Recon Class | Classes / Functions

Recon Soldier's characteristics/role
A recon soldier is usually keeps away from the frontline and has the best view over it. Many players confuse a recon soldier for a sniper that does nothing but takes out targets with long range weapons. It is partially true because, even without the specialist gadgetry, a recon soldier can and should detect enemy targets. The optical equipment of the sniper rifles can perform the role of binoculars which such a soldier will easily designate targets (both vehicles and infantry), to help his squad eliminate them. The optical instruments are not the end, though, because a scout has a number of motion sensors at his disposal, which additionally make things easier - and virtually without the scout's hand in it.
In Battlefield 4 scouts have also received access to explosives like C4 and CLAYMORE mine, thanks to which they can be even more effective while helping their team, by destroying vehicles or setting ambushed for the infantry. Gadgets make a scout a very valuable squad member, as long as his help is used correctly. The players that focus mainly on popping off the heads of the enemies and spending whole days among bushes, or spread over a floor like a Persian carpet. THEY DO THAT WRONG and they should not be surprised that the other squad members call them "campers". The scouts who do that do not contribute much to achieving the common aim - well, unless they are such remarkable shooters that they single-handedly retrieve half of the enemy team's coupons. Of course, there also are such players, but only a handful, the rest of them live in a world of illusion. A good scout should not remain in one position for long, even if he is a perfect sharpshooter. Sooner or later, he will be detected anyway and spend the rest of the round exchanging fire with the scouts of the opposing team. At such a point, the scout becomes useless for his squad - well, maybe apart from attracting the attention of the enemy snipers. Another characteristic of a good scout is detecting, detecting and detecting over again. This is not restricted to marking the enemy units, but also to designating the enemy vehicles with laser, for the players with guided missiles. Whenever there is a need, the scout can also sneak up to such a vehicle and blow it up with a C4 explosive. The last, but a very important part of scouting is making it available for the allied soldiers to respawn in the strategic points on the map - even behind the enemy lines. This is possible thanks to the radio beacon which can only be used by the killed members of the squad (not the entire team), whose member the scout is.
To sum up, the scout is - as the name suggests - not only a sniper and, if he makes a proper use of his gadgets, he will be welcome in every squad.
After he unlocks DMRs, they become available for all the remaining classes.
Further in this chapter, you will learn everything about the gadgets and field upgrades available for mechanics and, to learn about the LGMs and shotguns, see the chapter entitled Weapons and accessories.
The role of the scout is, to a large extent determined by the gadgets that he uses (best in combination with the appropriate field upgrades). Unlike in Battlefield 3, in this installment you can freely configure the Gadget 1 and Gadget 2 slots and that is why you can highly specialize your soldier to perform various tasks. There is nothing to prevent you from equipping two kinds of explosives or two munitions packs only . The only restriction is that you cannot use two types of grenade launcher ammo. Below, you can find the description of functioning and use of each of the gadgets.

The portable designator is one of the innovations in Battlefield 4. It is an extremely useful tool that performs multiple roles and will definitely find its way into the inventory of many scouts.

The designator is binoculars, of a kind, equipped with infrared vision. This allows you to locate even the best hidden enemies in order to gun them down, or at least to designate them. Additionally, the designator comes equipped with a laser rangefinder, which is immensely helpful while resetting the optical instruments of a sniper rifle. While looking through the marker, you will notice the red RNG notice, which means the distance to the targeted object. Apart from that, the designator can be used to designate the enemy vehicles with a laser beam, which allows team members to destroy the target easily, if they are packing the laser guided-missiles- and they usually are. This makes the engineers and players who drive vehicles equipped with this weaponry will welcome the scout in their team.

C4plastic explosive, is a compact-sized explosive of large blast radius, which can be attached to all surfaces. It is ideal for the destroying of enemy vehicles, as well as for setting traps (e.g. on MCOM relays). Simultaneously, you can set as little as (or, as many as) 3 charges. After they are deployed, you only need to use the remote to destroy immediately the object all covered in plastic. For higher effectiveness, the charges should be set on the side or, on the rear of the vehicle.

The innovation in the Battlefield 4 is the ability to set the C4 in water or underwater, to destroy enemy watercraft. The players who wish to remain undetected, may dive and set the expliosive at the bottom/chassis of the watercraft.
The set charges are visible in infrared and they can be destroyed, or disarmed by the engineers. If the user decides to remove the deployed charges, it is sufficient to approach them and hold down the reload button.

