Uncharted 1: The Customs House - Chapter 10 walkthrough Uncharted Drakes Fortune guide, walkthrough
Last update: 15 April 2020
On this page of our guide to Uncharted Drake's Fortune you will find a detailed walkthrough of Chapter 10 - The Customs House. Exploration of the large building involves, among other things, taking part in intensive battles with bandits and activating a mechanism which raises the grating.
After using a rope to reach the fortress, Nate went towards the door - Elena was behind it. Before he opened the door, he collected a Jewelled Golden Brooch from the corner of the room(1). Then he let his friend (2) in by blowing up the padlock with a shot.[1] They both ran up the stairs. They jumped on the floor in the next room and moved on to the next hall. Drake examined the documents and went up the stairs. A bandit with a shotgun was wandering there. Drake attacked him from behind when he was standing on the left and faced the opposite direction. [2]
Both heroes set off to the next passageway, behind which a large staircase was visible - they found cover and killed all enemies lurking behind the railings. Now the opponents on the left had to be eliminated - there were several (1-2) of them. Behind the corner, at the top, there was a bandit with a grenade launcher (3).[1] After getting rid of all enemies, Drake climbed the first staircase - at the top, on a wooden floor, he found a Silver Belt Buckle.[2]
The duo moved on and reached the spot where enemy with grenade launcher was standing - here Nathan activated the mechanism and opened the grating.[1] They quickly ran (before the path was shut) to the balcony. Elena has decided to wait here. Nate shot at a padlock on the balcony door and jumped to the adjacent balcony. The balcony collapsed under his weight, but our agile hero managed to handle with such situation (by pressing the Cross button).[2]
Now he had to defeat many enemies that were lurking inside. The hero shot a guy with a grenade launcher(1) and a rifle(2) through the bars.[1] He jumped onto holey balcony, killed another enemy and moved on. On the third balcony he shot a padlock on the door in front of him - it shattered and fell down.[2] He jumped to the last area, opened the grating by using the mechanism and went inside.