Uncharted: Drake's Fortune May Get PC and PS5 Remake

A new version of the first Uncharted is likely in the works. A number of clues have hit the web indicating that Drake's Fortune will receive a remake.


Source: Naughty Dog / Sony Interactive Entettainment.

Some information that may interest fans of Nathan Drake's adventures was shared during the latest episode of the XboxEra podcast. Journalists Jon "Sikamikanico" Clarke and Nick "Shpeshal Nick" Baker claim that Sony is working on a new version of the first installment of the Uncharted series. They were supposed to receive information on this topic from unrelated sources and evidence verifying the accuracy of those rumors.

It's unclear whether this is a simple port of the 2007-released Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for PC and PS5, or a remake that refreshes the graphics and gameplay elements. Jon Clarke and Nick Baker lean towards the second option, although they have emphasized that they have limited information about the new version of the iconic PS3 game. That's why you need to approach the matter with some distance. Which studio is responsible for the alleged Uncharted remake also remains unknown.

There's potential evidence that Sony is working on (or at least considering releasing) a remake of the first installment, as recently shared on X by a user known as Speclizer, who is a well-known figure in the modding community. He found references to the new version of the first Uncharted while digging through the files of The Last of Us: Part II. The modder paid special attention to the data regarding the level with the crashed airplane and the main characters' models.

Speclizer mentioned that he once ignored similar information in the files of TLoU: Part II. Back then, it was about a remake of the first installment of the series with Ellie and Joel, which was actually released years later. As he points out, the data about the refreshed Uncharted: Drake's Fortune may or may not refer to the canceled project.

Releasing a new version of the original Uncharted for PS5 and PC would be justified, as the game first came out nearly 17 years ago on PlayStation 3, making it likely that many fans would eagerly revisit the title. Let's note that in 2015, Sony launched the Nathan Drake Collection on PS4 (a year later, it was also possible to purchase a remaster of the first part on PlayStation 4), which contains a refreshed first installment, so there's a slightly higher chance that the rumors are about a remake rather than another remaster.

Finally, it's worth mentioning that the Naughty Dog studio explained that the first installments of Uncharted weren't made available on PC (instead, we received the Legacy of Thieves Collection) because of their outdated graphics. Is this then further evidence of a remake of the original game?

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

November 19, 2007

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