Elex: Character development, attributes and abilities
Our character is developed by increasing attributes and buying new abilities. Each level gives us 10 points that we can spend on increasing attributes and 1 ability point (remember that in order to upgrade a skill you need the right trainer). The character gets a level when he has a required amount of experience - you can get it by completing quests, killing enemies and drinking Elex Drinks.

In Elex, attributes upgrade your character (more damage, health etc., depending on an attribute) and allow you to use better gear - each item in the game requires you to have a certain amount of a given attribute.
- Strength - increases melee damage.
- Constitution - increases health points.
- Dexterity - increases reach of your attacks.
- Intelligence - increases mana or PSI.
- Cunning - increases social skills that allow you to convince others to and get what you want.

Below, you can find a list of all abilities that are available in the game. Remember that in order to buy an ability you need to find the right trainer (more about that can be found in Lists - Abilities trainers). Also, you should know that Berserker, Outlaw and Cleric trees are available only after joining a given faction and you can join them only once.

- Melee Weapons - each new level increases amount of damage dealt with melee weapons.
- Ranged Weapons - each new level increases amount of damage dealt with ranged weapons (bows, crossbows, rifles, plasma weapons).
- Heavy Weapons - each new level increases amount of damage dealt with heavy weapons (rocket launchers).
- Attack Strength - each new level increases damage of your hits.
- Parry Strength - each new level reduces a distance of how far you are pushed back during blocking.
- Heavy Punch - each new level increases damage dealt by using special attacks (they are charged by performing certain sequences during fights).
- Grenades - each new level increases amount of damage dealt with grenades.
- Jet Pack Attack - unlocks an aerial attack during which you use your jet pack.
- Mutant Killer - increases damage dealt to mutants.
- Machine Killer - increases damage dealt to machines.
- Radiation Resistance - each new level increases your radiation resistance.
- Fire Resistance - each new level increases your fire resistance.
- Frost Resistance - each new level increases your frost resistance.
- Poison Resistance - each new level increases your poison resistance.
- Armor - each new level increases defense provided by armors.
- Animal Trophies - you can get new items from animals and each new level increases their amount.
- Good Eater - food regenerates more health.
- Adventurer - reveals locations of all teleporters on the map (however, you still need to reach them on foot).
- Sixth Sense - enemies are visible on the radar (not just during fights).
- Extra Hitpoints - increases amount of health that you get when you gain a level.
- Stamina - each new level increases your stamina (which is used during fights).
- Lock Picking - allows you to open locks and each new level allows you to open more complicated locks.
- Locksmith - locks don't break when you try to open them.
- Pickpocket - allows you to steal from pockets and each new level reduces a risk of being detected by a person that is being robbed by you.
- You Only Steal Twice - allows you to steal an additional item during pickpocketing.
- Modify Weapons - allows you to upgrade your equipment by using a workbench.
- Goldsmith - allows you to create rings and amulets by using a workbench.
- Gemstone Socket - allows you to create slots in weapons for special stones (that can, e.g. increase damage).
- Chemistry - allows you to create potions by using a workbench.
- Hack - allows you to hack passwords and each new level allows you to hack more complicated passwords.
- Professional Hacker - each new level increases amount of tries available while you are hacking.
- Hold Your Horses - increases time that is available to you while you are hacking.
- Mining - each new level increases amount of resources that you get while mining deposits.
- Attribute Points - allows you to buy 10 attribute points (up to three times).
- Experienced Hunters - increases amount of experience that you get for killing enemies.
- Bookworm - increases amount of experience that you get by reading.
- Practitioner - increases amount of experience that you get by completing a quest.
- Haggler - each new level lowers prices offered by traders.
- Combat Skills - upgrades abilities from Combat tree.
- Survival Skills - upgrades abilities from Survival tree.
- Crafting Skills - upgrades abilities from Crafting tree.
- Personality Skills - upgrades abilities from Personality tree.
- Group - each new level increases damage dealt by your companion.
- Advocate - lowers fine that you must pay for breaking law.
- Friend of Beasts - weaker monsters stop attacking you.
- Attribute - increases amount of attribute points that you get by one.
