Key points of Battlefield 4 Siege of Shanghai
Cover - buildings, train cars, carports, guard towers, etc.
Levelution events.
Pathways and points of interest - ladders, catwalks, sniper positions, etc.
Fixed weapons and battle pickups.
US – US Base
Available vehicles:
2x Main Battle Tank
Armored Personal Carrier
3x Transport
Attack Helicopter
Transport Helicopter
Levelution events.
Levolution – Skyscraper's columns
After Levolution – Skyscraper's ruins
RU – RU Base
Available vehicles:
2x Main Battle Tank
Armored Personal Carrier
3x Transport
Attack Helicopter
Transport Helicopter
A – Residential Area
Available vehicles:
Main Battle Tank
B – Metro
Available vehicles:
C1 – Skyscraper (before Levolution)
Available vehicles:
C2 – Skyscraper (after Levolution)
Available vehicles:
Fast Attack Craft
D – Arcade
Available vehicles:
E – Restaurant
Available vehicles:
Main Battle Tank
Shanghai is a map where battles take place in the urban area with a little of sea and air fights. At the street level, you can find a lot of buildings to which you can go inside and many smaller covers. Each rooftop is a potential sniper position, but not on majority of them you can get only from the air as only four buildings have elevators. East and west part of the map is thickly built, so moving on feet shouldn't be a problem. Moving on feet in the middle part of the map isn't recommended, because it's a huge open space, where the infantry is very vulnerable. After destroying the skyscraper, players get an access to quick attack craft, what makes give your team an edge if you happen to take and hold it. The boat is able to patrol the vicinity of most of the flags and harass enemy.
In Shanghai you again have one big and two smaller Levolutions. The most important and significant is colliding the skyscraper in the middle of the map (flag C). To do so, you have to use about six explosives onto cracked pillars shown on the screen above. After colliding, the skyscraper makes a headland, pushing out the flag C and giving an access to the attack craft. Destroying the building increases the dusting nearby it, what makes more difficult to snipe out enemies on the other side of the river.
Smaller Levolution element is a possibility of colliding the part of the road, next to the metro (flag B). To do so, blow up the cracked pillar in the metro corridors. Hole in the asphalt makes more difficult for vehicles to move and opens another entrance to the metro.
The last Levolution element is a possibility of lowering the grating in the northern part (flag D). Switch is inside the car exposition, next to the green standards.