The compact motion sensor is another gadget that is designed to mark the enemy units, within the radius of up to 25m. The sensor is very simple to use - you only need to throw it, like grenade, in the appropriate direction and it will start to designate the enemies within its reach. Unfortunately, designating of the enemies with this gadget only displays their positions on the map, the orange triangles do not appear above their heads. You can trick the detector by staying immobile around it - still, you can turn around and change your body position. The detector, when thrown into the battlefield, remains there for about 24 seconds and it cannot be destroyed. It is not too visible but it can be recognized by the specific sound that it gives off. Each enemy soldier,. Killed near the sensor, earns the scout points for assist with detection.

The radio beacon is a stationary, alternative, respawn point for all of the members of the squad that the scout is a part of, To deploy the beacon, you need a relatively flat ground and the right amount of free space.

The beacon is marked on the map with a special icon - just like in the case of enemy and detected beacons. Each squad member, after he clicks on to the green icon, may respawn next to the beacon, whose camera is usually panned in the direction opposite to where it has been deployed. The scout can only have one such beacon on him, at a time and, in the case in which another one is deployed, the previous one is destroyed. The important piece of information is that, after the beacon is deployed, the squad member will not be able to respawn on the scout himself, but on his beacon. If the device has been deployed in a room or, on a map, where there are no aircraft, the respawning soldiers appear right next to the beacon. If the beacon, on the other hand, is deployed out in the open, and there are aircraft available on the map, the squad members respawn some 100 meters above the beacon and fall down onto the ground, using parachutes (which automatically open at the appropriate height).
Radio beacons produce a characteristic noise, thanks to which they can be easily located by the enemy. Beacons can be destroyed with any weapon (also a knife), as well as with the help of an electromagnetic projectile that the MAVs are equipped with.

T-UGS is the Tactical Unattended Ground Sensor that can be deployed on any flat surface. After being deployed, the sensor emits sounds each time it detects movement within the radius of 25 meters and it reports it to your minimap. The sensor can be tricked by ducking or crawling within that radius, and destroy with any weapon. A scout can only deploy one sensor at a time and, in case another one is deployed, the previous one self-destructs. Otherwise, T-UGS remains on the map for as long as it is destroyed by an enemy or, if the scout changes classes after he dies. Each enemy killed near the sensor rewards the scout with points for assist with detection.

SOFLAM is a Special Operations Forces Laser Marker, which marks the enemy vehicles and aids their destruction with laser-guided missiles. The device can be deployed on any flat surface (just like the radio beacon) where it will remain until it is destroyed or another marker is deployed.

Using the remote control console, the scout can mark targets manually, or change the marker's orientation, depending on the current situation. Thanks to the infrared vision, you can detect even the vehicles hidden n the map, as well as enemy infantry units. The creative players , may use the SOFLAM in the form of a scouting camera, deployed in the map's strategic points. Additionally, the SOFLAM is equipped with a rangefinder that determines the distance between the device and the target. SOFLAM can be marked and destroyed with the enemy fire from any weapon. What makes it easier to identify is the flash of red that is visible at any distance, on condition that the observer is looking at the front side of the device.

MAV is a remotely controlled Micro Air Vehicle, thanks to which the scout can detect enemy targets and destroy the enemy equipment, as well as the CLAYMORE mines. The passive motion sensor detects the enemy units within the 35m radius but, the operator can also manually detect targets.

After MAV is deployed into the battlefield, the scout may switch into the remote-control mode, using a special console. In this mode, MAV can move around within the same boundaries of the map as the infantry, even though it is an air vehicle The infrared vision facilitates the detecting of the enemy units and equipment and, apart from that, it comes equipped with a laser rangefinder . the MAV uses the EMP ammo, thanks to which it can destroy the enemy equipment (motion sensors, beacons, EOD Bots, etc), as well as anti-personnel mines - you only need to locate the target and press the firing button. The EMP ammo regenerates spontaneously after several seconds, at which points it is ready to use again.
Each enemy that is killed after being detected by the MAV earns the scout for the assist with detection. Using the MAV, you can also kill the infantry enemies by speeding it up and slamming it into the enemy. The vehicle controls are similar to the controls of an infantryman, where crouching is used for decreasing the altitude and jump for increasing it.

