Norimar | Chapter: Nightsong and the Message for the King Speellforce 2 SW Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
1. Rottgar and his soldiers
2, 3, 4, 5. Watchtowers
6. Revenant Lord
7. Leif's body
8, 9, 10, 11, Journey Stones
12. Solveig
13. The Dwarven Horn
14. Uland
15. Ortbrandt
16. Hedwig
17. Your headquarter
18, 19, 20, 21. Watchtowers, Undead's buildings
22. The Vault of the Undead
23. Rolf
24. Gurak
25. Inga
26. The portal to Rushwater Downs
In Norimar you are going to lead the group of your heroes only. The best tactics is to choose units casting spells and using range weapon as your first targets. Leave the strongest beasts for an end. When you meet extremely strong enemy who has his own soldiers (e.g. Revenant Lord), it's a good idea to lure enemy's soldiers outside their camp. After a while your opponent has to go back to his camp what gives you some time for healing and resurrecting your heroes. It's a good idea to equip one of your heroes with the healing wand. Keep him away from fighting soldiers and let him heal his companions. Remember that you always can resurrect your heroes so do not panic when someone dies.
The portal teleports you to the mountains. You receive a next quest: find the Ortbrandt's fortress. Follow the path. Be aware of Skeletons. |
On the first embranchment turn left (Northwest). There are few Revenants in a small valley. Kill all enemies, take items and go back to the main path. Go East and then North, (there is only one path with no branching). Be careful, there are many Skeleton Warriors wondering around. After a while you can see a band of skeletons fighting a group of soldiers. Kill all Undead and search the remains. Continue a journey. |
Go west and you meet Rottgar and his soldiers (1). Some Undead have driven Rottgar and his men away from the protecting watchfire and extinguished it. A quest is given to you: recapture the watchtower on the hill and light the fire. |