Elex: List of Trophies
The page with trophies, that can be found in Elex, contains all achievements and tips that can help you in getting them. Among the trophies that are described here you can find, e.g. Coldhearted, Human, Locksmith, Pilferer, Safecracker, Big Game Hunter, Romantic and Big Earner.
This page contains a list of all 51 trophies that are available in Elex. These trophies can be unlocked on all of the platforms on which the game was released (PC Windows and Xbox One versions doesn't have an equivalent of the platinum trophy). The descriptions contain requirements and additional suggestions that can help you to get them easier.
- Acolyte
- Atombouncer
- Balance of Power
- Beacon of Faith
- Beast of Xacor
- Big Earner
- Big Game Hunter
- Butcher
- Calaan
- Careerist
- Coldhearted
- Cultivator
- Detective
- Earner
- Fencing Master
- Fightmaster
- Flashback
- Flexible Friend
- Friend or Foe
- Hero
- Honorary Citizen
- Human
- Hunter
- Leader
- Locksmith
- Luminary
- Master Criminal
- Natural Survivor
- Nature Lover
- Pack Leader
- Picture Album
- Pilferer
- Platinum
- Prepared
- Pure Rebel
- Romantic
- Runner
- Safecracker
- Sewer Rat
- Shard Hoarder
- Slayer
- Splattermaster
- Survival
- The Big G
- The Third Way
- Thicker than Water
- Thief Taker
- Tinkerer
- Turned the World Upside Down
- Up and Away
- Visionary

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must join the Clerics.
Commentary: Reinhold from The Hort, located in Ignadon, is the one that is responsible for recruiting new members of the Clerics.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must teleport 20 times.
Commentary: Teleporters are located in the most important locations and an example is presented in the picture. You can teleport from any place in the world (the only requirement is that you can't be attacked in that moment) but each teleporter must be visited personally in order to unlock them.
Balance of Power
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Sealed the fate of Abessa City.
Beacon of Faith
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must unlock all the Clerics' abilities.
Commentary: The abilities from that group become available only after joining the Clerics. You can check them right after beginning the game so you can know how to develop your character. You can also start gathering a lot of Elexit so you will be able to pay for all trainings.
Beast of Xacor
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must serve The Hybrid.
Commentary: The trophy is connected to one of the game endings.
Big Earner
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must collect 100,000 Elexit.
Commentary: Elex shards are this game's currency. Elexit can be collected in many ways - selling useless items to traders, completing quests, finding Shards in the game's world or stealing from NPCs. This is the most difficult trophy out of all in which you must collect Elexit. There is a high probability that you will unlock this trophy after completing the main story. You should also find and sell the most valuable legendary weapons and armors.
Big Game Hunter
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: You must kill 1000 monsters.
Commentary: This trophy is the most time-consuming one out of all that require you to kill monsters. Try to eliminate creatures right from the start of the game, especially those that can be defeated without losing too much health (those, that aren't marked with a skull icon). If you didn't get this trophy and you have completed the game then, luckily for you, you can continue exploring the world. Edan is the part of the world that is especially useful here because it is inhabited by the weakest monsters. Warning - This achievement is only connected with monsters which means that, e.g. bandits, Albs or robots are not counted.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must kill 50 people.
Commentary: You should get this trophy during your playthrough. The only enemies that count here are people. You can get it by killing only bandits or you can also get rid of, e.g. innocent villagers.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to discover: You must discover Calaan.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: You must unlock 300 missions.
Commentary: It may seem that 300 quests is a lot but the game counts every single entry in your journal as separate mission. This means that during one big quest you can complete even a dozen of smaller missions. Of course, you should try to unlock new quests and avoid situations in which you cancel them prematurely by making bad decisions.

