Eye for an eye | Activities Far Cry 4 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
You receive this kind of missions from civilians in hideouts (after you "Fast-Travel" to the outpost, or fort, that you have liberated) you need to kill specific commanders using specific weapons.
After you receive the mission, go to the specified area. Usually, it is a small camp, where you find several soldiers, apart from your target (you can kill them with any weapon you want). You can find the commanders with the camera (the yellow marker over the head). Also, remember to get the required weapon.
Then, you can launch the onslaught, or kill silently the opponents, while leaving the commanders for the end. Regardless of your method, remember that you need to use a specific weapon to kill the commander, or you fail the mission.
Starting the assault may make it difficult to complete this mission, it is easy to kill the commander with a different weapon, then, especially grenades. Also, remember that the camps are heavily guarded by snipers and heavy opponents.
Finally, photograph all the killed commanders. As a reward, for completing the mission, you receive some money and experience points. If you want to complete the game in 100%, you need to complete all 9 missions of this kind.