Desperados 3 - Mission 15
Desperados 3 - Mission 15
DeVitt. Capturing him alive is the main mission objective. By default he's entertaining party guests. Once you lure the guests away thanks to fireworks and activating the contraption in the garden only the guards and servants will remain here. You have to knock him out, tie him and bring his body to the wagon.
Mission starting area - Cooper i Kate. Each of these characters has a disguise right from the beginning of the mission. This means Cooper and Kate can enter the hacienda and explore public locations. Forbidden zones are marked with red lines and circles - you have to rely on stealth.
Mission starting area - Hector and Isabelle. They're not allowed inside the mansion and they have to use stealth during the entire mission. You'll begin close to the water and you have to travel alongside the cliff to the hacienda gardens. Isabelle must also start by lowering a ladder for Hector.
Mansion gate. Wait for Kate and Cooper to be allowed inside. You don't have to perform ani unique actions.
Guard towers. You can reach each of these locations by using ladders of vines, but obviously remember about having to stay hidden. Getting rid of the guards can make it easier to perform forbidden actions in the adjacent locations.
Maze - fireworks. Setting off the fireworks is one of the ways of luring the guests away from the party in the inner courtyard. You can do this only when no one's looking at the barrel with the fireworks. It will require eliminating or distracting most of the people from the area. The Long Coat won't catch the protagonists unless you'll perform some forbidden action.
Main entrance to the mansion. You can travel to the inner courtyard where DeVitt is located (red 1).
Balcony. Enemies stationed here are observing the maze (blue 6). It's recommended to get rid of them or to distract them to be ablt to safely clear out the maze. You can reach the balcony by climbing the vines of from the large roof of the hacienda.
Front garden - fireworks. Setting off the fireworks is one of the ways of luring the guests away from the party in the inner courtyard. You can do this only when no one's looking at the barrel with the fireworks. It will require eliminating or distracting most of the people from the area. The Long Coat won't catch the protagonists unless you'll perform some forbidden action.
Hacienda roof. You can climb to the roof from many directions using ladders and vines. There are only a few enemies in the highest part of the roof, but expect more guards in the lower sections of the roof.
Inner courtyard. DeVitt can be found here during the entire mission (red 1), however initially eliminating him is harder because of the party guests. You can move around freely in the courtyard when playing as Kate and Cooper, but don't try to flirt with DeVitt because Kate will be discovered. There's a passage here to the back gardens - they're a public area. The guests will leave this area after setting off the fireworks and activating the contraption in the back garden.
Path by the cliff. Isabelle and Hector must use this path on their way to the mansion's rear gardens and to the entrance to the caves. Rely on Isabelle's Connect ability and attack the Long Coats with Hector.
Side entrance to the back gardens. Hector and Isabelle can use this entrance, however you should deal with nearby enemies first. Kate and Cooper can assist in eliminating or distracting them (after reaching this area from the other side).
Cave entrances. They're very important for Hector and Isabelle, because they allow these characters to travel under the rear garden of the hacienda. One of the entrances is guarded by a Long Coat (kill him with Sanchez) and there are standard guards near the other one (use stealth or lure them away with whistling).
Alternative paths to the rear garden. They may be useful for Isabelle and Hector after they've used the cave passage (blue 13). Don't forget to rely on stealth so you won't be seen by the guards.
DeVitt's statue. You can push it and if it will crush at least 2 enemies then you'll be rewarded with one of the badges.
Back gardens - contraption. Kate and Cooper can move around freely, but Hector and Isabelle must use stealth. Hector must assist in activating the contraption - you have to start the generator and use another character to flip the switch. Before you attempt this you must eliminate all or most of the enemies from the area. Watch out mostly for Long Coats - after each attack hide the body in the hedge.
Door. This is one of the better ways of reaching the upper balconies with all team members in order to start eliminating enemies observing the inner courtyard.
Vines. This is one of the better ways of reaching the upper balconies as Isabelle in order to start eliminating enemies observing the inner courtyard. Watch out for enemies with oil lamps - you can distract them while controlling Kate.
Enemies on the balconies. You will find enemies in all of these areas of the upper balconies. Watch out for Long Coats, always check fields of vision, rely on whistling and look for opportunities to land on enemies.
Passageways to the wagon. You must reach the wagon (blue 21) after you've knocked out DeVitt in the inner courtyard (red 1). You can pick the main entrance to this location or descend the vines while playing as Cooper / Isabelle.
Wagon. It's used to end the mission. You must stun DeVitt in the courtyard (red 1) and carry his body to the wagon. There are many enemies and several civilians in the area. Rely on luring away with whistling, as well as on perfumes and Isabelle's connection ability. Leave the Long Coat for last.
Guard towers. You can reach each of these locations by using ladders of vines, but obviously remember about having to stay hidden. Getting rid of the guards can make it easier to perform forbidden actions in the adjacent locations.
Cave entrances. They're very important for Hector and Isabelle, because they allow these characters to travel under the rear garden of the hacienda. One of the entrances is guarded by a Long Coat (kill him with Sanchez) and there are standard guards near the other one (use stealth or lure them away with whistling).
Alternative paths to the rear garden. They may be useful for Isabelle and Hector after they've used the cave passage (blue 13). Don't forget to rely on stealth so you won't be seen by the guards.
Enemies on the balconies. You will find enemies in all of these areas of the upper balconies. Watch out for Long Coats, always check fields of vision, rely on whistling and look for opportunities to land on enemies.
Enemies on the balconies. You will find enemies in all of these areas of the upper balconies. Watch out for Long Coats, always check fields of vision, rely on whistling and look for opportunities to land on enemies.
Passageways to the wagon. You must reach the wagon (blue 21) after you've knocked out DeVitt in the inner courtyard (red 1). You can pick the main entrance to this location or descend the vines while playing as Cooper / Isabelle.

