WoW Bug Rolls Back Characters to 2010
A bug has appeared on one of World of Warcraft servers, which rolls level 120 characters back to their state from 2010, taking away thirty-five levels in the process.

- A bug appeared in WoW, which brings the characters back to level 85 - the level cap introduced in the Cataclysm add-on (2010);
- Lower-level heroes sometimes replace existing heroes and sometimes appear as extra characters;
- The developers know about the error and are working on fixing it. Everything indicates that the character's progress data has not been deleted.
Reddit users report that a bug has appeared on the Khadgar server in World of Warcraft that rolls the characters back to level 85, which was the level cap in Cataclysm from 2010. This means a loss of 35 levels. In some cases, players write that their characters were cloned (a low-level version of the character appeared, but they didn't lose access to their original hero), while in others, they have completely disappeared.
Youtuber MadSeasonShow points out that his characters are in completely different places than he left them, and some of them are presen on chat channels he used in 2010.
Developers from the Blizzard Entertainment confirmed the problem and reported that the inaccessible characters are not completely lost - which means the players can rest easy. All that remains is to wait for the abnormal error to be eliminated (supposedly the solution has already been implemented, but it may take some time before everything returns to normal).
"The original higher level characters do not appear to be gone, so our teams are looking into what caused the issue, how to prevent it going forward, and how to return access to the higher level characters," reads the message.