Assault Class | Classes / Functions
Class Role / Traits
The Assault class is one the most flexible classes in Battlefield 4. Their weapons and gadgets allow them to easily specialize in various roles - from Combat Medic to Grenadier - which are choices that are also supported by their field upgrades. There are no new specializations at the beginning of the game, though, so every new Assault class soldier has to learn how to make do with a limited amount of gadgets.
The main advantage of the Assault class is the access to assault rifles, which are perfect for medium range distances and deal substantial damage at a reasonable rate of fire. The diversity of assault rifles allows the Assault class for further specialization in very specific battle tasks.
Quick-firing assault rifles (such as FAMAS) can be used instead of PDW (Personal Defense Weapon), which are ideal for very short distances, while the more accurate ones (such as M16A4) can work perfectly well as anti-sniper weapons. The Assault class may therefore perform as well in offence as in defense.
As Combat Medic, you can do a lot of good by sticking close to your team, reviving fallen teammates and healing the wounded. Even in dire situations, this may very well change the outcome of the battle.
As Grenadier, you can be invaluable against armored vehicles, in "clearing" rooms and hallways, or in making shortcuts, for instance by bringing down walls etc.
If you don't like either of these specializations, you can always make your soldier into a killing machine adapted to fighting infantry in any conditions. All you need to do is give up any gadgets to make room for an underslung shotgun with different types of ammo. This will allow you to eliminate long-range targets and dominate the battlefield at short range.
There's also the option to use everything in bits, but this, as they say, is a case of "Jack of all trades, master of none". Experienced veterans may of course differ, but the exception usually proves the rule.
Further down this chapter you will learn everything about gadgets and field upgrades available to the Assault class, but if you wish to read about assault rifles, go to Weapons and Accessories.
The role of the Assault class is largely determined by the gadgets they use (preferably in combination with a corresponding field upgrade). Contrary to Battlefield 3, the new installment allows for a free configuration of Gadget 1 and Gadget 2 slots. There are no limitations, so you may as well use the standard configuration of "any gadget + defibrillator" or experiment with all unlocked gadgets in any combination. See below for the descriptions.
The first gadget available to the Assault class right at the beginning is the small, but the ever handy medkit. Drop the medkit to the ground (max. two at a time) and everyone who picks it up will start regenerating health at aprox. 10 HP/s. Each time a teammate heals 10 HP, the player who healed them is rewarded with 10 points (max. 100).
To heal a wounded teammate more efficiently, throw the medkit directly at the target. Due to its light weight, it can be thrown over a much greater distance. Additionally, the BF4 medkits were given a "magnetic" quality and they will reach even those team members who are in constant movement - which is very helpful in healing teammates fleeing from fire.
The medkit affects only a single target and the effects of more than one medkit don't accumulate.
The medic bag is large, heavy and stationary. Once deployed, it cannot be moved and will stay in one place until it disappears. Unlike the medkit, it can't be thrown, but instead regenerates the health of all squad members within its radius, and much quicker. The medic receives max. 100 points for each fully healed teammate.
The Assault class can carry only one medic bad at a time - if they try to carry another, the previous one will disappear. This is to prevent the quick acquisition of experience by deploying several medic bags in strategic spots at once.
The medic bag can be destroyed by enemy fire or explosives and the effects of several medic bags deployed in the same spot (by several medics) don't accumulate.
The defibrillator returns to the battlefield in a somewhat changed capacity. You can use to bring any fallen comrade back to life, but the medic has only several seconds from the time of death to do it.
Using the defibrillator without charging it first (tap [LMB] quickly) will heal 20 HP to the revived teammate. For many reasons, this is not a recommended way to do things. Firstly, the revived teammate will be at risk of an immediate death before even getting back on their feet, and secondly, the effects are worth only 20 points. To use the defibrillator to its full potential, hold [LMB] for several seconds to fully charge the paddles. After 3-4 seconds of charging, release the button, aiming it at the fallen team member, and they will rise fully healed, with 100 points for you as a reward. Naturally, the less you charge, the less HP you heal and the less points you receive. The best way to do it is to start charging several meters ahead of the target, but bear in mind that while doing it you can't run or even move at the usual speed.
A reasonable medic should always be wary of where and when to start defibrillating. The first thing to do is to make sure the surroundings are safe enough to even think of rushing to help. By risking defibrillation under fire, you will not only fail to restore the lost point, but also waste another (by dying). Another sure-fire way to die is to start running from 10-20 meters from the target - you may not only don't make it in time, but lose your life in the process.
The defibrillator can be also used to take life from enemies. In many cases, it's even more effective than the knife (being much quicker and quieter). A short tap will not guarantee that the enemy will die, so you may want to approach them from behind to give you time to charge the paddles. When used in the offensive, the charging time if shortened by half.
After using the defibrillator three times, the power source will need time to re-charge the paddles. What's more, a revived teammate who dies shortly after the reanimation will not be allowed to get back to life again, preventing the "immortal squads" effect.