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Your Cold must reach level 90.
Commentary: Cold is a unique factor in Elex that serves as karma. You can change it by selecting certain dialog lines and making decisions in quests. If you want to increase your Cold then you should select "bad karma" options. The game informs you about every change of your Cold meter (an example is presented in the picture - the message displayed in the left part of the screen) so if you made a mistake, you can load your last save and act differently. Increasing your Cold unlocks unique variants of behaving in certain quests, especially in those that happen at the end of the end story line.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must join the Berserkers.
Commentary: The person that decides who can join the Berserkers is Ragnar from Goliet village.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Decaying Powers" quest.
Commentary: This achievement is unlocked during your playthrough.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Tramp Confederacy" quest.
Commentary: This is a long quest that you get from William in The Fort which is located in Tavar. Completing it is part of your preparations for joining the Outlaws.
Fencing Master
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Stolen Equipment" quest.
Commentary: This is one of the first main quests and in order to complete it you must find a thief, called Ray, in Sandy Pines motel.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must unlock all Combat abilities.
Commentary: Keep that trophy in mind and focus on it right from the beginning of the game. Develop your character in a such way that would allow you to unlock new abilities from this group. Remember, that in order to unlock abilities you must visit trainers which means that you will need a lot of Elexit.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Chaos of Emotions" quest.
Commentary: This achievement is unlocked during your playthrough.
Flexible Friend
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must unlock all Dexterity abilities.
Commentary: Keep that trophy in mind and focus on it right from the beginning of the game. Develop your character in a such way that would allow you to unlock new abilities from this group. Remember, that in order to unlock abilities you must visit trainers which means that you will need a lot of Elexit.
Friend or Foe
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Kill 20 Albs.
Commentary: You should unlock this achievement during your playthrough. The main areas where you can come across Albs are the Converters. They are also commonly found in Xacor.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must unlock all Character abilities.
Commentary: Keep that trophy in mind and focus on it right from the beginning of the game. Develop your character in a such way that would allow you to unlock new abilities from this group. Remember, that in order to unlock abilities you must visit trainers which means that you will need a lot of Elexit.
Honorary Citizen
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Spend 80 hours with Elex.
Commentary: You can check your time spent in Elex by going to the save menu. However, the time displayed there is only for your current play. If you didn't get this achievement even though you have completed the game then you can continue playing it and exploring the world.

Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: Your Cold must be at level 10 or smaller.
Commentary: Cold is a unique factor in Elex that serves as karma. You can change it by selecting certain dialog lines and making decisions in quests. If you want to increase your Cold then you should select "bad karma" options. The game informs you about every change of your Cold meter (an example is presented in the picture - the message displayed in the left part of the screen) so if you made a mistake, you can load your last save and act differently. Increasing your Cold unlocks unique variants of behaving in certain quests, especially in those that happen at the end of the story line.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must kill 20 monsters.
Commentary: This trophy can be easily obtained within first few hours in the game. Warning - This achievement is only connected with monsters which means that, e.g. bandits, Albs or robots are not counted.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Origin - Power of the Center" quest.
Commentary: Origin is located in Edan and you reach that location during one of the main quests. In order to complete it you must help certain villagers (they will give you a lot of small quests).

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must open 100 locks.
Commentary: In default, lockpicking is unavailable to you. You must first unlock Lock Picking ability from Crafting category. You also need to have, at least, one lock pick (you can find them in the game's world or buy from traders). From now on you can start searching for locked containers.
Warning - Your current Lock Picking level determines which locks you can try to open. Most of the chests have locks at level 1 and 2 but if you want open the most valuable ones then you should also unlock level 3 of that ability.
Warning - In the beginning of the game you can come across an item called Adventurer's Amulet which is presented in the picture above. This amulet can be found on top of the hill located next to the starting ruins guarded by Runt Biter monster. Equipping this item gives you +1 to Lock Picking which means that you can open the weakest locks right from the start of the game.
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: You must reach level 20.
Commentary: You complete the game while your character is at level 35-40 which means that level 20 is achieved without any additional steps.
Master Criminal
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must unlock all the Outlaws' skills.
Commentary: The abilities from that group become available only after joining the Outlaws. You can check them right after beginning the game so you can know how to develop your character. You can also start gathering a lot of Elexit so you will be able to pay for all trainings.
Natural Survivor
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must unlock all Survival abilities.
Commentary: Keep that trophy in mind and focus on it right from the beginning of the game. Develop your character in a such way that would allow you to unlock new abilities from this group. Remember, that in order to unlock abilities you must visit trainers which means that you will need a lot of Elexit.
Nature Lover
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must unlock all the Berserkers' skills.
Commentary: The abilities from that group become available only after joining the Berserkers. You can check them right after beginning the game so you can know how to develop your character. You can also start gathering a lot of Elexit so you will be able to pay for all trainings.
Pack Leader
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must find 5 companions.
Commentary: The potential companions are: Duras from Goliet, C.R.O.N.Y. U4 drone from Goliet, Ray from Sandy Pines motel, Falk from the Converter in Edan, Caja from Domed City and Nasty from The Fort. Recruiting Nasty is the most troublesome so you should ignore her and focus on finding the other five potential companions first.
Picture Album

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must collect all 20 photos.
Commentary: Photos are collectibles that can be found in the game (an example of this item is presented in the picture).