During dialogs you can select lines that increase or reduce Cold of your character. In Elex, there are three abilities connected to that aspect:
- Emotional - if your Cold level is between 0 and 20 then spells, PSI abilities and stimulants last longer.
- Balanced - if your Cold level is between 40 and 60 then you deal extra melee damage.
- Synthetic - if your Cold level is between 80 and 100 then you deal extra ranged damage.
- Berserker - Berserkers' basic ability that gives you access to other abilities of this faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment, enables use of mana and gives you an option to upgrade magic weapons as well as increases poison resistance.
- Magic - each new level extends duration or damage of a spell.
- Mana - each new level increases amount of available mana (which is used for casting spells).
- Enchant Weapons - allows you to enchant weapons which increases their damage.
- Scatter Shot - allows you to shoot a few arrows at the same time.
- Seeker Shot - allows you to shoot a homing arrow.
- Camouflage Spell - unlocks a spell that reduces your chance of being detected by enemies.
- Leather Skin Spell - unlocks a spell that increases armor.
- Aspect of the Warrior Spell - unlocks a spell that increases melee damage.
- Blood Transfer Spell - unlocks a spell that allows you to turn a part of your life into mana.
- Spirit Wolf Spell - unlocks a spell that summons ghosts that can help you during fights.
- Sense Life Spell - unlocks a spell that highlights all living creatures in your view.
- Poisonous Aura Spell - unlocks a spell that deals poison area damage from.
- Healing Spell - unlocks a spell that allows you to heal your character and his companion.
- Outlaw - Outlaws' basic ability that gives you access to other abilities of this faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment, upgrade mechanical weapons and increases radiation resistance. Besides that, it removes experience penalty when you are using stimulants and allows you to use a few stimulants at the same time.
- Unscrew - unlocks ability to dismantle weapons (thanks to that you can get crafting parts that you can use or you sell).
- Create Ammunition - allows you to create ammo for the Outlaws' weapons.
- Body Chemistry - each new level extends duration and increases effects of stimulants.
- Low-Tech Weaponsmith - unlocks ability to create the Outlaws' weapons by using a workbench.
- Chem Capacity - each new level increases number of stimulants that can be used at the same time.
- Overdrive Stim - allows you to create a stimulant that speeds up health regeneration.
- Steel Skin Chem - allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases your resistance to all kinds of damage.
- Pick-me-up Stim - allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases your attack and block speed.
- Scrap Scanner Chem - allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases visibility of regular items.
- Immune Booster Chem - allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases resistance to all types of effects (radiation, fire, frost, poison).
- Tough Guy Chem - allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily increases damage resistance.
- Mind Changer Stim - allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily doubles your damage.
- Animal Lover Chem - allows you to create a stimulant that temporarily scares off weaker animals from attacking the player.
- Clerics - Clerics' basic ability that gives you access to other abilities of this faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment, allows you to use PSI abilities and upgrade energy weapons as well as increases fire resistance.
- PSI - each new level extends duration or increases damage of a PSI ability.
- Battery - each new level increases amount of energy that is used by PSI abilities.
- High-Tech Weaponsmith - unlocks ability to create the Clerics' weapons by using a workbench.
- One Man Army - increases your damage when you travel without a companion.
- Suggestion - unlocks new dialog lines that can influence other characters in certain dialogs.
- Technophile - unlocks PSI ability that highlights all synthetic creatures and high-tech equipment.
- Cleansing Ability - unlocks PSI ability that removes all effects inflicted on the player.
- Power Shield - unlocks PSI ability that creates a force field that protects from damage.
- One with the Weapon Ability - unlocks PSI ability that increases ranged weapons damage.
- Phasing Ability - unlocks PSI ability that allows you to teleport at a short distance and leave hero's hologram in the place where he stood.
- Power Wave Ability - unlocks PSI ability that creates power wave that deals damage.
- The Last Stand Ability - unlocks PSI ability that revives the hero with half of his health.
- Projection Ability - unlocks PSI ability that allows you to create a hologram that distracts enemies' attention.
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