Another gadget in the Assault class' arsenal is the M26 underslung shotgun. Thanks to the Underslung Rail, it can be mounted under the barrel of any primary weapon (not every rifle is compatible) or used as a personal weapon.
The M26 is one of the slowest firing shotguns available, but at close range one shot should be enough to put the enemy down. Firing is also quite loud, which should be helpful when flanking enemies.
Used as an attachment to the primary weapon, it will give you access to most of the accessories that come with it. Used as a stand-alone weapon (and this is a change from BF3), it uses the collimator as default sight system (Reflex).
The M26 MASS can use the following ammo types:
- buckshot (default)
- flechette
- frag
- slug (SABOT)
Probably the most devastating gadgets in the Assault class' arsenal, the underslung grenade launcher boats a wide variety of uses. You can use it against both infantry and armored vehicles, blow holes in walls and support any tactical maneuvers. All this thanks to the following 40MM ammo types:
- frag grenade
- smoke grenade
- flechette grenade
- flash grenade
- Low Velocity Grenade with a timed fuse (LVG)
Frag grenades explode immediately upon impact, with great force and a large radius. They're ideal against tight-knit groups of enemies and for destroying vehicles (even tanks). Obviously, they may as well be used to create pathways by blowing holes in walls or to shatter the enemies' defenses. With a frag grenade, you can bring down a whole building.
Smoke and flash grenades are ideal for tactical support. A cloud of smoke or a blinding flash will allow you to confuse and incapacitate your enemies while, for instance, charging at their defensive positions. You can also cover your teammates as they retreat from dangerous locations.
Flechette grenades practically change the grenade launcher into a shotgun - a very slow-firing one, but nonetheless very powerful. It won't perform well to clear rooms with it, but a close range shot guarantees a kill. The specific characteristics of flechette ammunition can also stun enemies (causing blurred vision and destabilizing the hand), which may come in handy while trying to reach a sniper's position.
The last type of ammo is the LVG. Unlike the standard frag grenade, the LVD doesn't explode upon impact, but bounces off of the ground to blow up several seconds later. If you can't aim directly at the enemy (who may be hiding around a corner or on the other side of doors/windows), the LVG is the way to go. You can also use it when you see an enemy, but the trajectory of a standard grenade wouldn't allow you to hit them directly.
Being able to use all of these possibilities is a certain form or art - mainly due to the weight of the projectiles and their specific, quickly descending flight trajectory. I recommend training with the M320 on immobile targets.
Field Upgrades
The other key element in the Assault class specialization are Field Upgrades, which greatly enhance the effectiveness of gadgets and chosen tactics. As you may be guessing, it's best to select both so that they supplemented your chosen specialization and your way of doing things on the battlefield.
Each field upgrade has level 1 by default. To increase the level, cooperate with your team members! Running around the map lone wolf-style will only guarantee you some basic functionalities, but only by sticking close to your team (team, not the whole squad) and performing combined actions will you be able to unlock further levels. Each field upgrade cumulates with the previous one. When the whole team is eliminated, the level of the field upgrade drops by one.
- LEVEL 1: ARMOR: Reduces incoming Damage to the Chest by 10%.
- LEVEL 2: COVER: Decreases amount of Incoming Suppression by 50%.
- LEVEL 3: FLAK: Decreases damage from explosions by 15%.
- LEVEL 4: QUICK REGEN: Decreases time before Out of Combat Heal by 20%.
Available at the beginning of the game regardless of the class. Ideal for players who prefer being under heavy fire in the "hottest" battle zones. Probably the best field upgrade for players in the Obliteration game mode, given that it increases the chances of survival of the person carrying the bomb.
- LEVEL 1: QUICK UNSPOT: Reduces time you are Spotted by 2 seconds.
- LEVEL 2: SPRINT: Increases maximum Sprint Speed by 10%.
- LEVEL 3: REDUCED FALL: Increases height you can Fall without Damage.
- LEVEL 4: STEALTH: Undetected by Motion Sensors except when Sprinting.
Available at the beginning of the game regardless of the class. Dedicated especially to players who prefer moving from one location to the other quickly and without being detected in order to flank enemies or steal their control points right from under their noses. Best used in the Conquest and Rush game modes.
- LEVEL 1: SPRINT: Increases maximum Sprint Speed by 10%.
- LEVEL 2: AMMO: Increases maximum inventory of Bullets by 50%.
- LEVEL 3: GRENADES: Increases maximum inventory of Hand Grenades by 1.
- LEVEL 4: REDUCED FALL: Increases height you can Fall without Damage.
The first unlockable field upgrade for each class. Ideal for players who prefer a quick offensive, but also recommended to those having frequent problems with using up ammo too quickly.
- LEVEL 1: MEDKIT UPGRADE: Increases maximum deployed Medic Bags and Packs by 1.
- LEVEL 2: SPRINT: Increases maximum Sprint Speed by 10%.
