Warcraft (franchise) Latest news

Warcraft 2 Returns as Mod for Warcraft 3: Reforged

Warcraft 2 Returns as Mod for Warcraft 3: Reforged

Warcraft III: Reforged will receive a mod called Chronicles of the Second War. The mod will recreate the second installment, expanding it with new story background and gameplay mechanics.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

September 28, 2020

Warcraft 2 Returns as Mod for Warcraft 3: Reforged
WoW Bug Rolls Back Characters to 2010

WoW Bug Rolls Back Characters to 2010

A bug has appeared on one of World of Warcraft servers, which rolls level 120 characters back to their state from 2010, taking away thirty-five levels in the process.

video games

Bart Swiatek

September 24, 2020

WoW Bug Rolls Back Characters to 2010

Shadowlands Will Get Adventure Mode Known From Diablo 3

Shadowlands expansion for World of Warcraft will introduce a Diablo 3-like adventure mode solution to Blizzard Entertainment's venerable MMORPG. Players who complete the story line of the expansion will be able to level up their characters with free access to locations and content - without having to redo the story line.

video games

Bart Swiatek

September 15, 2020

Shadowlands Will Get Adventure Mode Known From Diablo 3

Jenafur, Where Are Thou? WoW Players Spent Last Year Looking for a Secret Cat

The Shadowlands expansion's imminent launch is not the only thing that's bothering World of Warcraft players. For a year now, the users wewe busy with the on-going search for Jenafur - a mysterious cat that has been lurking in Azeroth since patch 8.2.5.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

September 3, 2020

Jenafur, Where Are Thou? WoW Players Spent Last Year Looking for a Secret Cat

WoW: Shadowlands System Requirements - You Can't Play Without SSD [Updated]

The release of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will entail a significant increase in the system requirements of Blizzard's MMORPG. The company has announced that not only a better CPU and GPU but also an SSD will be required to play the new expansion for the iconic MMORPG.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

September 2, 2020

WoW: Shadowlands System Requirements - You Can't Play Without SSD [Updated]

WoW Shadowlands Release Date and First Episode of Afterlives Revealed

At the GamesCom opening ceremony, the devs revealed the release date of the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft - Shadowlands. The first episode of the Afterlives short animated series was also presented.

video games

Paul Wozniak

August 27, 2020

WoW Shadowlands Release Date and First Episode of Afterlives Revealed

Afterlives - Blizzard's Animated Series Set in the World of WoW

Afterlives is the title of the first original Blizzard series to take place in the universe of World of Warcraft. It will make its debut this week.

movies & tv series

Karol Laska

August 24, 2020

Afterlives - Blizzard's Animated Series Set in the World of WoW
WoW Shadowlands Expansion Will be More Accessible to New Players

WoW Shadowlands Expansion Will be More Accessible to New Players

The director of World of Warcraft announces that the latest expansion for the game - Shadowlands - will provide a very low entry curve for new players. There will be a special storyline, which will introduce fresh users to the world of WoW.

video games

Damian Strozek

July 13, 2020

WoW Shadowlands Expansion Will be More Accessible to New Players

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Collector's Edition Revealed

Blizzard presented the limited collector's edition of the Shadowlands add-on for the MMORPG World of Warcraft. It will include an artbook, a special mouse pad and a digital soundtrack. The edition costs 119,99 dollars.

video games

Milosz Szubert

July 9, 2020

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Collector's Edition Revealed

WoW Shadowlands - Content is Ready; Beta-tests and Release Date

Blizzard has announced that all content of Shadowlands, the latest expansion for World of Warcraft, is now ready and the expansion's beta-tests will begin next week. On the same occasion, it was confirmed that the full version of the add-on is expected to be released at the end of this year - namely in the fall.

video games

Milosz Szubert

July 9, 2020

WoW Shadowlands - Content is Ready; Beta-tests and Release Date

WoW - Blizzard will Reduce Number of Servers

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that it plans to shut down some World of Warcraft servers. Populations of sparsely populated realms will be combined to reach an appropriate level before the launch of Shadowlands.

video games

Bart Swiatek

July 6, 2020

WoW - Blizzard will Reduce Number of Servers

Reckful Committed Suicide - WoW Community Pays Tribute

Byron „Reckful” Bernstein - one of the best known World of Warcraft streamer - committed suicide yesterday. Reckful has been struggling with depression for years. The WoW community paid tribute to the deceased by organizing memorials inside the game.

video games

Bart Swiatek

July 3, 2020

Reckful Committed Suicide - WoW Community Pays Tribute

WoW Classic - Gates of Ahn'Qiraj Will Open in July

Blizzard Entertainment has announced that on July 28 this year, the well remembered Ahn'Qiraj event will begin on the servers of World of Warcraft Classic.

video games

Bart Swiatek

June 30, 2020

WoW Classic - Gates of Ahn'Qiraj Will Open in July

Warcraft 3: Reforged - Blizzard Fixes the Game; Patch Inbound

Blizzard informed on it blog about planned updates for Warcraft 3: Reforged. Among the many promises we can also find some details.

video games

Mateusz Popielak

May 21, 2020

Warcraft 3: Reforged - Blizzard Fixes the Game; Patch Inbound

Hearthstone - Free Deck, Ashes of Outland Expansion and Demon Hunter Class

Blizzard revealed the attractions of the Year of the Phoenix in Hearthstone. This includes the announcement of the Ashes of Outland expansion with Illidan Stormrage and a new hero class, but also a free deck for new and returning players, as well as changes in ranked mode.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

March 17, 2020

Hearthstone - Free Deck, Ashes of Outland Expansion and Demon Hunter Class

Dear Blizzard, It's Time to Take a Step Back

The dry spell of the beginning of 2020 in terms of premieres could have been mitigated by the release of Warcraft III: Reforged. Unfortunately, it didn't click.


Kristian Smoszna

February 11, 2020

Dear Blizzard, It's Time to Take a Step Back

Blizzard Automatizes Warcraft 3: Reforged Refunds

Blizzard has enabled players to automatically get a refund for Warcraft III: Reforged. CEO J. Allen Brack commented on the failed attempt to refresh the iconic game, admitting that it has been a difficult week for the company.

video games

Jacob Blazewicz

February 7, 2020

Blizzard Automatizes Warcraft 3: Reforged Refunds

Blizzard Apologizes for Warcraft 3 Reforged

Blizzard Entertainment, the studio responsible for the creation of the recently released Warcraft III: Reforged, has apologized to fans who are not satisfied with the quality of the game. The developers also announced the development plans for the game - including the missing features that will be restored.

video games

Bart Swiatek

February 4, 2020

Blizzard Apologizes for Warcraft 3 Reforged

Warcraft 3: Reforged - Devs Claim Rights to Mods

Blizzard learned from the mistakes made in Warcraft III. In the new version of the game, subtitled Reforged, the company secures full rights to the content created by fans. Blizzard doesn't want to lose another gem like DOTA.

video games

Krzysztof Kaluzinski

January 30, 2020

Warcraft 3: Reforged - Devs Claim Rights to Mods

Rumors from Blizzard: Battle for Azeroth was Shafted due to Deadlines and Pressure From Top

Problems with the latest patch 8.3 for World of Warcraft reignited the discussion on the condition of Activision Blizzard and alleged problems in the studio. Latest rumors add fuel to the fire, claiming, for example, that crunch was responsible for the disastrous condition of patch 8.3.

video games

Patrick Manelski

January 29, 2020

Rumors from Blizzard: Battle for Azeroth was Shafted due to Deadlines and Pressure From Top