Sevenkeeps (2) | Chapter: The Catapults of Underhall
Sevenkeeps (2)
![]() | Go to the University (3). You can find there a Journey Stone and a few scientists you have to talk to (Master Askan, Professor Twiddle and Professor Undergant). Talk to the Master Askan and give him magic books. You are rewarded with a ring. Now it's time for the Professor Twiddle. Talk to him and you will know whom the mysterious Doctor Mauser was. You receive a task: rescue Lela from Underhall. Now talk to Undergant. This way you recapture the Berengar's armor. You have to choose one of two armors (choose the better one for your hero). Now go to Connach (use a Journey Stone) and talk to Berengar. Blacksmith asks you if you want to keep the armor or sell it. Keep it for yourself, it's an excellent piece of armor. Go back to Sevenkeeps. |
Quest solved (side quest): take four books to the Master Askan
Quest solved (side quest): find the Professor Twiddle and talk to him
Quest solved (side quest): find the Berengar's armor
![]() | Now go to the Dwarven Ambassador (4). You are given new task: get a sobering up potion that will help Jandrim. Talk to Jared. He gives you another task: get Bitter Lye and Crystal Vial. Both items are in the hands of the High Priest Alastar from Priest's Guild (5) and the Guild Master Cardogan. Start with Alastar. He can help but you have to earn some trust and respect first. It means that you have to accomplish at least one task given by priests. Priestess Sephis gives you a quest: cleanse the Sanctuary of Light in the Northwest (6). So, go there now. |
Quest solved: talk to Jared
![]() | The situation seems a little suspicious - there is only one Skeleton waiting for you! And it's a trap indeed. When you kill first Skeleton the Undead starts to appear from nowhere. There are a lot of them but you should not have much trouble with them. Go back to the priestess. This way you earned some respect, but you may solve some more quests to earn more experience. Talk to Sephis and you are given a next task: unmask the followers of the Cult in Sevenkeeps. Start with Olar. This quest can be solved in the night only, so in the meantime you can find another priest and a new job. |
Quest solved (side quest): cleanse the Sanctuary of Light
Quest solved: earn some respect of the Priests
![]() | There is the Priest Galius standing nearby. Talk to him. He gives you a quest: gather a few medicinal herbs for Galius. There is a chance, that you have found some of them (or even all) so far, while accomplishing other tasks. If you haven't you must take a look around the town. When searching for herbs you may also find some useful equipment and quest items. Beware of hordes of spiders, wolves and hornets. When you collect all herbs go back to Galius. |
Quest solved (side quest): collect a few medicinal herbs for Galius
![]() | It's time to take care of cultists. You must approach a house of the accused citizen and wait until he leaves his house. And then follow his steps to see what is he going to do. You don't have to be discreet. Warning! All houses of cultists are signed with a large, circular sign in front of the door. When investigating you must remember who is a cultist and who is innocent. |
![]() | It may happen that one night is not enough for you to check all houses. If so, do not waste your time and go to the Marketplace (7). You can find Baru there. Talk to Baru and she tells you where is Kara. You may also talk to Laudinia and other merchants. Jorge gives you a task: ask craftsman Firin to open Jorge's chest. You can find Firin in the Crafters Quarter. Odger asks you to find a few varieties of spidersilk. You have to look for it in the Spider Lair (8). |
![]() | When you manage to observe all cultists go back to Sephis. The Cultists are: Turja, Haldor, Freja and Gunnar. The rest is innocent. Now you may go to Alastar for your prize. You will be rewarded with a few items, including Bitter Lye. |
Quest solved (side quest): unmask followers of the Cult in Sevenkeeps
Quest solved: get Bitter Lye
![]() | Now go to the Crafters Quarter (9). You can find the Guild Master Cardogan and Firin there. Talk to Cardogan, who asks you for accomplishing a few quests. When you solve them you will be rewarded with Crystal Vial. Talk to crafters and ask for tasks. Start with Firin. Tell him about Jorge's chest. Firin agrees to help but he must be rewarded suitably. Go to Jorge to discuss the deal. Now you must decide if you want to support merchant's side (you have to open the chest by yourself) or crafter's side (you order Firin to do that). You need Cardogan's respect so it's better to choose the second option (if you want to do it by yourself this is the combination: Key 2 = Red, Key 9 = Blue, Key 4 = Green, Key 8 = Yellow). Now talk to Troya (she stands nearby). You are given a next task: clear the Quarry in Sevenkeeps of Golems. The Quarry is next to the Dwarven Ambassador's place (10). |
Quest solved (side quest): open the Firin's chest
![]() | Now it's time to visit the Spider Lair to get some spidersilk for Odger. It's really hard battle, there are a lot of spiders. Do not attack frontally, try to lure beasts outside their lair and destroy all approaching groups. When you kill at least a half of spider's population you may storm their lair. This way you get spidersilk and a few items. Go back to Odger. Give the spidersilk to him and talk to Laudinia. Now go to the quarry and destroy all Golems. Your party should be strong enough to crush them even if you choose frontal attack. Now get back to Thoya. Talk to her and then to Cardogan. You are rewarded with a few items and Crystal Vial. |
Quest solved (side quest): find a few varieties of spidersilk
Quest solved (side quest): clear the Quarry of Golems
Quest solved: get Crystal Vial
![]() | It's time to give ingredients of the potion to Jared. But there is a harsh surprise waiting for you - Jared is dying. Save him using the power of Shaikan blood. Jared joins your party. He prepares the potion for Jandrim. Go to the Dwarven Ambassador. |
![]() | Talk to Jandrim who tells you about his problems. Help him to activate the portal to Underhall (11). You must use your portal stone. |
Quest solved: get sobering up potion for Jandrim Windhammer
Quest solved: help Jandrim to open the portal to Underhall
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