Shadowlands Will Get Adventure Mode Known From Diablo 3
Shadowlands expansion for World of Warcraft will introduce a Diablo 3-like adventure mode solution to Blizzard Entertainment's venerable MMORPG. Players who complete the story line of the expansion will be able to level up their characters with free access to locations and content - without having to redo the story line.

- WoW: Shadowlands expansion will introduce a solution similar to Diablo III's adventure mode;
- The Threads of Fate will be available when we've completed the extension's storyline;
- The mode will enable players to level up their characters without having to experience the story quests again;
- When we secelt this mode, we will get access to almost all locations and activities and choose the so-called Covenant at the very beginning of the game.
In a few weeks, on October 27, another expansion for the MMORPG World of Warcraft, titled Shadowlands, will debut. Apart from new locations, monsters, significant changes in the character progression system and a new storyline, the expansion will also introduce a solution that should make the leveling of subsequent characters more pleasant. We're talking about the so-called Threads of Fate, an idea reminiscent of the adventure mode that appeared in Diablo III: Reaper of Souls.
Adventure Mode in Shadowlands - rules
When we complete Shadowlands for the first time we will follow a predetermined path, so that we can learn the plot of the expansion. However, if we approach the challenge again - with a different character - we will get a choice. We'll be able to either play exactly the same game or move freely around the game world (except for the location called Maw), performing selected side tasks, world quests and taking part in new challenges prepared for this mode. This will enable us, for example, to focus on content created for several players.
The Threads of Fate will completely skip the storyline and enable us to choose the so called Coventant right away (we're talking about one of key mechanics in WoW: Shadowlands - factions that influence, among others, the character's abilities and the storyline). There will be a few special dummies in the game, which will enable us to check the skills available for each faction before making a decision.

It's worth noting that we will be able to switch to The Threads of Fate mode at any time - nothing will stand in the way of seeing some part of the storyline through the eyes of another character, and then focus on free leveling. However, once we decide to use this solution, we won't be able to undo this choice.
- Blizzard Doesn't Stop – World of Warcraft Shadowlands Hands-on Preview
- World of Warcraft: Shadowlands - official website