Lost Fleet | Spyro: Year of the Dragon Walkthrough Spyro Reignited Trilogy Guide and Walkthrough
Last update: 28 December 2018
The Lost Fleet is a realm that's part of the Evening Lake homeworld in Spyro: Year of the Dragon. The following chapter is a walkthrough of that level.
What do I need to get 100%?
Completing the Lost Fleet for 100% requires meeting the following conditions:
- Gather 600 crystals
- Find 6 eggs
You will start the level in a small area. Remove the crampons there and then turn towards the narrowing. You will find the first spirit close to that place. After attacking it, you'll make it divide into two rhynocs. You must watch out for him because he will throw stones lying nearby.
Then use the cannon to destroy a fragment of the ship on which you will find a red cross. Then go through it. You will go out in another area controlled by ghosts and crabs. Here you will find an entrance to a cave that will lead you to a similar location.
This time, however, you will have to jump aboard the ship. Using a cannon located on it, destroy the next wall. There, after talking to Mad Ed, you will get an egg.
Then go through the nearby invincibility power-up gate. This will allow you to swim in acid. Continuously swim straight ahead, and you will find a small dark recess. You will find another egg there. Additionally, you will be able to jump to the platform that will lead you to the portal.
If the Hunter is free, you will be able to play two races with him. The first with rhynocs and the second with the Hunter himself. The supercharge plays an important role in these tasks. Charging it requires performing tricks. There are ramps along the entire route. Try to use them as often as possible.
Once you have completed this task. Return to the ship from which you destroyed the other boat. You will be able to jump from it to the cave where you will find another portal. This time you will have to liquidate enemy submarines.
The task is not difficult. However, in order to hit the boat, you have to find it. A hit is only possible if three wheels burn red. Targets are easily lost, so the task requires patience. For completing the task twice, you will receive two eggs.