Starting point – Starting area for the bonus level.
Option 1 - Crossing Thranduil's Kingdom – The first way of reaching the bonus level marker is to go through Thranduil's Kingdom.
Option 2 - Tower climb – The second way of reaching the bonus level marker is to get to the top of a small tower.
Reaching the bonus level's starting point
In LEGO The Hobbit, there is a bonus level and completing it is required to complete the game in 100%. An additional incentive to play this stage is that you can make a quick cash here.
Note - The bonus level becomes available ONLY after you have complete d the entire storyline, i.e. all sixteen main stages of the game (the last one is the fight with Smaug). Only then, will the marker for this mission appear on the map.
The entrance to the Thranduil's Kingdom
There are two different paths that you can Take, if you want to reach the starting point for the bonus level. Which path you choose does not matter, because what matters is the fact of reaching the flag that allows you to start this optional mission. The first variant is the path across the Thranduil's Kingdom. In this case, you need to fast travel to the eagle statue shown in the above screenshot, Southwards of the Kingdom's entrance. After you get there, go Northwards and cross the bridge to Thranduil's Kingdom.
Along your path across the Thranduil's Kingdom, you need to go in the North-Eastern direction and follow the quite linear path (it is best to set the marker for the bonus mission as your destination and follow the trail of yellow studs). Along your path, it is imperative that you Take the stairs on the right. This way, you will get to the exit from the Thranduil's Kingdom and you will immediately get to the mountain path, thanks to which you will get to your destination, without any problems.
The second variant assumes that you climb the short tower shown in the above screenshot, within close range of the marker for the bonus level (to the South-East of it). Approach the tower and find the snowmen, on top of the other, at the foot of the tower, which you need to smash. This will provide you with access to the ladder to the higher level of the structure.
The Ring
Climb up the ladder and switch to any character with slingshot (e.g. to Ori). You need to walk around the tower and hit the interactive targets, in two spots. Thanks to this, interactive platforms will slide out of the tower. Locate the hopping bricks now, which are unavailable by default. Switch to Bilbo and put on the Ring. Hold down the building key/button. Wait for a ladder to be built here and climb up.
The tightrope that you need to walk over
You now need to Take very precise jumps. Jump onto the small planks and onto the platforms that appeared earlier. You need to get around the tower in this way. Use the slingshot again. After the last group of platforms slides out, reach the ladder. Climb up the ladder and jump to the right, to reach the tightrope extended here. The only thing that you need to do now is walk over the rope and Take a jump, thanks to which you will reach your destination.
Regardless of the variant that you chose, you need to reach the flag shown in the above screenshot, interact with it and confirm that you want to start the bonus level.
The bonus level - walkthrough
Stomp on the small objects and hammer-fist the bigger ones
Completing the bonus level is far less problematic than reaching it. In the mission, you Take control of a stone giant and your task is to demolish the area. As you complete this mission, you can, of course, tread on the smaller objects but, apart from that, it is also a good idea to rely on the other two types of attack (a standard one and a stronger one, which you land by holding down one of the keys/buttons for several seconds).
Focus mainly on destroying cities and villages
In order to complete the bonus level, you need to collect one million studs (coins) within five minutes. This should not be too problematic to you and, with a bit of luck, you should be able to collect this amount within two minutes. I recommend that you reach the successive cities and villages, because this is where it is easiest to get the amount. The bonus level is completed at the moment at which you collect one million studs and they will be added to your overall result.