Nero Abilities in Devil May Cry 5
Nero has the least abilities among all the playable characters in Devil May Cry 5. Since this is the first character you control, remember that the red orbs you use to purchase characters' abilities are shared between all of them. This section covers all of Nero's abilities.

This section covers mainly Nero's abilities involving his mobility - improve exploration capabilities, speed, and dodge.
- Speed - Nero starts sprinting after walking forward for a while;
- Side Roll 1, 2, 3 - short dodges performer with more agility Shift + Space + direction (left / right). Next levels allow you to perform dodges in such way that Nero gets next to/behind the enemy passing his defense.
- Wire Snatch 2, 3- this is Nero's starting ability. Improving it increases the range of the wire allowing you to pull enemies (or yourself towards larger enemies). Use this ability to maintain combos by jumping onto the next foes or by snatching an enemy you dight to then push him back or shoot him in the air; usage: Shift + MMB;
- Air Hike - Allows you to perform a double jump. We recommend purchasing this ability first, as it increases both combat and exploration efficiency.
- Enemy Step - You can jump onto an enemy and bounce off him to perform a double jump. Allows you to quickly get behind enemies' backs.
- Get more Orbs - An ambiguous name; this ability accelerates exploration - after you destroy the red orb bush or kill a group of enemies, you do not have to trace back to pick up the orbs - they are automatically pulled towards your character.
- Devil Snatch - The most expensive ability allowing you to provoke (R) - taunt enemies during combat to increase the style rank (which results in more style points = red orbs).
Blue Rose
The Blue Rose is Nero's revolver; improve it to deal more damage after charging the weapon:
- Color Up 2, 3 - allows you to charge the firearm and shoot three times; hold RMB until the weapon begins to glow.
Red Queen

The Red Queen in Nero's sword. It has the most upgrades available, as it is Nero's basic weapon.
- Streak 1,2 - almost a basic attack. Jump towards the enemy from several meters away to attack him and knock him down (provided he is not too big). This ability is perfect for joining combos. The improved version of this attack increases the jump distance. Usage: Shift + direction: forward+ RMB.
- Split - One of the basic attacks Nero should be equipped with. When in the air, Nero performs a cut down that hurts an enemy in the air and on the ground causing additional hit wave damage. Usage: in air - Shift + direction: backwards + LMB. Split used with Exceed is called Double Down - when you hit the ground, you cause an explosion.
- Red Queen Combo B, C, D - different combos you can use by pressing LMB in the right order. They allow you to mount different basic attacks and acquire more style points.
Combo B: perform two slow attacks (LMB) then keep pressing LMP quickly to finish the combo with quick blows;
Combo C: press LMB twice, pause for a fraction of a second, and then mount four more attacks with the LMB.
Combo D: Press LMB three times, and after a short pause press LMB once more.
- Roulette-Spin - a simple aerial combo. One of the first few skills you should get immediately; How to use: press 2x LMB and then press LMB after a short pause.
- High Roller - launch an enemy (or a few enemies) into the air; a useful attack; after using it, you can follow that enemy and continue attacking in the air. How to use: hold Shift + backward + LMB. The upgraded version allows you to use Exceed to perform even more powerful attack.
- Shuffle - this move can serve as a counterattack. It is similar to Streak but is slightly more devastating. However, this move is a little bit more difficult to perform (and can only be used on the ground): hold Shift + backward to forward + LMB.
- Calibur - this is an aerial version of Streak. When you perform it, Nero will move in a straight line. How to use: hold Shift + backward to forward + LMB (can only be used in the air).
- Payline - this attack can also be used in the air - Nero moves downwards. How to use: hold Shift + forward + LMB (can only be used in the air).
- Hard Way - useful attack, can be combined with other moves. Hold LMB - Nero leaps forward and hits his enemy with an overhead slash.
Exceed is a special weapon parameter that adds an attack bonus. It is also required by other abilities. Press E and hold it 3 times to charge the Exceed bar in the top left corner.
- Exceed 2-3 + MAX - Unlocking it adds additional bars. The attack that uses Exceed consumes all Exceed bars, however, it is considerably more powerful. Press 3x and hold E to charge the Exceed bar. With Exceed-MAX, all Exceed bars will be charged when you press the right button after attacking. This ability makes Exceed useful.
Devil Breaker
Devil Breaker is an arm prosthesis used by Nero. It comes in many versions, each one with different features. It is a powerful weapon - more precious than the revolver.
- Breaker plus -5 - develop this ability until reaching level 5 to increase the maximum amount of breakers you can carry up to 8 and allowing you to get rid of the more freely and use the detonation attack (Z).
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