Enemies in Link's Awakening
In this section of the guide to the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening, you will find a short description of each enemy encountered in the game. You will also find valuable tips and ways to beat heavy opponents.
Sea Urchins can be spotted on Toronbo Shores. They can be pushed out of the way with a shield or destroyed with a single hit. They can't move and aren't aggressive, but if you touch them, they will deal damage. | |
Winged Octoroks are land-dwelling creatures that spit rocks from their snouts. They can fly to evade your attacks and land behind you. They are susceptible to spin attacks and thrust, as well as the Magic Rod and Boomerang. | |
Octoroks are slow, weak enemies that crawl along the ground and occasionally shoot a single stone at you. They can be easily dispatched with a sword. | |
Moblins appear in two forms, with spear or sword and shield. You can find them in the Mysterious Forest and Moblin Cave. Their blades can parry your sword and they will charge at you as soon as they spot you. | |
Buzz Blobs will shock you if attacked with a sword. To defeat a Buzz Blob you need to first sprinkle it with a magic powder, which will turn him into a Cukeman. | |
Cukeman is the result of sprinkle Magic Powder on a Buzz Blop. He can talk with you, and will usually give you confusing advice and tell various things about the game. All it takes is one swipe of the sword to kill him. | |
Boarblins are slightly stronger than Moblins. Just like them, they appear with spears or swords and shields. You can spot them in Tal Tal Heights and Ukuku Prairie. | |
Giant Goponga Flower is a dangerous plant that can be found in Goponga Swamp. He launches a harmful ball of gas to all who pass, even touching him will injure you. To rid the area of Goponga Swamp, you must bring BowWow, who can eat them in a single chomp. You can also use the Magic Rod or the Hookshot to kill them. | |
Goponga Flowers can be found in Goponga Swamp, blocking the way to Bottle Grotto. Bringing BowWow will help you remove them, as they are his favorite food. They can later be burdned using the Magic Rod. | |
Crows are small, dark, very aggressive birds. They will swoop down on passing travelers. One Crow sitting on a tree near Kanalet Castle won't attack you unless provoked. That crow has one of Prince Richard's Golden Leaves. | |
Dactos can be found in the mountains near Turtle Rock. When they spot you, they will swoop down at you, much like Crows. | |
Ghinis appear in the Cemetery. Ghini can be summoned by touching a grave and often require many sword swings to be defeated. | |
Giant Ghini requires more hits to defeat than regular Ghini. He also appears by disturbing one of the tombstones on the Cemetery. | |
Darknuts are enemies that you can encounter in Kanalet Castle and its surroundings. They will charge at you when spotted. Their most common equipments are swords and shields, but some also throw spears at you. | |
Pokeys reside at Yarna Desert. They don't move very fast. If they are attacked the segments of their body break off and fly away. Pokeys have three segments, including their heads. Once their torso ais removed, the head can be hit a few times to be defeated. Magic Powder, Hookshot or Magic Rod can defeat them at once. | |
Spiny Beetles hide under plants, rocks or skulls. They will charge rapidly at you, although they will not move if you approach them from behind. If they're under a stone or skull, you must first remove the object to be able to hit them. They are very likely to have Fairies hidden in the rock or plant they are underneath or will drop them when defeated. | |
Zombies appear on Cemetery and Koholint Prairie, and will constantly emerge from the ground to attempt to hurt you. They are weak and can be killed by a single stroke from a sword. | |
Piranhas can be found underwater in Goponga Swamp. Whenever you're nearby they will quickly jump towards you in an attempt to deal damage. | |
Pincers hide in holes. When you approach them, their eye will glow neat the top of the hole for a second before lashing out at you. They can be destroyed by slashing them with a sword after luring them out of their holes. | |
Like Likes are able to steal your shield but will return it after being defeated, otherwise, another shield can be bought in Mable Village Store. They are unable to eat the Mirror Shield. | |
Mad Bomber is one of Prince Richard's servants that had gone berserk. He can be found hiding in holes of Kanalet Castle area. He tosses bombs from a distance. The bombs will explode fast and may knock you into pits as well as cause damage. To defeat him, you must anticipate which hole he will appear in, and strike him as soon as he pops out. After killing him, you will earn one of the five Golden Leaves. Once defeated, the Mad Bomber won't return. | |
Armos Statues appear in the Ancient Ruins area. They can be only awakened when touched. They slowly move in random patterns. Their weaknesses are arrows and boomerang, which defeats them in two hits. | |
Beetles appear from the holes south of Kanalet Castle whenever you get close. They can be defeated with a single sword hit, but will endlessly continue appearing from the holes. | |
