Desperados 3 - Mission 9
Desperados 3 - Mission 9
Area where you start the mission. Isabelle is being kept in a cell. You must use mind control on one of the enemies, pick up the key and use it to open the cage (you can't be seen during this activity). The possessed character can also push crates on the enemies having a conversation.
Cooper. He's defending himself on board of a ship and he's getting shot at by the nearby bandits. You must eliminate all enemies attacking Cooper. This will allow you to talk to him and to make him join the team.
McCoy. He's being held in the building's basement. There are a lot of enemies around the hut - it's best to use the western door to enter it. Inside the building there's a Long Coat enemy and 1 standard enemy also shows up here occasionally. You can eliminate Long Coat only while playing as Hector. Otherwise focus on sneaking your way in (you can hide in the closet). Open the hatch to the basement to allow McCoy to escape and to join the team.
Kate. She is being held in a cage and in order to open it you need a key which can be found in the area (blue 15 on the map). This place is being guarded by several enemies - you can shoot the sniper using McCoy's Buntline pistol and reach other enemies (and the cage itself) by climbing the ivy wall.
Hector. He is being held in a cage and in order to open it you need a key which can be found in the area (blue 15 on the map). Saving this potential team member is the most difficult task - he's very well guarded. You should kill another sniper with a Buntline pistol and eliminate 1-2 most problematic guards with Isabelle's mind control. Hector's gear is next to the cage - pick it up after you free Hector.
Path by the river. The game won't reveal the whole map just yet. You must follow this path towards the vantage point (blue 3 on the map). You can complete tutorials on Isabelle's 2 other skills along the way - they're about connecting enemies and distracting them with a cat.
Vantage point. Isabelle must get here in order to learn about the main objectives (rescuing Cooper, McCoy, Kate and Hector). The game will reveal the whole map and it's also possible to swim on this map (only Isabelle and Cooper know how to swim).
Two huts and a huge boulder. You can climb the ivy to reach the area behind the boulder in order to push it. It's best to wait until more enemies stop under it (it's only 1 guard by default). Watch out for an enemy patrolling the roof - it's easy to get spotted even from a larger distance.
Enemies shooting at the ship. Eliminating them is required to get a chance to meet with Cooper (1 red on the map) and make him join the team. You must first deal with at least some of the nearby enemies (blue 4 an 6 on the map). There's also a problematic enemy who runs between two areas. Stop him along the way or use Isabelle's connect ability.
Enemies from the middle island. It's best to swim there with Isabelle and to hide in the western bushes. You can use the connect skill twice to eliminate 2 enemies at the same time. This will clear a path to enemies shooting at the ship (blue 5 on the map).
Area to the north of the hut. There are a lot of bushes and high grass here perfect to stay hidden. You'll meet 2 or 3 enemies - one of them is running between here and the inside of the hut.
Area to the south of the hut. You can swim here from the north (swim under the bridge - blue 10 on the map). There's also a lot of high grass here. Sadly there are more enemies in the area. You also have to watch out for enemies from the small southern island and from the western shoreline (blue 9 on the map). They can easily spot most attacks.
Coastline. There are at least 3 enemies here and they can spot your attacks to the south of McCoy's hut (blue 8 on the map). Use the Showdown Mode to get rid of them. Securing this area will make it easier for you to reach Hector's cell (red 4 on the map) and the upper campsite, as well as to go past the bridge guarded by 2 enemies (blue 10 on the map).
Bridge. It's guarded by 2 enemies (one for each side). You can go past the bridge thanks to swimming (one of the ideas is to secure the coastline to the south of the bridge - blue 9 on the map). The bridge must be used eventually at least by McCoy who doesn't know how to swim.
Enemies by the river. One of them isn't moving. The other opponents sits down next to Hector's cage from time to time. Wait for him to leave before initating other actions.
Enemies on the towers. It's best to eliminate both of them using McCoy's Buntline scoped pistol. Their deaths shouldn't alarm any other bandits. You will be able to move around and attack other enemies more freely.
Enemies on small islands. They're looking at each other and it's best to leave them alone until the end of the mission.
Upper campsite. It's best to reach it using a ladder. Sadly it's very difficult to secure it without using appropriate skills. Start off by killing the sniper (blue 12 on the map). There are 3 enemies here and another group of 3 is patrolling a nearby path. Use mind control on at least one of them. You should also consider using McCoy's swamp gas vial to stun at least 4 enemies.
Key for Kate's and Hector's cages. You can acquire it thanks to using Isabelle's mind control skill or by eliminating nearby enemies one by one. Once you have the key you can use it to release Kate (red 3 on the map) and Hector (red 4 on the map).
Ivy. Climbing the ivy is one of the ways of reaching Kate's cage (red 3 on the map). Alternatively you can choose the main path to the small hill, but it's well guarded.
Meeting area for the Long Coat enemies. They arrive here coming from Kate's cell (red 3 on the map) and Hector's cell (red 4 on the map). Don't attack them until you've rescued Hector.
Stables. There are 2 standard enemies here, however they're being observed by a Long Coat guard. If you've already secured the surrounding area you can lure them with the whistling skill.
Ladder. It's at the end of the path leading from the upper campsite (blue 14 on the map). This is an alternative way of reaching the stables (blue 18 on the map).
Area where you end the mission. It's best to deal with the standard guard from the stables and sneak with Hector to eliminate the Long Coat guard. All 5 playable characters must get here.
Chest for Isabelle. You can restore the number of uses of mind control - this is very important!
Chest with ammo for Cooper's revolvers.
Chest with ammo for McCoy's Buntline pistol. It will especially come in handy in eliminating 2 snipers (blue 12's on the map).
Chests with ammo for Kate's pistol and Cooper's revolvers. They're in the upper campsite (blue 14 on the map) which makes them hard to get to.
Chest with ammo for Hector's shotgun.
Enemies shooting at the ship. Eliminating them is required to get a chance to meet with Cooper (1 red on the map) and make him join the team. You must first deal with at least some of the nearby enemies (blue 4 an 6 on the map). There's also a problematic enemy who runs between two areas. Stop him along the way or use Isabelle's connect ability.
Enemies on the towers. It's best to eliminate both of them using McCoy's Buntline scoped pistol. Their deaths shouldn't alarm any other bandits. You will be able to move around and attack other enemies more freely.

Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges


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Table of Contents

Key points of Desperados 3 - Mission 9

Areas where you rescue other playable characters

Important locations on the map

Supply chests

This page of the world atlas for Desperados 3 has a detailed map of mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo. Among the things you can find on our map are places where the main heroes are either defending themselves or are held hostage. Of course, we have also marked other important locations (e.g. sniper positions). Our guide also has information about alle the challenges (Badges) of mission 9 - they are related to e.g. not getting into the water or avoiding using Isabelle's powerful ability.

A full description of mission 9 can be found on the following four pages of this chapter. Our guide also contains links and references to the map. For example, a marking (M9,5) indicates that you should find the blue point with number 5 on mission map 9.

Mission 9: Markings on the map

  1. Red points are for places where you have to help other heroes - this happens after completing the initial stage of the mission (freeing Isabelle from the cage and reaching the vantage point). You have to save Cooper, McCoy, Kate and Hector - you can rescue them in any order.
  2. Red dots mark enemies on the map (they will all attack you upon detection) and white dots symbolize large animals (mainly horses).
  3. We have marked all important locations (worth visiting) with blue dots. Descriptions of these areas can be found just below the map.
  4. Chests with various supplies are marked with green dots. Thanks to them, you will be able to use your heroes' weapons and abilities more frequently.

Mission 9: General information

Mission 9 (Louisiana Voodoo) takes place in a fishermen village overrun by bandits - Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges - Mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo - Desperados 3 Guide

Mission 9 (Louisiana Voodoo) takes place in a fishermen village overrun by bandits. During it, you will meet up with Isabelle - this voodoo shaman has a few interesting "powers". Isabelle can e.g. control minds of the enemies to, for example, get to unreachable places. This ability has a very limited use meaning that you can't mind control every enemy.

Your primary objective is to save 4 heroes. They are located in various parts of the map. You can't control them until they are save. The suggested way of saving the heroes is Cooper > McCoy > Kate > Hector. We have followed this order in our guide. You don't have to stick with this order, you can come up with a different solution to e.g. complete one of the challenges (rescuing Kate or Hector first). Each rescued hero is a great help because you will be able to use their skills.

You can (and even should) swim a lot in this mission. Sadly, this ability isn't available to all the heroes. The only people who can swim are Cooper and Isabelle. As for the other 3 characters, you have to stick to the land.

Playable characters:

  1. Isabelle - Available from the beginning of the mission. You will unlock her abilities by making progress.
  2. Cooper - He defends himself on the ship in the south-east corner of the map (M9,1). Help him by eliminating the bandits.
  3. McCoy - He is kept hostage in the basement in the easter building (M9,2). You have to free him.
  4. Kate - She is kept inside a cage in the western part of the map (M9,3). You can open the cage with the key found nearby (M9,15).
  5. Hector - He is kept inside a cage in the central part of the map (M9,4) You can open the cage with the key found nearby (M9,15). After saving Hector, remember to collect his equipment lying nearby.

Mission 9: Badges / challenges

Mission 9 has a total of 8 Badges. All of them are described below. Challenges are initially hidden, although you can deal with them during the first playthrough.

You can't complete challenges if you play on Beginner. You have to play at least on normal. The same goes for replaying missions to get the remaining challenges.

