Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Remastered


Release Date: November 19, 2007

Action, TPP, TPS, remaster/remake, shooters, action adventure, PlayStation exclusive, singleplayer

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Third-person action adventure game that came out as Sony’s response to the unwavering popularity of the Tomb Raider franchise. The game was created by Naughty Dog, an experienced developer known for such cult game series, as Crash Bandicoot or Jack and Daxter. Uncharted lets you play as a young man named Nathan, a (self-proclaimed) descendant of one of the world’s greatest sailors and wayfarers – Sir Francis Drake.

Naughty Dog has been a member of the PlayStation family for nearly the entirety of its existence – this is the studio that created such legendary series as Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter. Before PlayStation 3 was released, however, the team decided to take a break from classic 3D platformers and set their minds on creating an action title. This is how Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune paved the way for the new wildly-popular series. Even though the developers gave up on the cartoon style their previous works had, and instead utilised more realistic visuals, the title still follows several gameplay elements used in their former games – both the perspective and a multiplicity of platformer sequences prove it. The game was so successful that a remastered version was published in 2016 on PS4.


The main hero of Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is Nathan Drake. You meet him while he finds the lost coffin with his supposed ancestor – sir Francis Drake. As it turns out, the coffin does not contain the body of the traveller, but his journal with hints concerning the whereabouts of legendary El Dorado. Having found that, the hero sets off on a journey to a mysterious island hiding the treasure. Luckily for him, Nathan has faithful friends on his side, who turn out to be more helpful than they firstly seemed. There is Sully – a longtime friend of the protagonist - and Ellena, a TV reporter. Naturally for such adventure stories, the heroes quickly find themselves in the middle of trouble, as pirates, who are usually not very kind to competitors, are also after El Dorado.

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Last updated on February 15, 2017

Uncharted Drakes Fortune Guide

Last Update: December 30, 2019

Uncharted Drakes Fortune Guide

The Uncharted Drake's Fortune game guide contains a detailed, illustrated walkthrough of the entire adventure divided into several chapters, a full list of hidden treasures and trophies to get during the entire escapade.

Uncharted Drakes Fortune Guide

September 17, 2021

I Don't Get the Uncharted Phenomenon

Uncharted is one of the most appreciated series. In theory, it should appeal to me, too, because I appreciate good, linear action games. Unfortunately, there was a lot that didn't sit right with me, which is why I can't understand the phenomenon.

I Don't Get the Uncharted Phenomenon
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Videos and Screens

[5:08] Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Tech Dive: Making The Game

[3:30] Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Tech Dive: Environments



in Uncharted Game Series

Game Series

Uncharted Series

A series of TPP-view action adventure games initially released exclusively for Sony consoles - first for PlayStation 3 and Vita, and later also for PlayStation 4. In 2016, a spin-off subtitled Fortune Hunter, while in September 2021 it was announced that the fourth installment of the series, along with the standalone add-on Lost Legacy will be released on PC and PS5 as a bundle Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.

9 video games

Uncharted Game Series

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune Summary


PlayStation 4

PlayStation 4 November 16, 2016

PlayStation 3

PlayStation 3 November 19, 2007

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