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Talos Principle 2 Guide by

Talos Principle 2 Guide

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Talos Principle 2: All puzzles Talos Principle 2 guide, puzzles

Are you looking to solve all the puzzles in Talos Principle 2? Keep reading our guide to see how to complete all Golden Puzzles, Lost Puzzles, Main Puzzles, Stars, Sparks, Monuments.

Last update: 18 January 2024

In our guide to Talos Principle 2, we advise how to solve golden, main, and lost puzzles. You will also learn how to get all the stars and solve monument puzzles. For the puzzles, we have added video tutorials that will make your quest easier and enable you to complete the game at 100%.

Talos Principle 2: All Main and Lost Puzzles

ACT 1:

  1. Prologue - in this guide, we have described the puzzles from the prologue. You will learn how to solve puzzles such as Static Pressure, Prismatic Diffraction, and Ascension Awaits.
  2. Grasslands Ring - on this page, you will find solutions to puzzles from the first location visited in the game. We explain how to solve the Elevation, Entanglement, Self-Sufficiency, and Castling puzzles.
  3. Wooded Plateau - in this location, you will encounter much more difficult puzzles. Our guide will help you solve puzzles such as Seesaw, Passage, Loop, and Keeping Connections.
  4. Eastern Wetlands - in the wetlands, you will find new objects that will help you solve Imprisoned, Backward Propagation, Preconnected, and Refraction puzzles.
  5. Megastructure - the first time you visit the Megastructure, you will have to solve 3 puzzles. On this page you will find a detailed description of how to activate the green, red and blue laser beams.

ACT 2:

  1. Desolate Island - in this location you will learn a new way to solve puzzles. Thanks to the option of swapping bodies with other robots, you will be able to solve puzzles such as Leg Up, High Ground, Interplay, and Two Body Problem.
  2. Flooded Valley - here you will receive a new type of device, an accumulator. In this guide, you will find solutions to such puzzles as Balance of Forces, Rainbow, Lateral Inhibition, Reconnaissance.
  3. Lost Marshes - in the Marshes you will find rotating platforms on which you can exchange items needed to solve puzzles such as The Wall, Twice, Propulsion, All Around, Transmission.
  4. Megastructure - in act 2 you will visit the Megastructure again. This time you will have to find two puzzles with a blue and green laser beam.

ACT 3:

  1. Southern Coast - in this region you will discover a teleport, a new object that makes solving puzzles easier. In our guide, you will find a detailed description of the puzzles: The Escape, Translocator, Aerial Warp, Remote Interchange.
  2. Verdant Canyon - on this page you will read how to solve puzzles from the Verdant Canyon region. You will learn how to solve puzzles such as Stowaway, Upward Migration, Lateral Thinking, and Other Side.
  3. Circular Oasis - in this guide you will find a walkthrough for all the puzzles in the Oasis. Step by step, we explain how to solve the puzzles: Control, Convolution, The Passageway, Bridging the Gap, Transfer.

ACT 4:

  1. Western Delta - in this location you will have to solve puzzles such as Automatic Doors, Supportive Apparatus, Jailbreak, Surfing, Elements. Check out our guide, in which we describe in detail how to do it.
  2. Anthropic Hills - here you can read the walkthrough for the following puzzles: Slide, Conveyance, Two to Three, Permeability, Balance. Thanks to our tips, you will solve all the missing and main puzzles in the Anthropic Hills region.
  3. High Plain - on this page of the guide you will find solutions to puzzles such as: Hexahedral Stacking, Photon Snail, Chicken Flight, Rerouting, Gateway Switch. Our tips will help you to solve all the puzzles in this location.

ACT 5:

  1. Utopia and Dystopia - here you can read how to solve the last puzzles in the game. After entering the Megastructure, you will have to solve 4 puzzles in Utopia and 4 puzzles in Dystopia. Check how to deal with the most difficult puzzles and how to save Athena.

Talos Principle 2: All Gold Puzzles

  1. Gold Puzzles - after solving all the main and missing puzzles, you will unlock gold puzzles. On this guide page, we explain when you will be able to enter the gold puzzles and how to solve them. Our tips will help you complete: Lonely Heights, Outside the Box, Thrust Vector, The Mule, Windstream, Pillars of Ascension.
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