Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks

This Songs from Conquest tutorial page will introduce you to the most useful tips for getting started. Below you will find tips on how to start the game.


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Before you start playing Songs of Conquest, you should take a look at our tips and tricks for new players. They will help you to avoid making the most common mistakes. Thanks to the following hints, you will also learn, among other things, how to properly develop wielders, how to upgrade their armies, how to optimally explore the map or what challenge level to choose at the start.

Choose the Fair or Risky difficulty level when starting.

We discussed all available settings in detail on the Difficulty levels page from the Basics chapter - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Songs of Conquest has a lot of similarities to the Heroes of Might & Magic series, but many of its mechanics (e.g. spellcasting system) need to be learned from scratch. We recommend spending a few hours learning the basics of gameplay and playing with at least one faction.
  2. At the Fair and Risky levels, the AI may be slower to develop than you and have certain limitations, such as on the number of heroes or allowed development. This will reduce the risk that the AI will heavily develop its military and have a large advantage at the time of first contact.

We discussed all available settings in detail on the Difficulty levels page from the Basics chapter.

Play the story campaigns before moving on to Conquest and multiplayer

1 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. The final version of Songs of Conquest offers 4 campaigns and more information about them can be found on the Campaign mode page. As the first, we advise you to choose The Song of Stoutheart campaign, through which you will receive a long introduction to the game's mechanics - the first two missions will teach you, among other things, how to survey the map, take over settlements and strongholds, the basics of combat (without pressure from enemy wielders), use magic or hero leveling.
  2. In campaign missions, focus on the development of the main character related to the storyline of a particular campaign. It is this character that should take part in the most difficult battles. Other wielders should be act as support and take care of smaller things. They may not advance to the next mission of a given campaign.
  3. The story campaigns are also a good way to get to know all 4 factions - you can interact primarily with their unique units and buildings. You can play the story missions on different difficulty levels (from Fair upwards).

Highlight objects and armies with the ALT key

2 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. The pixel art style used in the game cannot be turned off, unfortunately, and can make it difficult to recognize objects, characters and locations on the map.
  2. Fortunately, you don't have to guess whether an element is interactive. Holding ALT will highlight all things (example in the image) and this is a free, unlimited feature. Use it at any time during the game, especially since some resources or places to visit may blend into the background.

Explore the world, but don't overdo it

3 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. There are plenty of optional locations waiting to be discovered on the maps, through which you can, among other things, acquire artifacts, take over more cities, obtain gold or raw materials, receive a permanent or temporary bonus to your stats (e.g. only for the duration of the next battle) or get free XP.
  2. Don't go overboard with exploring every corner of the map, as your opponents do not remain passive and are also engaged in exploration. They can overtake you to capture key locations on the map or reach more places with valuable rewards. We recommend focusing on taking over new settlements, strongholds and mines first. These places will start producing units, gold and raw materials for you.
  3. You can also assign different tasks to your heroes - some of them can deal with reaching important locations and fighting battles, and the rest with less important exploration and acquiring individual loot.

Check the threat level of your opponents

4 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Stationary armies and enemy wielders encountered on the map are always described by their threat level. It is determined by comparing the strength and size of your army with that of your opponent. We advise you to attack only those armies that are marked in green or yellow - you can expect less a demanding battles and low casualties. Avoid the orange and red armies. Return to them a stronger wielder with a larger army.
  2. The game displays the threat level only after approaching enemies. You can cheat here - save the game, approach the enemies and load the safe after reading their threat level. This will save you valuable movement points.

Take every opportunity to recruit free troops

5 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. When exploring a location on the map, a reward selection window may appear (example in the picture). One of the rewards can be free units, and as long as you have free unit slots always choose them over gold. This is especially important in the early stages of the game, because your army will not be numerous and unit acquisition has yet to be organized in captured strongholds and settlements.
  2. Some enemy armies may voluntarily offer to join your hero. It is definitely worth accepting their offer. If you do not have free slots, move some units to another wielder before approaching such an army.