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must steal 50 times.
Commentary: In default, pickpocketing is unavailable to you. You must first unlock Pickpocket ability from Crafting category. From now on you can start robbing other people. The best way to do that is to stand behind their backs while you are in sneaking mode or sneak on them while they are sleeping (an example is presented in the picture). Save your game before each theft because there is always a risk that you can be detected and attacked by a person that you want to rob (a given NPC can be robbed a few times but each consecutive try is more difficult than the previous one).
Trophy type: Platinum
How to unlock: You must unlock all other trophies.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Complete "Zardom's Battle Plan" quest.
Commentary: This is one of the main quests from the second act of the game. Zardom asks you to get rid of Albs squads and eliminate one of elexetors.
Pure Rebel
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must side against The Hybrid.
Commentary: The trophy is connected to one of the game endings.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must start a relationship.
Commentary: Jax can start a relationship with Caja, one of the potential companions. Try to recruit her as soon as possible, travel with her a lot and make decisions that she can agree with. Besides that, you should also regularly complete quests that she can give you during which you must find and examine big Elex deposits.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must join the Outlaws.
Commentary: The person that decides who can join the Outlaws is William from The Fort in Tavar.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Hack 50 safes.
Commentary: In default, hacking safes is unavailable to you. You can solve this problem by getting Hack ability from Crafting category. Warning - The basic level of this skill allows you to only open safes with weakest security. Higher-class safes require you to invest more points in Hacking ability.
Safes can be found in various parts of the world - in gas stations, in abandoned buildings and ruins, in military bases, living quarters, backs of shops or inside of the Converters. An example is presented in the picture 1. Interact with a safe and press hack button. During the mini-game you must find the right password (an example is presented in the picture 2). The red numbers mean that they don't appear in the password (7 and 5 in our picture), yellow numbers mean that they are in a wrong place (6 in our picture) and green ones indicate that they are in the right place (2 in our picture). Warning - You always have a limited amount of tries and hacking a higher-class safe means that you have a limited amount of time. You can always save your game before you try to hack into a safe.
Sewer Rat
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "The Claws" quest.
Commentary: The Claws' hideout (a thieves' guild) is located in the severs below Domed City. You can join them and start a series of quests during which you must steal valuable items.
Shard Hoarder
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must collect 10,000 Elexit.
Commentary: Elex shards are this game's currency. Elexit can be collected in many ways - selling useless items to traders, completing quests, finding Shards in the game's world or stealing from NPCs.
Trophy type: Silver
How to unlock: You must kill 300 monsters.
Commentary: This trophy can be obtained during your playthrough. Almost each quest or journey means that you will have to kill monsters. Warning - This achievement is only connected with monsters which means that, e.g. bandits, Albs or robots are not counted.
Trophy Type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must die 20 times.
Commentary: A very simple trophy. You can die by falling from high by, e.g. jumping from a bridge or a cliff. When you see the game over screen, you can reload the last save and die in the same way. Thanks to that you will unlock this trophy faster.
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Survive" quest.
Commentary: This is the first main quest in Elex and it is added to your journal shortly after starting the game. You complete it by reaching Goliet village.
The Big G
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must collect 1000 Elexit.
Commentary: Elex shards are this game's currency. Elexit can be collected in many ways - selling useless items to traders, completing quests, finding Shards in the game's world or stealing from NPCs.
The Third Way
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must give mana to The Hybrid.
Commentary: The trophy is connected to one of the game endings.
Thicker than Water
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Showdown with Kallax" quest.
Commentary: You can meet with Kallax in the later part of the campaign.
Thief Taker
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Kill 20 bandits.
Commentary: You should unlock this trophy during your playthrough because elimination of bandits is part of many quests.

Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: Modify weapons 20 times.
Commentary: Weapon modifications are possible when you find a workbench in the game's world and interact with it. Workbenches can be found in, e.g. each of the main cities. A modification screen is presented in the picture above.
Turned the World Upside Down
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must complete "Old Obligations" quest.
Commentary: This is a group of quests that you receive from Thorald the Pilgrim in the third act.
Up and Away
Trophy type: Bronze
How to unlock: You must use your jet pack for the first time.
Commentary: You can't miss this achievement. Jet pack is found at the beginning of the game and you must use it to get out of the ruins.
Trophy type: Gold
How to unlock: Complete Elex.
Commentary: You get this trophy regardless of your ending and difficulty level.
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