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Talos Principle 2 Guide by

Talos Principle 2 Guide

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Talos Principle 2: PC system requirements Talos Principle 2 guide, puzzles

Check out the minimum and recommended hardware requirements for Talos Principle 2.

Last update: 08 November 2023

In our guide, you will find the most important information about the PC system requirements for Talos Principle 2. We have listed the minimum and recommended system requirements. We also explain how much free disk space you need to install the game.

Talos Principle 2: Minimum PC system requirements

  1. Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit
  2. Processor: 4 core CPU @ 2.5 GHz (Intel Core i3/i5, AMD Ryzen 5)
  3. RAM: 8 GB
  4. Graphics card: 4 GB VRAM; Radeon RX 470, GeForce GTX 970
  5. Disk space: 75 GB SSD

Talos Principle 2: Recommended PC system requirements

  1. Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit
  2. Processor: 6 or 8 core CPU @ 3.0 GHz (AMD Ryzen 7, Intel Core i5/i7)
  3. RAM: 16 GB
  4. Graphics card: 8 GB VRAM; Radeon RX 6800, GeForce RTX 3070
  5. Disk space: 75 GB SSD
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