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Frostpunk 2: How to complete chapter 4 Voracity? Frostpunk 2 guide, tips

Chapter 4 in Frostpunk 2 is a race against time, during which you must settle your affairs in Winterhome before the escaping fumes gasify the town. On this page of the guide, we've described how to hollow out or settle Winterhome before the time limit expires.

Last update: 30 September 2024

Chapter 4 in Frostpunk 2 shouldn't take you long - your goal is to complete it as quickly as possible. Your mission is to exploit the ruins of Winterhome by extracting enough cores from them or settling in them before the escaping fumes completely gas the city. On this guide page we describe how to colonize Winterhome in time and deal with the toxic gas.

Chapter 4 tips

  1. In Winterhome, time is everything – try to complete the activities in the city as quickly as possible. Ideally you want to get all your matters done in less than 90 weeks, before the ever-increasing gas levels reach catastrophic levels - so you need to be able to sustain the colony for that period. Staying in the city for longer is a big risk.
  2. If you run out of workforce, send more people to Winterhome using the population transfer option in the upper right corner of the screen.
  3. The leaking gas is constantly causing illness among the colonists and this is getting worse over time. To the south of the generator there is a hill that is not covered in ice - you can build there immediately, without the need for frostbreaking. Build housing districts there as soon as possible and expand them, then build hospitals and watchtowers in them - this way you will control the cold, diseases and automatically stop sabotage attempts.
  4. Slow frostbreaking wastes time, while fast frostbreaking guarantees death and disease. Both paths, however, have a radical idea in the research tree that, once implemented, will allow you to break the ice quickly, cheaply, and without casualties - the Automated Workforce in the Progress path (after building the Automated Workforce Factory), and a new labor model in the Adaptation path (after implementing the Apex Workers). Check the ideas as soon as possible to unlock better frostbreakers, or start with a quick frostbreaker to quickly get to the first mission goals.
  5. You should mine cores on both paths - the excavation districts that collect them are good spots to place residential buildings. You can gather the remaining resources if you settle in Winterhome, or ignore them and only extract them if you salvage Winterhome. On the Adaptation path, it is particularly worth exploiting steam deposits. However, your priority should always be the mission objective - building extraction districts on core deposits (Progress path) or fume filtration districts on gas leaks (Adaptation path).
  6. Remember to pay attention to the situation in the city and the old dreadnought from time to time and explore the Frostlands - the resources found there can be very useful.

How to colonize Winterhome?

Depending on your choice at the end of the previous chapter, your goal in Winterhome will be different. On the Adaptation path, you must build a self-sufficient city, building fume filtration districts on the gas fumes to block them. On the Progress path, you must mine all or most of the cores in the city to create the final generator upgrade, and then abandon the colony. The flow of the chapter is quite similar in both cases - you are fighting against time. You must complete your objective before the city is gassed.

You must break the ice as quickly as possible to get to the mission objectives - core deposits or toxic fumes. If you haven't researched the Automated Workforce Factory (or haven't built one in the ruins yet) or Apex Workers, you'll have to choose between slow and fast frostbreaker. Slow frostbreaker wastes time, but fast frostbreaker will result in fatalities and diseases. Always start the next frostbreaking the moment the previous one ends, and break the ice in several directions at once.

Apart from the diseases caused by gas, you will also have to deal with sabotage. Build housing districts on the hill to the south of Winterhome - no need to break the ice there. Build hospitals and watchtowers in expanded districts and you should be able to quickly deal with the problem before it becomes serious.

Actions in Winterhome will cost you a lot of resources - keep sending resources there until you complete the task. The sooner you finish, the sooner you will be able to stop maintaining Winterhome due to its abandonment or self-sufficiency. Achieving the goal - building the last generator upgrade or securing the city - will end the chapter. The tensions among the factions will reach their peak - the finale of the campaign, chapter five, will begin, during which the fate of New London will be decided.

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