- LEVEL 3: DEFIB UPGRADE: Increases charge up speed of the Defibrillators by 100%.
- LEVEL 4: MEDICAL UNIT: Occupied vehicles will slowly Heal nearby Soldiers.
Combat Medic is the optimal upgrade for players who specialize in healing teammates. It allows for even more effective healing and reanimation, even when there is not much time and bodies are dropping all over. In the Conquest, Obliteration and Rush game modes, reaching level 4 will allow the medic to heal without even leaving the vehicle!
- LEVEL 1: GRENADES: Increases maximum inventory of Hand Grenades by 1.
- LEVEL 2: SPRINT: Increases maximum Sprint Speed by 10%.
- LEVEL 3: 40MM GRENADES: Increases maximum inventory of 40mm Grenades by 3.
- LEVEL 4: FLAK: Decreases damage from explosions by 15%.
Grenadier is other one of the highly specialized upgrades for the Assault class, dedicated to players who prefer to neutralize the enemy with explosives and are exposed to them themselves. Invaluable to all Assault class players who love destroying enemy vehicles and eliminating whole groups at one go.
Leveling Up (quests and unlockables)
To gain access to most of the above mentioned gadgets and field upgrades, you're going to need to work hard. It won't be enough to just kill your opponents with assault rifles - these belong to a separate category. To level up in your class, use the available gadgets to their full potential. It doesn't matter whether they are offensive or defensive - each use brings you closer to unlocking another handy tool. Once gained, you can't lose you experience points, unless you're leaving the game before the end of round or due to technical issues (game or server breakdown).
After unlocking the last gadget, the player receives another reward - a star - for service as an Assault class soldier, which is worth 1000 points and a special dog tag.
Additionally, the Assault class is assigned three assignments which completing will grant you special awards:
- Reach Rank 10
- Obtain 7 kills with any Assault rifle
- Obtain 11 Heals
Assault Basic dog tag
- Obtain 8 kills with any Assault rifle
- Obtain 12 Heals
Crimson Camo (forest)
- Obtain 50 Medkit Ribbons
- Obtain 200 kills with any Assault rifle
- Obtain 10 Assault Rifle Ribbons
ACE 23 Assault Rifle
Unlocked | Points | Description |
First Aid Kit | --- | Single-use medkit that slowly heals a single soldier to full health, even on the move. Any damage cancels the heal. |
Defibrillator | 8 000 | The automatic defibrillator revives fallen allies and electrocutes enemies. Charging the paddles revives a soldier with increased health. Requires recharging after multiple quick uses. |
M26 MASS | 18 000 | A small shotgun that can be mounted below the barrel of cerrain assault rifles. Uses standard buckshot that deals high damage but has weak penetration. |
Field Upgrade: Offensive | 28 000 | LEVEL 1: SPRINT: Increases maximum Sprint Speed by 10%. LEVEL 2: AMMO: Increases maximum inventory of Bullets by 50%. LEVEL 3: GRENADES: Increases maximum inventory of Hand Grenades by 1. LEVEL 4: REDUCED FALL: Increases height you can Fall without Damage. |
M320 SMK | 40 000 | 40mm grenade that creates a cloud of blinding smoke upon impact, preventing the enemies from spotting their targets. |
M26 Dart | 51 000 | Loaded with flechette rounds that deal less damage, but with greater range and penetration. |
Field Upgrade: Combat Medic | 63 000 | LEVEL 1: MEDKIT UPGRADE: Increases maximum deployed Medic Bags and Packs by 1. LEVEL 2: SPRINT: Increases maximum Sprint Speed by 10%. LEVEL 3: DEFIB UPGRADE: Increases charge up speed of the Defibrillators by 100%. LEVEL 4: MEDICAL UNIT: Occupied vehicles will slowly Heal nearby Soldiers. |
M320 Dart | 76 000 | 40mm grenade packed with flechette rounds that turn the launcher into a shotgun. |
M26 Sabot | 88 000 | Loaded with Sabot slug rounds for accurate medium range fire. |
Medic Bag | 101 000 | Stationary medic bag. All soldiers within its range will gradually regenerate health, even during battle. |
M26 Frag | 114 000 | Loaded with frag ammunition for increased suppressing fire. |
M320 Flash | 128 000 | 40mm flashbang cartridge that temporarily blinds enemies. Useful in close quarters situations. |
Field Upgrade: Grenadier | 141 000 | LEVEL 1: GRENADES: Increases maximum inventory of Hand Grenades by 1. LEVEL 2: SPRINT: Increases maximum Sprint Speed by 10%. LEVEL 3: 40MM GRENADES: Increases maximum inventory of 40mm Grenades by 3. LEVEL 4: FLAK: Decreases damage from explosions by 15%. |
M320 LVG | 155 000 | Anti-personnel 40mm grenade with a timed fuse. Before it explodes, it bounces off of obstacles. |
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