Zirros are one of the most dangerous enemies in the game. They drop bombs that cause a lot of damage. They can be hard to hit but will leave a Fairy after being killed. |
Zols may appear as red or green. Zols are often commonplace enemies, they can be defeated with the most conventional of weaponry, including a sword, bombs, boomerang, and bow. | |
Gels are smaller versions of Zols. They never drop any items when defeated. They don't cause damage, but cat attach themselves to your body. | |
Keese are bats-like enemies that remain still until you approach them. They often appear in small groups in caves or dungeons but can be easily killed. | |
Goombas appear in side-scrolling areas in dungeons, but can also be spotted in Eagle's Tower. They move back and forth and can be defeated with one hit. When they are stomped on, they drop a heart. | |
Boos only appear in Bottle Grotto, guarding the Power Bracelet. When struck with the sword they disappear, only to reappear elsewhere. They can only be defeated by lightning one of the torches in the room with some Magic Powder. | |
Sparks are balls of flashing lights that move in systematic patterns. Touching them or striking them with a sword will cause an electric shock. They can only be defeated by using a boomerang. | |
Stalfoses are common enemies in dungeons or caves. He can dodge your attack but can be easily defeated. Other colors of Stalfos will actively pursue you and jump in an attempt to crash down on you from above. Another type throws their bones at you. | |
Shrouded Stalfos is a slow, weak enemy that will either throw a spear or shoot an arrow at you. | |
Sword Stalfos is a stronger variant of Shrouded Stalfos that wields a sword and carries a shield. He will charge at you when he notices you. He can parry your sword, so you need to hit him from behind. | |
Piranha Plants appear in side-scrolling areas of Bottle Grotto and Key Cavern. They emerge from pipes at regular intervals. They can be killed by one swipe of a sword. | |
Bone Putters can be found exclusively in the bonus Color Dungeon. Winged ones are much dangerous, as they will drop bombs at various places. They can be easily defeated with a sword. | |
Camo Goblins appear in the bonus Color Dungeon. They come in three colors. They hide in tiles and pop up to attack you. To defeat Camo Goblins you need to hit them while they're standing on the same color tiles as them. | |
Bubbles bounce quickly around the chamber and deal damage when they run into you. They can be easily defeated with a single strike of a sword. | |
Wizzrobes stay in one spot as they vanish and reappear. They can only be attacked by firing an arrow at them, which will defeat them in four hits, or by planting a bomb near them, which will defeat them in one hit. They can also be stunned with the Hookshot or Boomerang. | |
Red Bombites can be found in Key Caver, usually in small groups in enclosed or tight spaces. They move slowly, but when they are hit with a sword, they ignite their fuse and bounce off walls before eventually exploding. You can use your shield to block them from running into you, however, it won't protect you from their explosion. | |
Green Bombites only appear in one chamber of the Key Cavern in a group of three. When they are struck, they will grin and closely follow you. Whey will eventually self-detonate, as indicated by their countdown on their bodies. These Bombites can't be destroyed or stunned, so the only option is to avoid them until they explode. | |
Knight appears in the final room of Kanalet Castle. He will swing his mace before tossing it at you, which when struck, takes one whole heart from your life meter. Once defeated, he will drop one of the Golden Leaves. | |
Water Tektites move in diagonal motions but are unable to jump and can never leave the water. They not causing much damage and can be easily defeated. | |
Angler Fries are summoned by the Angler Fish as helpers. They don't actively attack you, but swim around the area, hurting you if you touch them. They require one hit to be defeated. | |
Arm-Mimics copy your every move. They have the strongest attack of any non-boss enemy within the game, contact with them will cause you to lose three full hearts. Only spin attacks from behind are effective on them. | |
Battle Bats are summoned in a group of six by the Grim Creeper. They can only be killed when they swoop down at you. Id any on the Battle Bats pass by you, the Grim Creeper will summon another group, so you must defeat all six bats at once. | |
Giant Bubbles appear in a side-scrolling passage of the Face Shrine. They bounce around the tunnel's walls, ceiling, and floor. They can't be harmed and will deal damage if you touch them. | |
Orb Monsters are found exclusively in the bonus Color Dungeon and appear in three colors. You can't kill them, they must be thrown into the right holes in the floor. To do this, you must first hit them with a sword, then they will hide for a moment in their shell. Then they can be picked up and thrown into the hole. | |
Bloopers appear in an underwater passage of Catfish's Maw. They move in diagonal, lurching motions towards you, making them harder to avoid. They can be defeated by one strike of a sword. They can also be caught while fishing in Mabe Village. | |