Desperados 3: Mission 15 - map, badges


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Table of Contents

Key points of Desperados 3 - Mission 15

Main mission target - DeVitt

Important locations on the map

This page of the World Atlas for Desperados 3 includes a detailed map of Mission 15 - A Captain of Industry. The map shows all the important locations on the Devitt estate, which should make it easier to infiltrate the hacienda and travel around it. Later on this page, there are also the descriptions of all Mission 15 challenges, including pushing the statue onto the opponents and completing the mission without using Kate's and Cooper's skills.

The full description of Mission 15 walkthrough can be found on the following pages of this chapter. Our walkthrough also contains links and indications that refer to the map. For example, the designation (M15,5) indicates that you should find the blue point no. 5 on the mission 15 map.

Mission 15: Markings on the map

  1. The red point on the map is Devitt, which is the mission's primary target. You must capture him alive and kidnap him from the Hacienda.
  2. Red dots symbolize the opponents on the property. It should be noted that Kate and Cooper are free to move around the public areas of the Hacienda. The white dots symbolize the party guests and the servants, as well as the animals. Civilians can raise the alarm, but this only applies to those around whom a perimeter appears after highlighting objects and characters on the map.
  3. We have marked all important locations (worth visiting) with blue dots. Descriptions of these areas can be found just below the map.

Mission 15: General information

Mission 15 (A Captain of Industry) takes place on some of the larger maps in the game - Desperados 3: Mission 15 - map, badges - Mission 15 - A Captain of Industry - Desperados 3 Guide

Mission 15 (A Captain of Industry) takes place on some of the larger maps in the game. The location of the action is a huge hacienda owned by Devitt and a party is held at the mansion as the mission begins. This means that in addition to Devitt's bodyguards, there are also a number of independent figures on the property, and their presence can significantly impede operations. This mission prohibits you from killing innocent people - this applies to both party guests and servants. But you don't need to avoid them at all costs. It is possible to stun civilians, but remember that the body of a bound civilian is not accidentally thrown into the abyss or thrown into the water.

Also, Devitt cannot be killed in this mission because the heroes have plans to kidnap the antagonist. The man will eventually have to be stun, tied up and delivered safely to the vehicle used to flee the property. Devitt usually resides in a public place - the inner courtyard where the main part of the party is held. The game will allow luck to distract guests by setting off fireworks. This will lead to a situation where only Devitt's bodyguards and servants will remain in the courtyard. It'll make it easier to stun him and kidnap him.

In this mission, the heroes are divided into two groups. Kate and Cooper operate in disguises and are able to travel freely around all public areas of the property including the courtyard, the gardens, or the labyrinth. Isabelle and Hector must operate from the shadows. The second pair will start the stage by the water. Sanchez and Isabelle will have to sneak into the property so they can start helping Cooper and Kate deal with their next opponents.

Playable characters:

  1. Cooper - starts in disguise on the main path to the estate (M15,1). Cooper can travel in public areas of the Hacienda.
  2. Kate - begins in disguise on the main path to the estate (M15,1). Kate can travel around the public areas of the Hacienda. Don't try to flirt with Devitt or Kate will be exposed.
  3. Sanchez - starts on the wall of a cliff along the property (M15,2). You have to sneak into the back gardens of the Hacienda.
  4. Isabelle - starts on the wall of a cliff along the property (M15,2). You have to sneak into the back gardens of the Hacienda.

Mission 15: Badges / Challenges

In Mission 15 there are 8 unlockable Badges. We have listed and explained them below. The challenges are initially hidden, although you can still unlock them during your first playthrough.

Challenges are unavailable if you play on the Beginner difficulty level. In order to access the challenges, you need to choose at least the normal difficulty level. The same goes for replaying missions to get the remaining challenges.