The M18 AP mine returns in BF4, in a little bit altered form, though. After the mine is deployed, it shoots out three wires that attach to the nearby surface.

If there is any vertical surface in front of the mine, this is where the wires will attach. If there are no natural obstacles or walls around, the wires attach to the ground, which decreases the mine's effectiveness a bit. The mines that have been deployed incorrectly (e.g. towards the wall but too close to it) will fail to their purpose, because none of the enemies will be able to trip over any of the wires.
The M18 mines are clearly visible in the infrared, thanks to which it is easier to locate them. After the mine is deployed, it remains in the battlefield for as long as it is destroyed, or the support soldier deploys another one - in this case, each successive deployed mine will make the previous one disappear. The CLAYMORE mines can be destroyed either with weapons or with another explosive.
Field Upgrades
The second key factor (after gadgets) that influences the scout's specialization are field upgrades, which influences the effectiveness of gadgets and the implemented tactics. What follows, is that it is best to select gadgets and field upgrades in such a way, as to make them complement the specialization selected by you, or the method of acting in the battlefield.
Each upgrade acts, by default, on level 1. To increase the upgrade level, you need to play in squad. Running around the map as a lone wolf will ensure you with only the basic functionality but, staying close to your squad (and I mean the squad, not the team) and completing objectives together with them, will allow you to unlock the higher upgrade levels quickly. Each upgrade level cumulates with the previous one. When the entire squad is eliminated, the upgrade level drops by one.

- LEVEL 1: ARMOR: Reduces incoming Damage to the Chest by 10%.
- LEVEL 2: COVER: Decreases amount of Incoming Suppression by 50%.
- LEVEL 3: FLAK: Decreases damage from explosions by 15%.
- LEVEL 4: QUICK REGEN: Decreases time before Out of Combat Heal by 20%.
This upgrade is available for everyone at the beginning of the game, regardless of the selected class. It is an ideal solution for those of the players that are under constant enemy fire, or like being in the battlefield's hottest spots. This may be the best upgrade for the proponents of the Annihilation mode, because it increases chances at survival of the player who is carrying a bomb.

- LEVEL 1: QUCIK UNSPOT: Reduces time you are Spotted by 2 seconds.
- LEVEL 2: SPRINT: Increases maximum sprint speed by 10%.
- LEVEL 3: REDUCED FALL: increases height you can fall from without taking damage.
- LEVEL 4: STEALTH: You are invisible for the motion sensors (unless you sprint).
This upgrade is available for everyone from the beginning of the game, regardless of the class selected. The Shadow (as the name suggests) is an upgrade for those of the players, who like dashing from place to place undetected and flank the enemy, or steal their control points right in front of their face. The best idea is to use it in the Conquest or Rush modes.

- SPRINT: Increases maximum sprint speed by 10%.
- LEVEL 2: AMMO: Increases the maximum of the inventory bullets by 50%.
- LEVEL 3: GRENADES: Increases the maximum inventory of hand grenades by 1.
- LEVEL 4: REDUCED FALL: Increases the height that you can fall from without taking damage.
The first unlockable upgrade for each class. It is ideal for the players who prefer a fast-paced assault and pack purely offensive gear. Also recommended for those who have problems with quick depletion of their ammo.

- LEVEL 1: STEALTH: You are invisible for the motion sensors (unless you sprint).
- LEVEL 2: C4 EXPLOSIVES: Increases maximum inventory of C4 Explosives to 6.
- LEVEL 3: MOTION SENSORS: Increases maximum inventory of Motion Sensors to 5. Increases range of T-UGS and MAV by 40%.
- LEVEL 4: QUCIK UNSPOT: Reduces time you are Spotted by 2 seconds.
Spec ops is a perfect upgrade for scouts that wish to remain invisible and specialize at flanking the enemy and destroying the enemy vehicles. Additionally, it allows for more effective enemy detection by the scout, using all of the available motion sensors.