Check unit deployment before battle

6 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. The game shows the default placement of units on the battle preparation screen, but it is not always ideal and you may want to implement some changes.
  2. Above all, we recommend placing ranged units on High Ground fields, so they will get offensive and defensive bonuses. In addition, place strong troops and units with a long range of movement in the first line. This will enable them to approach enemy units faster. Also keep an eye out for walls and terrain obstacles that can make it difficult for fighting armies to approach for a melee attack.

Rely on spells cast by the wielders

You can learn more about spell casting from the Best Spells and Wielders and Magic pages of our guide - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Your hero does not actively participate in battles, but can cast spells of an offensive or defensive nature. Above all, try to enter battles with plenty of essence from different categories - you will need it to cast spells.
  2. During battles, pay attention to the current needs of the army, for example, it is worth strengthening the defense of a ranged unit that is targeted by enemies, or increase the attack of a strong melee unit that has approached enemy units. It's also a good idea to weaken enemies with spells that work similarly to curses and to use area spells after a group of enemies stops close together.

You can learn more about spell casting from the Best Spells and Wielders and Magic pages of our guide.

Increase the hero's army limit regularly

Each hero has default limits on the maximum size of the army - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide

Each hero has default limits on the maximum size of the army. They are:

  1. Limit of troop stack slots - you can increase it by buying more levels of the Command skill (example in the picture). It can appear as 1 of 3 skills after the hero levels up.
  2. Limit of units in a single stack (e.g. a maximum of 20 archers) - you can increase it by conducting research after erecting appropriate buildings.

Both of these techniques are discussed in more detail on the page titled How to expand the army?

Upgrade available troops

7 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Each unit in the game comes in 2 varieties - regular and upgraded. A better version of a given unit means not only higher stats, but also, for example, new special skills. This can significantly increase its usefulness on the battlefield and significantly strengthen the entire army of your wielder.
  2. You must first upgrade a building in a stronghold or settlement and this will enable you to recruit better units. In the same place you can upgrade basic units to improved versions. All these operations cost a lot of gold and other resources. Develop the strongest or most frequently used units first.

Preview enemy troops' stats and skills

8 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. It is very useful that you can freely check the opponents you have to face in a given battle - just left-click to display a window with statistics.
  2. Pay particular attention to the special skills of enemies, especially those you still know poorly or are encountering for the first time. This can make it easier for you to prepare for their unique attacks, or to decide on the order in which to eliminate them. You should aim to kill problematic and dangerous enemies early in the battle.

Withdraw from potentially difficult battles

We also described the mechanics of escape on a separate page, titled How to flee a battle - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. In Songs of Conquest you can withdraw from a planned battle, but only if you are the attacking side. This can save you from huge losses or losing the entire battle, which will involve resurrecting a fallen hero.
  2. The game will not allow you to cancel a battle if you have been attacked by an enemy wielder. We advise you to save your progress often and have the option to go back a few turns if necessary. With this, you can, for example, put some distance between yourself and a potentially strong enemy hero or better prepare for battle after visiting a city and recruiting new units.

We also described the mechanics of escape on a separate page, titled How to flee a battle?

Look for opportunities to increase initiative

9 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. The initiative is important in terms of optimal battle play, because it affects the order in which troop stacks moves. Higher initiative means that your troops can make their moves faster and, for example, get ahead of attacks by enemy units. This will enable you to injure or eliminate them within your turn.
  2. You can increase the initiative in various ways. Look especially for shrines that can raise it temporarily (e.g. For the duration of the next battle). Also related to improving the default initiative may be the hero's skills selected each time he or she levels up.

Transfer troops and artifacts between heroes

10 - Songs of Conquest: Tips and Tricks - Basics - Songs of Conquest Guide
  1. Wielders traveling around the map can meet and this leads, among other things, to the display of the trade window (example in the picture). You can use it to move troops and artifacts between heroes. It is worth ensuring that the main wielder for a given scenario always has the largest army and the best items.
  2. Trading also gains prominence in the campaign, as only the main character moves on in the story missions. Before you complete a given mission, check the inventory of the remaining wielders. If they have any rare, valuable artifacts, bring them to the main character. Otherwise, the artifacts may be irretrievably lost.

Songs of Conquest

May 20, 2024

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