Locate Edwards - continues | Side missions: Conning Tower Dead Space 3 Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Go back the same way you got here, until you reach the broken gravity plates. Once you get into the elevator, ride it to 2nd floor - you'll find there Edwards access key.
Text Logs 5/5 - On the shelf on the left on the second floor.
Now go to the third floor, where you'll find Edwards - unfortunately he is dead. Use the cargo elevator to ride up - you'll get to the supply storage room, which can be opened with an access key found on the second floor.
Audio Logs 4/4 - Next to the dead Edwards.
Upgrade Circuit 5/6 - In the crate inside the room opened with a key card.
Weapon Parts 6/6 - In the crate inside the room opened with a key card.
Upgrade Circuit 6/6 - In the crate inside the room opened with a key card.
After collecting supplies, you'll hear information that last explosives were launched. You'll face the last huge fight with Necromorphs - it would be good to take advantage of the high and stay close to the cargo elevator. After the extermination, take the elevator to the first floor and go to the exit.