Pols Voices appear in Bottle Grotto and Face Shrine. They can be temporarily stunned with Magic Powder, picked up and thrown using the Power Bracelet. They can also be defeated by throwing pots at them or by bombs. Playing the Ballad of the Wind Fish will kill them instantly. | |
Pairodds will teleport themselves away when you approach them. They will then shoot projectiles at you. They can be defeated by using bombs or a bow. You can also dash at them with Pegasus Boots. | |
Hardhat Beetles are common enemies in dungeons and caves. They are completely invulnerable to the sword, so the easiest way to defeat them is knocking them down into pits. They can be stunned by bombs. | |
Vires are rare creatures that appear in only Turtle Rock. They swoop down at you or fly around shooting fireballs, which can be blocked with a sword swipe. Three hits will take him out, and cause him to explode into two big Keese. Magic Rod kills him without causing him to split. | |
Gibdos are slow but strong enemy. It can take several hits to defeat them. Using Magic Rod will give you faster victory. | |
Helmasaurs wear steel masks, making their heads completely immune to your attacks. They can be wiped out from behind, or you can remove their masks using the Hookshot. | |
Mask Mimics (aka Shy Guy) can be found in Bottle Grotto and Face Shrine. They copy your moves like Arm Mimics and wear a protective mask on their faces, which protects them from sword attacks. Only their backsides are vulnerable. They can be defeated by using spin attacks, bombs, arrows, Magic Rod and boomerang. Unlike the Arm Mimics, they can't be killed by dashing into them with Pegasus Boots. | |
Peahats fly through the air and land periodically, leaving them vulnerable to attack. They appear in Angler's Tunnel, Eagle's Tower, and Turtle Rock. | |
Stars can be very fast and unpredictable but can be defeated with a single swipe od a sword. | |
Three-of-a-Kinds appear in a group of three. Symbols on their bellies change every few seconds. Hitting them with your sword will stop their symbols to change. The only way to defeat them is to stop them at the same symbols. If all three are defeated with diamond symbols, they will each drop a rupee. If all three are defeated with heart symbols, they will drop hearts. | |
Vacuum Mouths perform a short five-second burst accompanied by a whooshing sound, that will suck everything in the room. Another version of this enemy can be found in Key Cavern and has the exact opposite ability. It expels air, preventing you from being able to approach. It can only be defeated by dashing onto it using Pegasus Boots. |
Spiked Thwomps appear in side-scrolling areas of dungeons. They drop down from the ceiling to crush any intruders that pass by. This can be predicted when the trap glares down below it, just before falling. After dropping down, they slowly rise up back, which can be used to pass by safely. Alternatively, they can also be evaded by running quickly with Pegasus Boots. | |
Blade Traps stay dormant until approached. The trap will react instantly by closing in rapidly on the intruder. After being set off, they will slowly return to their original position. | |
Beamos shoot a laser beam at intruders. You can use Mirror Shield to reflect the laser and neutralize the trap. | |
Thwomps just like Spiked Thwomps appear in side-scrolling areas of dungeons and will drop down when approached. You can only evade them by running using your Pegasus Boots. | |
Mega Thwomp appears in a side-scrolling area of Key Cavern. To get through this passage you must drop him down by dashing into him using Pegasus Boots and use him as a harmless stepping stone to reach the next area. | |
Podoboo appear in the lava-filled underground of Turtle Rock. They constantly jump out of lava. You must pass over by jumping with Roc's Feather. |
King Moblin is the head of the gang Moblins that kidnapped BowWow. He resides in Moblin Cave located in Tal Tal Heights. He files projectiles while jumping around, before beating his chest and charging with his head lowered trying to impale you on his horns. If you move out of the way, he will slam into the wall and stun himself, leaving him vulnerable to your attacks. | |
Lanmola guards the Angler's Key in Yarna Desert. The fight takes place in a patch of quicksand. If you sink into the center of the pit, you will fall into a cave and after returning, all damage dealt to Lanmola will be reversed. You need to stay away from the center and attack his head. | |
Armos Knight can be found in the Shrine located in Ancient Ruins. He guards the Face Key. You can defeat him with arrows or by dashing into him with Pegasus Boots. This eventually destroys his armor leaving him vulnerable to either more arrows or sword strikes. Armos Knight is able to stun you, by slamming to the ground with great force. To avoid this attack, you must jump using the Roc's Feather. | |
Turtle Rock is a Sub-Boss of the last dungeon. You must first wake him up by playing Frog's Song of Soul. Then you need to destroy his stone armor by planting bombs near his neck. Braking his armor makes him vulnerable to sword strikes. |
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