Don't Swim

We recommend doing this difficult challenge during your second playthrough of this mission, on the easy difficulty - Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges - Mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo - Desperados 3 Guide

We recommend doing this difficult challenge during your second playthrough of this mission, on the easy difficulty. The inability to enter the water limits the "creativity" in avoiding and eliminating enemies. You have to be aware of a greater risk of getting detected and raising the alarm. The most difficult places are:

  1. The southern island where McCoy is (M9,2) - You can't swim up to enemies so you can hide in tall grass and eliminate them with ease. The same goes for the enemies stationing on the nearby beach (M9,9). Try to limit yourself with attacking those enemies who don't stand in your way to the building where McCoy is. Either avoid or distract them.
  2. The bridge leading to the central part of the map (M9,10) - This is the only path that you can use without entering the water. You have to find the perfect moment to distract and eliminate the two enemies standing in this place (use the coin and the medical bag). Don't let the enemies from the beach and those near Hector notice you.
  3. The area with the key to Kate's and Hector's cages (M9,15) - Reaching that place from the east is more challenging. Try to eliminate as many enemies from the area of Hector's cage as possible. You can also try to go through the upper camp and get closer to the stable.

Free Kate or Hector first

Dont try to get this challenge during your initial playthrough - Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges - Mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo - Desperados 3 Guide

Don't try to get this challenge during your initial playthrough. Rescuing Kate or Hector first is much more difficult. If you don't do this challenge, we recommend saving Cooper and McCoy first.

Kate is definitely easier to rescue. You can do that after reaching the vantage point (M9,3) - after you unlock the entire map. From now on, you can order Isabelle to get into the water.

Swim towards Kates cage (M9,2) - Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges - Mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo - Desperados 3 Guide

Swim towards Kate's cage (M9,2). To make things easier, we recommend using the mind control twice - to order the controlled enemy to give Isabelle the key (M9,15) (this location is shown on the picture above) and the second time to get rid of the nearby sniper (M9,12). You will kill that enemy with McCoy's weapon.

Don't use Isabelle's connect ability

Connect ability allows you to connect souls of two enemies standing close to each other - Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges - Mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo - Desperados 3 Guide

Connect ability allows you to "connect souls" of two enemies standing close to each other. From now on, stunning or killing enemy 1 will stun or kill enemy 2.

The inability to use this skill will cause you problems with eliminating opponents - this is especially problematic in the initial phase of the mission when Isabelle is acting alone. Play on easy, try to avoid as many enemies as possible, focus on using melee attacks and distract enemies with Isabelle's cat.

Don't save during the mission

This is a hard challenge to complete due to the size of the map, number of objectives and how easy it is to raise the alarm by e.g. attacking an enemy who is in the field of view of another. Try to get this challenge after having multiple playthroughs of this mission. Also, remember to play on easy. Refrain form attacking enemies if you don't absolutely have to kill them. If you raise the alarm, run away to a save place. You can also activate Showdown Mode to stop the time and plan your next move.

Kill 5 guards at the same time

Wait with this challenge until you rescue all the heroes - you will control a 5-person team. Use Showdown Mode to order each of the heroes to kill an enemy - the best targets are those enemies who stand in place. Get as close to them as possible. Once you have selected the targets, press the button to execute the orders (ENTER key on PC).

Another idea to get that badge is to use Hector's sawed-off shotgun after you release him from the cage. Hector's weapon is capable of killing several opponents with a single use. If you find an easy-to-attack group of opponents, you won't have to use all 5 Heroes.

Kill 3 guards with an environmental kill

Among the things that can help you complete this challenge is the rock in the fishermen village in the north-east part of the map (M9,4) - Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges - Mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo - Desperados 3 Guide

Among the things that can help you complete this challenge is the rock in the fishermen village in the north-east part of the map (M9,4). You can stun one enemy after another, drag their bodies and leave them near the rock. Once you have at least 3 unconscious enemies in one place, climb up the higher ledge and push the rock down on them.

The starting location (M9,1) is another good place for this challenge - Desperados 3: Mission 9 - map, badges - Mission 9 - Louisiana Voodoo - Desperados 3 Guide

The starting location (M9,1) is another good place for this challenge. A tower of crates is right next to Isabelle's cage. One guard is standing next to it. Another person joins this guard from time to time. Free Isabelle using the mind control. Leave the cage, hide in the bushes and sneak behind the tower of crates. Use mind control on another enemy and order him to stand next to the tower of crates - the goal is to have three people standing next to it. Cancel the mind control and quickly push the crates.

Complete the mission on Hard difficulty

This is the best choice for your first playthrough of this mission. However, be aware that you will repeat some of the parts several times. This is because many enemies are observing each other and/or patrol the map. Luckily, this challenge doesn't have a time limit, and you can save your progress.

Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 17:00 minutes

Be sure to play on easy to reach team members faster. Make the best use of Isabelle's "voodoo powers" and the abilities of other heroes. Don't waste the time on killing enemies who aren't part of any of the mission objectives. We also advise you to frequently save your game and load an older save if you waste too much time in some locations.

Desperados III

June 16, 2020

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