Ratchet & Clank: Deplanetizer - Walkthrough
On this page of the Ratchet & Clank guide, you will find a description of the tasks available on the eleventh planet - Deplanetiser. Deplanetiser is a unique location because it is not a planet, but a space station to destroy planets. At the beginning of your visit, you will start in space. Next, the heroes will be separated for the whole mission.
Deplanetizer is a rather unique location, as it's not a planet but a space station, and the one used to destroy planets. At the beginning of your visit here you have to face a boss in space combat, after which the heroes will be separated for the duration of the whole chapter. Below you can find a detailed walkthrough of the location.
Items to unlock:
Glove of Doom - a weapon for purchase for 35,000 bolts.
Take down Victor Von Iron

Your visit on this station begins behind the "wheel" of a space ship. Make use of few seconds of relative peace to resupply on rockets - do so by destroying the smaller enemy ships. After a short while a cut-scene will initiate and you will begin the encounter against Victor Von Ion.

The whole encounter can be finished extremely quickly by using both the machineguns and tesla rockets. Each rocket will take out about 10% of Victor Von Ion ship's health, which is why you should have a full supply of that ammo at the beginning of the fight. Fire at the enemy ship until its health drops drastically - if you run out of rockets, destroy smaller enemy ships to resupply. Additionally, remember to avoid the rockets the enemy is shooting at you (or destroy them if you want to).

When the health of the enemy ship drops drastically, he will use the on-board tractor beam cannon to immobilize your ship, preventing you from moving. You must now wait for several seconds, destroying any rockets flying towards you. After a short while you will regain control over the ship - use this opportunity to finish of the enemy ship. Afterwards, a cut-scene will initiate.
Defeat Victor Von Ion

After a long series of cut-scenes you will assume control over Clank. You must now run away from Victor Von Ion who infiltrated the ship - the whole section looks exactly the same as the one on the first planet. Run towards the bottom of the screen while avoiding enemy attacks. When the robot starts cutting with a laser from one side of the screen to the other, wait for the laser to be in the middle of the screen and jump above it. Do everything you can to prevent the enemy from "touching" Clank - it will end in your demise and loading of a checkpoint. When an aiming reticle appears on the ground avoid it by running back and forth.

After a short run you will be forced to enter the room on the right side, after which you will end up in a new location. Jump down and pick up the nearby robot. Transform it into a Bridgebot and use it to set up a footbridge leading to the left side - we will name it footbridge number one. Use it to get to the other side, pick up the next robot and use it to set a next bridge, this time going to the right - this will be footbridge number two.

Now pick up the third robot and use it set up a bridge leading to the place you started at - this way you will create a triangle of makeshift bridges. Run through the bridge you've just created (let's name it footbridge number three) and then through the first one. Pick up the robot you used to create the second bridge and get back near the starting point of the third one. Transform it into a Springbot and throw it next to the wall with the up-arrow.

Go again through the third bridge and pick up the robot you used to create the second one. Get back to the place with the Springbot, jump onto the elevation, transform the robot you're holding into a Powerbot and use it to power up one of the coils. Jump down, pick up the third Bridgebot, jump up again and transform it into a Powerbot to power up the second coil. Afterwards, press the button on the wall.

Pick one of the Powerbots, transform it into a Bridgebot and use it to set up the third bridge again. Pick up another robot and use to create the next bridge (previously known as the first footbridge). Get back and pick up the last robot and use it to create the third bridge (previously known as the second footbridge) - this way you have a triangle again.

Pick up the robot used to create the third footbridge and set it up right next to the first one, but from the other side (from the coils, not from the starting point of this location). Afterwards, run on top of the newly created bridge, pick up the other one, transform the robot into a Powerbot and throw it right next to one of the three coils. Now pick up the two remaining robots and use them to power up the other two coils. Press the button and wait for the cut-scenes to end.

Another running section awaits you. At the end of it you must jump into a room on the left side. Jump down, pick up the robot on the right side and transform it into a Bridgebot. Use it to set up a bridge in the direction of the green platform. Pick up the robot located there, get back to the place at which you've found the first robot, transform it into a Springbot and throw it next to a wall with the up-arrow.

