Uncharted 1: Gold and Bones - Chapter 21 walkthrough Uncharted Drakes Fortune guide, walkthrough
Last update: 15 April 2020
This page of our guide to Uncharted Drake's Fortune contains a detailed walkthrough of Chapter 21 - Gold and Bones. This is one of the shortest chapters of the story campaign. This time you will explore new catacombs and find the last available collectibles / treasures.
Drake jumped down into the catacombs and they both continued downwards. They crossed two chambers with smaller sarcophagi and reached a larger room with two larger sarcophagi.[1] At the right side, they have discovered a treasure (Golden Skull Rosary).[2]
They ran down the stairs. Further road led to the right, but before taking this path, the hero has checked if there is something behind the middle pillar - he found the last treasure of this adventure, the Sapphire and Silver Mask.[1] Heroes went down the stairs and finally found what they were looking for.[2]