Jenafur, Where Are Thou? WoW Players Spent Last Year Looking for a Secret Cat
The Shadowlands expansion's imminent launch is not the only thing that's bothering World of Warcraft players. For a year now, the users wewe busy with the on-going search for Jenafur - a mysterious cat that has been lurking in Azeroth since patch 8.2.5.

- September 24, 2019 saw the debut of patch 8.2.5 for World of Warcraft. Along with it in the game appeared a quest enabling us to get a new animal: the can known as Jenafur;
- After almost a year, players still don't know how to complete the mission allegedly connected with Jenafur;
- The issue was commented by the creators of World of Warcraft from Blizzard, who wished the community good luck in solving the puzzle.
Few things stir people's imagination as much as secrets. Game developers know this well and hence the mass of easter eggs and more or less easy to solve puzzles. It happens, however, that developers hide the secrets of the title so good that it takes months or even years to discover them. Such is the quest with a secret pet, which for almost a year now has boggled the minds of the community focused around World of Warcraft.
So, where's the cat?
Jenafur the cat is a combat animal, of which the players learned from the data files for update 8.2.5. when it was released on World of Warcraft Public Test Server in mid-August 2019. The pet stands out for its access to abilities that indicate its connection to the Eternal Gods, suggesting an intriguing story behind its acquisition.

After the patch's debut on September 24, the players got to work and found a task that should lead them to Jenafur. A new NPC appeared in the game - Amara Lunastar. The night elf resides in the eastern part of Ashenvale and recalls a cat left somewhere, which is probably Jenafur. When we express our willingness to take care of her pet, we can go to Elwynn forest, where apart from a lady who trades with battle cats (Crazy Lady Cat) we can find an empty bowl with unusual incisions (probably from tentacles, which Jenafur can summon in combat), and next to it cat food balls pointing towards a refreshed dungeon in Karazhan. If we go there after talking to Amara, our character will be able to pick up 20 kinds of food (divided into 4 categories), although we can only keep it for five minutes.
World of Warcraft's greatest secret
Unfortunately, this is where problems begin. Further tips - more balls of cat food in Karazhan, a new dialogue line from the organist there, etc. - are extremely unclear. The players guess that it's about putting the food found in the dungeon in a certain order or about the melody played on the organ. However, after more than 11 months, no one has come close to solving the puzzle, despite various and credible clues appearing on the web from time to time. This fact was noted by the creators of World of Warcraft, who wished the community luck in discovering the secret of Jenafur on Twitter .
The developers' entry gave hope to some players as to how to solve the Jenafur puzzle. Others, however, read it as a mockery from devs who finally managed to hide something so good that even looking at the game files proved to be insufficient to complete the task. So far, WoW's secrets have ceased to be secret within days or weeks after they appeared in the game. Meanwhile, it will soon be a year since Amary's cat was (?) unleashed on Azeroth. The only question is, whether if proves the sophistication of the clues, or their lack thereof? And will it be possible to discover where Jenafur is before the release of the Shadowlands add-on?