Don't touch any bushes or haystacks - Don't touch any bushes or haystacks

This challenge is best dealt with when repeating missions at a easy difficulty level, so you will not only play in lower settings, but also be able to keep track of your progress in meeting the badge requirements - Desperados 3: Mission 15 - map, badges - Mission 15 - A Captain of Industry - Desperados 3 Guide

This challenge is best dealt with when repeating missions at a easy difficulty level, so you will not only play in lower settings, but also be able to keep track of your progress in meeting the badge requirements.

As often as possible, attach a backlight to objects in the area, as many bushes are in darker areas. This Badge also forces people to avoid burying bodies in bushes, of course. Look for opportunities to bury them inside buildings as well as throw corpses into the water.

Don't use both distractions - Don't use both distractions

This is a difficult challenge that you will be interested in when repeating a mission at a easy difficulty level - Desperados 3: Mission 15 - map, badges - Mission 15 - A Captain of Industry - Desperados 3 Guide

This is a difficult challenge that you will be interested in when repeating a mission at a easy difficulty level. This Badge regards the guests present at a party in the inner courtyard of the Hacienda (M15,10). Their presence makes it difficult to attack Devitt.

There are two ways to distract the guests and get some of them to leave the courtyard - setting off the fireworks in the maze (M15,6) or in the front garden (M15,8), as well as turning on the device (a large bulb) in the back garden (M15,16). To unlock the challenge, the game allows you to choose only one of the ways, i.e. some of the guests will stay in the inner courtyard. You will have to pull them away one at a time or try to avoid doing forbidden activities in their fields of vision.

Don't use any of Kate's or Cooper's skills - Don't use any of Kate's or Cooper's skills

This is another very demanding challenge, so don't tackle it until you start repeating the mission at your easy difficulty level.

You can't use a coin, a throwing knife, perfume, Kate's revolver or flirtation to win this challenge. This will make it significantly harder to get rid of and draw away some opponents. We advise you to rely much more on Isabelle and Hector after you lead both of these characters into the back gardens. Sanchez and Isabelle have no restrictions on their abilities.

Don't let anyone see you - Don't be seen by anyone

Also this challenge is to leave yourself to re-traverse the mission at the easy difficulty level, so you can keep up to date with whether you can still get it.

This badge does not warrant sneaking even in public places while Kate and Cooper are in control. You can't just lead to a situation where someone unmasks the characters or goes into a state of alarm. This also applies to situations where someone has been alerted for even a split second. Try to avoid risky attacks, such as killing opponents stunned with perfume or characters talking to each other based on Showdown Mode.

Use mind control on Devitt's character - Use mind control on Devitt

You will only get this challenge at the end of the mission after you manage to drive away the party guests from the inner courtyard of the Hacienda (M15,10) and after you eliminate all opponents watching Devitt from the surrounding balconies - Desperados 3: Mission 15 - map, badges - Mission 15 - A Captain of Industry - Desperados 3 Guide

You will only get this challenge at the end of the mission after you manage to "drive away" the party guests from the inner courtyard of the Hacienda (M15,10) and after you eliminate all opponents watching Devitt from the surrounding balconies. Do not use all mind control skills in the earlier phases of the mission, as Isabelle cannot renew the number of activations of this skill.

Ultimately, you should bring the situation in the picture, i.e. that only Devitt and three of his subordinates will be in the courtyard. You can sneak into the courtyard and position yourself in a place where it won't be in the sight of any of your opponents. Only then do you use your mind-control skills.

Kill 2 guards with a statue - Kill 2 guards with a statue

A large statue of Devitt can be found in the rear gardens of the estate (M15,15) - Desperados 3: Mission 15 - map, badges - Mission 15 - A Captain of Industry - Desperados 3 Guide

A large statue of Devitt can be found in the rear gardens of the estate (M15,15). When positioned behind the statue, a red rectangle will appear, symbolizing the area on which it falls.

At the statue, the opponent in the poncho and Long Coat should stop from time to time and there is a perfect opportunity to crush them. If you missed an opportunity and, for example, got rid of them in a different way then you can stun 2 of any other enemies, then tie them up and bring them to this place. After placing the bodies in a red rectangle, push the statue onto the enemies to crush them.

Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 22:00 minutes

Play on the east difficulty level in order to encounter less problematic opponents on the map. Also, enemy reactions will be a little bit slower.

Despite the time-trial, guests of the property were advised to distract themselves by using fireworks as well as a device from the back gardens, with only one of the two possible locations being "cleared" with fireworks. Later on, consider the riskier option of using mind control to pull Devitt away to some more secluded place.

Complete the mission on Hard difficulty

This is the best choice when completing the mission for the first time, but playing on a high level of difficulty means having to deal with uncomfortably positioned opponents. Try to be very methodical especially when removing characters from the inner courtyard and surrounding balconies. There is a high risk that the person selected for elimination could be watched by even a few different characters - check this out before you take action. Fortunately, this challenge doesn't have a time limit, and you can save your progress freely.

Desperados III

June 16, 2020

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