[22-S] Scientific Revolution


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Beginning: You'll get this task from Cutter toward the end or after you've done [12-M] Teal's Ikayorte.

Toward the end of the task [12-M] Teal's Ikayorte talk to Cutter, who's washing the deck, and offer your help - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Toward the end of the task [12-M] Teal's Ikayorte talk to Cutter, who's washing the deck, and offer your help. The task will remain in your journal for a long time until you perform a different one.

Do the quest [20-M] Needle in the Hay - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Do the quest [20-M] Needle in the Hay.

Only after you've acquired Sila's Tears from the abovementioned task can you remove a spell cast on a gnome-inventor in [1] (the quickest way to get to the stone garden is to use the teleport in [2]). Move closer to the statue, open the inventory window and place Sila's Tear ("use" it). Move away and wait for the explosion. Then, talk to Grim Grimdahl. You'll receive 5,000 XP and a new task.

Teleport to [2] right away and once you're there run on foot to [3] - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Teleport to [2] right away and once you're there run on foot to [3]. The gnome's camp is occupied by four Olorums (three warriors and an archer). They shouldn't cause you much trouble. Talk to the gnome and you'll receive 5,000 XP together with the next assignment. Search his tent. It's imperative that you mark the teleport in [4] (Grimdahl's Laboratory). Watch out for Poisoners around the laboratory.

Now you must get three portions of Digested Grass that you'll take out from dead deer bodies - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now you must get three portions of Digested Grass that you'll take out from dead deer bodies. The biggest problem will be finding the animals. Dash into the forest and look for them; listen to a characteristic sound of their run. If you hear any rustle, quickly look around and locate its source. You can also run through the forest and hope you'll get lucky, but don't be surprised if you find a hare or a fox instead of a deer. Looking for the deer is quite bothersome, as there are no specific places you can be sure to come across them. Moreover, when you do find one you still need to catch up with it. Fortunately, one blow will bring it down.

Kill three deer, take three portions of Digested Grass and, in order not to return anymore, look for three Zygophyllas (there are a lot of them in the north of the island) - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Kill three deer, take three portions of Digested Grass and, in order not to return anymore, look for three Zygophyllas (there are a lot of them in the north of the island). Pull out one portion of Saltpetre from each. Having acquired all ingredients, teleport to [4] and talk to Grim Grimdahl in [3]. Give him the grass (you'll receive 3,000 XP) and saltpetre (you'll get 7,000 XP). Wait until the experiment is finished, and you'll get 5,000 XP and Grim's Explosive.

Now, using the Teleport Stone, teleport at once to [5] and run to Cutter, who's standing on the beach in [6] - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Now, using the Teleport Stone, teleport at once to [5] and run to Cutter, who's standing on the beach in [6]. Talk to him, and you'll receive 5,000 XP and +9 to reputation among pirates. Follow him and run to [7]. Some animals can attack you both on the way, yet, you'll get rid of them easily. Approach the entrance in [7] blocked by the rocks and put Grim's Explosive there (open the inventory window and use the item). Then move away quickly. After the explosion you and Cutter will defeat two Olorums (warriors) and go inside.

You'll appear in [8] - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

You'll appear in [8]. Help Cutter deal with four Olorums (two are on the left and two on the right - together there are two warriors and two archers), and then run behind him through the cave. You must get to [9] having defeated three Olorums (warrior, archer, wizard). The rocky passage to the right will take you to a new location - you'll come out in [10]. Now you must reach [11]. There's a chest here and a lot of the items, but most of all, a huge war machine. Talk about it with Cutter.

Go out of the cave and head to [10] and then to [8] - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Go out of the cave and head to [10] and then to [8]. Immediately using the Teleport Stone teleport to [4] (on the first map in the quest description) and talk to Grim Grimdahl in [3]. He will agree to join the crew. All that remains is to inform Cutter, who moved on board the ship, about it. So, teleport to [12] and get on board. Find Cutter at the end of the ship in [13] and talk to him. You'll complete this task and receive 5,000 XP and +9 to reputation among pirates.

Since you're on a ship, you can go about the task [23-S] Dice Challenge - [22-S] Scientific Revolution - Walkthrough - Two Worlds II: Pirates of The Flying Fortress - Game Guide and Walkthrough

Since you're on a ship, you can go about the task [23-S] Dice Challenge.

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