- LEVEL 1: HOLD BREATH: Increases time you can steady your scope by 100%.
- LEVEL 2: COVER: Decreases amount of Incoming Suppression by 50%.
- LEVEL 3: QUICK UNSPOT: Reduces time you are Spotted by 2 seconds.
- LEVEL 4: ADVANCED SPOT: Increases time your targets are spotted by 45%.
The above upgrade allows snipers to eliminate the enemy targets more effectively, even when he is under fire. Additionally, it increases the player's effectiveness, while marking the enemy units by spotting them. An ideal choice of every more" stationary" sniper.
Stages of development (assignments and unlocks)
To gain access to most of the above gadgets and upgrades, it does not suffice to kill enemies with sniper rifles. To speed up the promotion in your class, and unlock every weapon available for the scout, you also need to serve as a support to your companions by marking vehicles and destroying them. You will not lose your points even if you leave the game, regardless of whether for technical reasons or of own volition.
After the last one of the gadgets is unlocked, the player is additionally rewarded with a star, for his service as a scout, which is worth 10000, as well as a special dog tag

Additionally, there are three assignments allotted to the support class, for the completion of which you receive special rewards:
Reward requirements:
- Reach level 10.
- Kill 7 enemies with any sniper rifle.
- Have 4 squad members respawn on you.
Dog tag "Recon - Basic".
Reward requirements:
- Complete " Recon - Basic".
- Obtain 8 kills with any Sniper rifle.
- Have 5 squad members respawn on you.
Duckweed Camo (forest/urban).
Reward requirements:
- Complete " Recon - Veteran".
- Obtain 50 Marksman Ribbons.
- Obtain 200 kills with any sniper rifle.
- Obtain 10 Sniper Rifle Ribbons.
FY-JS Sniper rifle
Unlock | Points | Description |
PORtable DESIGNATOR | --- | Portable device for painting with laser targets for the rocket launchers that work with laser designators. For the marking to remain active, you need to keep lock on the target. |
C4 EXPLOSIVE | --- | A plastic explosive that can stick to most surfaces. It's capable of a mobility kill on vehicles, and the remote detonator allows for ambushes |
MOTION SENSOR | 5 000 | A throwable motion sensor that recognizes movement for up to 24 seconds and detects the enemy soldiers movement within the radius of 25 meters, after which it reports it to the map. |
MARKSMAN RIFLES | 13 000 | Unlocks the RFB and marksman rifles (DMR) for all functions. Use the RFB to unlock more marksman rifles. |
FIELD UPGRADE: RUSH | 22 000 | LEVEL 1: AMMO BAG UPGRADE: Allows for the deployment of an additional ammo box. LEVEL 2: AMMO: Increases maximum inventory of Bullets by 50%. LEVEL 3: INDIRECT FIRE: Increases maximum M224 and XM25 Ammo. LEVEL 4: RESUPPLY UNIT: Occupied vehicles resupply nearby soldiers. |
RADIO BEACON | 32 000 | A portable radio beacon that works as an additional respawn point for your squad's members. If it is deployed in the open, the soldiers will respawn in the air and fall down using parachutes. |
FIELD UPGRADE: SPEC OPS | 42 000 | LEVEL 1: STEALTH: You are invisible for the motion sensors (unless you sprint). LEVEL 2: C4 EXPLOSIVES: Increases maximum inventory of C4 Explosives to 6. LEVEL 3: MOTION SENSORS: Increases maximum inventory of Motion Sensors to 5. Increases range of T-UGS and MAV by 40%. LEVEL 4: QUCIK UNSPOT: Reduces time you are Spotted by 2 seconds. |
T-UGS SENSOR | 54 000 | (Tactical Unattended Ground Sensor), detects enemy movement in a 25m radius and reports it to your team's minimap. |
SOFLAM | 66 000 | SOFLAM (Special Operations Forces Laser Marker) automatically laser-paints enemy vehicles when deployed in a stationary position. The SOFLAM enables allies with missile systems to lock on to the targeted vehicles. Capable of remote operation. |
FIELD UPGRADE: SNIPER | 78 000 | LEVEL 1: HOLD BREATH: Increases time you can steady your scope by 100%. LEVEL 2: COVER: Decreases amount of Incoming Suppression by 50%. LEVEL 3: QUICK UNSPOT: Reduces time you are Spotted by 2 seconds. LEVEL 4: ADVANCED SPOT: Increases time your targets are spotted by 45%. |
MAV | 91 000 | A remotely-controlled aircraft allows for spotting incoming threats or destroying deployed enemy gadgets. Includes a motion sensor with a 35m radius; active only when the vehicle is remotely controlled. |
M18 CLAYMORE | 104 000 | The M18 Claymore is an anti-personnel mine that launches three trip wires, whose breaking detonates the mine. A mine with no trip wires is unable to detonate and should be picked up, and redeployed. |
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