - this isnt your current destination - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

You can see the Mantis in the distance - this isn't your current destination. The linear path will take you to the door - open them to unlock a new shortcut. You are above the previously visited place with two hanging ropes and a meditation spot.

You probably remember the path - move forward to reach the next gate. Keep jumping to the next shelves until you reach the climbing wall presented in the picture. Since Cal has claws, he can grab the wall and climb it.


Go to the big gate of the Tomb of Kujet and touch it to open the entrance - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Go to the big gate of the Tomb of Kujet and touch it to open the entrance. A meditation spot is right near the entrance. Use it to trigger a flashback during which you play as young Cal who is training under Master Jaro Tapal.

Follow the linear corridors and head towards the main hall - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Follow the linear corridors and head towards the main hall. You don't need to interact with the soldiers you pass on the way. In the great hall, Jaro Tapal will order Cal to complete a new training - you have to climb using various abilities and Force powers.

Start by reaching the upper shelves using double jumps. When you reach the top shelf, jump forward to catch the slightly protruding edge shown in the picture. Move to the right and jump to another edge.

Release it when you are above the platform - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Release it when you are above the platform. New platforms will come out. In the place presented in the picture, you need to perform a double jump towards the bottom platform which works like a springboard. It can catapult Cal just like plants from the previous parts of the campaign. After bouncing off it, perform a double jump and run on the wall.

In the final phase of running on the wall, perform a double jump and grab the vertical climbing wall - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

In the final phase of running on the wall, perform a double jump and grab the vertical climbing wall. Climb to its top and wait for new platforms.

Go right and wait for the soldier with a blaster - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Go right and wait for the soldier with a blaster. You have to reflect a few bolts with your lightsaber.

Turn left to reach new shelves - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Turn left to reach new shelves. Jump on the shelf from the above picture and perform a double jump towards another climbing wall. Climb up and get to the room where Jaro Tapal is. This will trigger a cut-scene.

Follow the linear corridors - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Follow the linear corridors. You can deflect bolts, but the game won't allow you to eliminate them in direct combat and will close the side passages. Get to the grate in the wall and remove it by using Force Pull.

Squeeze through and head straight. Use Force Pull to bring the large platform down. A little further you need to use Force Push on the next platform.

Use the lightsaber to cut all the cables on your way - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

Use the lightsaber to cut all the cables on your way. You are in a large vent shaft - start climbing. Use climbing walls, ropes and vertical walls. Cal will lose his lightsaber.

Watch the cut-scenes and then continue the linear climbing sequence. You must reach the control room and interact with the central terminal. Open the side door.

Escaping from the tomb

After returning to the tomb, you will find yourself in a dimly lit area with Jaro Tapal - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

After returning to the tomb, you will find yourself in a dimly lit area with Jaro Tapal. Try to attack the master. You will learn that Cal is still too weak. The hero loses his lightsaber.

After the "vision", you have to leave the tomb. The Wanderer - Taron Malicos - appears again. Nightsister Merrin will join too. She will resurrect the new Undead Nightsisters.

The hero cant use the lightsaber - the only option is to run - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

The hero can't use the lightsaber - the only option is to run. Try to avoid the Undead Nightsisters by keeping a safe distance. Use a roll every time one of the Nightsisters performs a red attack. This will allow you to avoid getting caught by a Nightsister.

First, head to the gate, and then pass the meditation spot near the two ropes hanging over the abyss.

In the final part of the escape, select the path presented in the picture - Chapter 5 Gorgara and the Tomb of Kujet | Fallen Order Walkthrough - Main Story - Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Guide

In the final part of the escape, select the path presented in the picture. Reach the Mantis to trigger a cut-scene during which Cal will escape from Dathomir. You will automatically fly to the next planet, Ilum. The walkthrough for this chapter is on the next page.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

November 15, 2019

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