Key points of Battlefield 4 Hainan Resort
Cover - buildings, train cars, carports, guard towers, etc.
Levelution events.
Pathways and points of interest - ladders, catwalks, sniper positions, etc.
Fixed weapons and battle pickups.
US – US Base
Available vehicles:
5x Transport
2x Armored Personal Carrier
Fast Attack Craft
Scout Helicopter
Stealth Jet
Attack Jet
RU – RU Base
Available vehicles:
5x Transport
2x Armored Personal Carrier
Fast Attack Craft
Scout Helicopter
Stealth Jet
Attack Jet
A – Marina
Available vehicles:
2x Transport
B – Tennis Court
Available vehicles:
2x Transport
C – Hotel
Available vehicles:
AA Artillery
Mobile Artillery
D – Shipwreck
Available vehicles:
2x Transport
E>/b> – Bungalows
Available vehicles:
2x Transport
Levelution events.
Levolution – Right Hotel's Wing
Levolution – Left Hotel's Wing
Levolution – Container Ship Wreck
Resort is a medium map with something for all type of players. Pilots, ground vehicle fans and infantry can have something here for themselves. Fact that the space is open, makes many encounters take place on medium and long distance, so you should consider carefully what weapon to choose. Luckily, there are also urban zones, which are perfect for short distance fighting. Especially inside the hotel. Hotel is the key point on the map and taking it over may give a huge advantage. From the hotel roof, you can see a whole vicinity, what makes it one of the favorite sniper position. It's also easy to protect if a team guards the elevator. Edges of the map aren't free of snipers also, because uneven terrain with trees is a good place for them. Infantry may find here a lot of transport sources, thanks to which quick moving around the map is possible. But going on feet shouldn't be too much problematic. Distance between flags isn't big and terrain is full of various covers.
In Resort you have several types of Levolutions. The most important of them is a possibility of destroying two sides wing of the hotel in the point C. To destroy the chosen wing, you have to explode the white walls supporting the construction of the upper part of the hotel. Destroying both wings doesn't cut off an access to the roof, but makes more difficult to defend the flag and limits sniper's possibilities.
Smaller part of Levolution are spots of oil mainly next to the oil ship wreck (flag D). Using the explosives, you can set them on fire, what makes a lot of thick smoke.
Another, hidden element of Levolution, is the second half of the same ship, which is still on the sea. Aiming at this ship from the hotel's roof (west wing) you can notice a small light. Hitting it causes a chain reaction, what fires several dozens of burning barrels onto the battlefield.