Peru - part III | Peru - Return to Paraiso Tomb Raider: Legend Guide
Last update: 11 May 2016
Once you've reached a new trap, use a metal bar located by the ceiling in order to reach the opposite end safely (#1). You should be able to enter the main area of the temple complex in just a few seconds. A new cut-scene will appear on the screen (#2). Sit back and enjoy it. You will find out more about what Amanda did. After that, the game will end this small episode. You'll once again find yourself with Anaya. Listen to what both women have to say. Lara decides to return to the temple complex.
You will regain a full control of Lara's movements in just a moment. You might want to consider taking a closer look at the dig site, however this is not necessary. Turn right and start running forward. Get closer to the water (#1). Once you're ready, make a jump. Start swimming forward. You might have some problems with navigating Lara under water, so it's best to spend some time practicing these moves. You will have an opportunity to catch a breath along the way (#2). You should also know that there's only path leading to your current destination.
You will have to find yourself inside a small tunnel (#1). It leads to the main temple. You shouldn't have any major problems locating it. You will enter a large cavern very soon. There's a huge gate here. You will have to open it. There are four spheres under the water (#2). You will have to activate each sphere. Start with the one located on the far left side of the gate. After that, you will have to keep moving clockwise. Properly activated spheres will remain at this state (otherwise they would have turned off instantly), so you shouldn't have any problems with this small puzzle.
A successful operation is going to be rewarded with a longer cut-scene. Lara will find a shoe that belonged to Amanda. Furthermore, the water is going to be drained from this part of the cavern. Start off by entering a new corridor (#1). You will have to make a single jump. A new cut-scene will appear on your screen very shortly. You will find out more about the history of this tomb. You may proceed to the new corridor. There are two passageways leading to your destination (#2). There's not too much light here, so it would be best to activate the flashlight.
You will reach a dead end in just a moment. Turn left. You've probably noticed some platforms here. Start climbing up (#1). Once you're on a top level, you'll be able to make a jump to the opposite platform. You shouldn't have any problems with that. Use your grapple in order to reach the new platform. Be careful, though. You will have to climb up a little before you start swinging on a rope (#2). Otherwise Lara would have some serious problems with reaching a new ledge.
Turn around. A well known icon should appear above your current position (#1). Once again you will have to use the grapple. Thankfully, this time you won't have to climb on a rope. Just make sure that Lara starts swinging, so she'll be able to reach the new platform. After that, get down to the lower level. Start running forward. You will reach the main area of the map very shortly. An interesting cut-scene will appear on the screen. Once again you'll be pressing movement keys (#2) in order to avoid certain types of traps.
The main puzzle of this particular level awaits you. Thankfully, it's rather obvious this time, however you will have to make a lot of jumps in order to complete it. The main objective is to place three huge spheres on the nearby buttons. Start running towards the left ball (#1). You shouldn't have any problems locating it. Start pushing this object. The ball will have to be placed on a button that's located on the right of the big statue. As a result, you will be rewarded with a short cut-scene (#2).
Start running towards a huge mechanism that was shown during the cut-scene. Use the ladder located on the right. Start climbing up (#1). Once you're there, you will have to make a jump towards a nearby ledge (#2). Start moving towards the left side of the screen.
You will have to place Lara under the glowing statue. Start making jumps in order to reach higher platforms (#1). Don't worry about the glowing eyes. They won't harm Lara in any way. You're almost at the top. The only thing left to do is a single jump towards the left ladder (#2). Continue moving towards the top of the statue.