Pick up the robot you've used to create the bridge and jump on the Springbot you just set up. Throw the robot on the other side, next to the one located on the lower ground by the coil, and pick up the next robot located on the elevation. Jump with it down near the mentioned coil, transform it into a Powerbot and set it up next to the coil to power it up. This will turn the platform. Use one of the free robots to set up a bridge towards the platform, and the other one to make a bridge from the platform to the starting location.

Head towards the wall with the Springbot, pick it up and get back through the double bridges near the coil. Throw it next to the wall with the double up-arrows and pick up the one you used to create the bridge from the platform to the starting location. Throw it next to the coil and pick up the other Bridgebot. You should now have 4 bots in a single spot.
You must now take the three of them and get on top of the elevation. Transform all of them into Powerbots and use them to power all three coils located there. Afterwards, press the button on the wall to initiate a cut-scene. A short running moment will initiate, which ends at the place where you must press the button on the right side of the room. This way Victor Von Ion will be defeated, the objective will be completed, and you will regain control over Ratchet.
Disable the Security System

Afterwards, head to the store, where a new weapon is available for purchase - the Glove of Doom, costing 35,000 bolts. This is a rather unique weapon, as it allows you to summon a group of robots that will seek out their targets and self-destruct near them, causing some serious damage. Unfortunately, this weapon is ineffective against targets located above the ground - in order to attack those foes, you must upgrade this weapon to the 5 level (robots summoned by this grenade gain jetpacks, allowing them to target enemies in the air).

After you're done shopping, head straight ahead through a narrow corridor. Inside of a rather large room you will face a small group of enemies. Eliminate them, jump to the lower ground and turn around - there will be a Raritarium deposit hidden under the platform. Collect the crystals and activate the button near the next door to open up the passage.

In the narrow corridor a large group of weak enemies await you - a perfect spot to farm up some Raritarium crystals with the Pyrocitor. Activate the button at the end of the tunnel to reach a room filled with enemies. Clear the area, which will unlock the passageway previously blocked by a force field.

There are numerous side corridors here, but all of them are locked - head straight ahead along the middle one until you reach door with a button. Behind it there's another Raritarium deposit, located directly in front of the entrance. Collect the crystals and eliminate the enemies in the area, picking up all the items they drop.

There's a Gold Bolt to acquire here, but you won't be able to do this now. Instead, approach the Trespasser Puzzle terminal - the correct arrangement of lasers can be seen on the above screenshot. Solving this puzzle will finish this objective and start the next one.
Head to the bridge

Go through the open door and head into a corridor. Afterwards, use the elevator to reach the lower floor filled with enemies. If you have problems dealing with them, use the nearby turret - although you won't gain any experience for your weapons this way. When you're done with them, enter the room on the right side.

You will reach another room full of enemies - those heavily-armored, flying ones should be eliminated with the Warmonger, as they are extremely durable to other weapons. Eliminate them and climb on top of the elevation on the other side of the room, where a holocard awaits you. Pick it up, jump down and go through the passage on the right side.

Use the harpoon to get to the other side until you reach another room. Turn to the right of the door, where you will find a tree-like object, which is, quite obviously, another Raritarium deposit.

Collect all the boxes and head towards the Trespasser Puzzle terminal - the correct arrangement of lasers can be seen on the above screenshot. When you solve it, a passageway will open. Head there and go through a corridor with laser traps - don't rush and time your jumps properly, as those traps deal immense damage. At the end of the corridor there will be a button - press it to open the door to the next chamber.

Eliminate all the enemies and enter the next corridor. There will be few more laser traps here. The second one is easier to jump through then to walk through - just wait for the lasers to move to the sides forming a square. Replenish supplies at the store and use the platform to get to the lower ground.

A rather long battle with a huge group of enemies await you here. This is another perfect spot to farm bolts, Raritarium and holocards. Eliminate most of the enemies while leaving some of them alive. Afterwards, let those remaining enemies defeat you. You will respawn at the platform, near the store, just before the encounter. Your health and ammo will be restored, while any resources you've collected will still be there, they won't reset. This way you can acquire a huge amount of bolts, Raritarium crystals and holocards in a very short amount of time.

After the encounter ends, direct your camera towards the platform located high above the ground, on the left side of the hangar (by looking from the side you came from). There's a holocard located there - you can pick it up by climbing the platform with the harpoon. After you've collected it, jump to the ground and go through the door outlined with green. A long series of cut-scenes will initiate, after which the chapter on this planet will end. When you regain control, head to Kalebo III.
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