Elex: Minor quests in The Hort - Walkthrough
In this chapter, you can find descriptions of smaller side quests in Elex that can be unlocked during your stay in The Hort, the Clerics main headquarters. Many of them can increase your relations with leaders of the Clerics.
Food for the Clerics
How to unlock this quest: Speak with Martha in The Hort.

Martha runs a diner in The Hort and during your first meeting she will give you a free Soup. Besides that, you can also unlock the quest in which you must solve a problem with food supplies. You must search for a food supplier.
Your destination is an abandoned base far south-west from the Clerics' city. There are various ways of getting food supplies. The most obvious one is to speak with Raudur (you can use 3 Charisma points and 6 Crafting points to get additional 475XP for using both options) and pay him 250 Elexit for supplies. You receive Raudur’s Note that contains codes to the safes in the camp (9981, 1758, 1455). Go to each one of them (try all combinations on them) and take Survival Pack (200XP) from each one of them.
The first alternate solution is to use Pickpocket ability and steal Raudur’s Note (picture 1). This allows you to skip the entire conversation with him. The second solution is to use Hack on each of the safes (an example is presented in the picture 2). However, if you want to use this solution then your level in this ability should be very high.
Go back to Martha in The Hort and give her the supplies (400XP). The information that you bought them will please the woman. However, if you have stolen them then you can either lie or tell her truth. This will make Martha angry (she wanted to establish permanent trade relations) (400XP).
Question of Faith
How to unlock this quest: Speak with Eva in The Hort.

Eva stands in front of one of the buildings in The Hort and she can talk to the hero when you are walking past her. She can give you a quest during which you must find a rare Arvid's book. It is located in the archives that can only be accessed by those, who have a permission. Go to the Cathedral and try to go to the basement where the archives are located. You will be stopped by Karl. You can't enter there, even if you try to bribe him.
In default, this problem has two solutions. The first option is to wait for Karl to leave his post and go for a prayer. Use any of the beds and select the option to wait till night. Then, you must get closer to the entrance to the basement (the picture) and patiently wait for Karl to enter the Cathedral's main room and go to the place where he can pray. Sneak into the archives (none of the characters in the location will stop the hero).

The second option is to hack into the console, presented in the picture, located near the entrance to the basement (you can use it only when Karl is in the archives). You can hack into the system if you have 3 Crafting points. Add yourself to the people that have access rights to the archives (50XP) and speak with Karl. He will let you pass.
The last option is to wait with this quest until you join the Clerics faction and reach rank of an Acolyte. Acolytes have full access to the archives.
You must now find Arvid’s Teaching (100XP). Take it to Eva. You receive 200XP and you can also ask her for your payment – 55 Elexit.
Cause and Effect
How to unlock this quest: Speak with Hagen in The Hort.

Paladin Hagen is located in the administration building in The Hort and he can give you a quest during which you must investigate a case of mutants that can be dangerous to the city (you can also use 3 Combat points to show your knowledge and get 50XP). You should proceed with this quest when your character has a high level because defeating these monsters won't be an easy task.
Monsters' nest is located north from the Clerics' city and the entrance to that place is presented in the picture. Don't rush inside because there is a group of Rottmolch monsters inside of the nest. These monsters are also accompanied by a powerful beast called Moloch. Try to lure out smaller monsters and leave the giant beast for last. Avoid its charges at all cost. You can try to weaken it from a distance because the monster has no ranged attacks. When the fights are over (250XP) you can check out the cave. There, you can find dead Clerics (400XP). Go back to Hagen and receive 800XP as well as 200 Elexit.
Warning – If you are not good at fighting monsters, you can enter the cave only for a short moment. Leave it when you update the quest. When Hagen receives your report about mutants' activities in the region he will head to their nest with other Clerics in order to clear the area from monsters.
Hard as Steel
How to unlock this quest: Speak with Godehard in The Hort.

Godehard works in a factory in The Hort. When you talk to him you can remain silent or interrupt him. He gives you 100 Elexit and orders to buy a part that he needs. Before going shopping you must be sure that it is evening (if it's not you can interact with any of the beds in the city).
Poszukiwany dostawca czesci to Shorty, który do odnalezienia jest w okopach na zachód od siedziby kleryków. Twoim zadaniem jest pozyskanie zamknietego pudelka Closed Box i mozesz tego dokonac na dwa glówne sposoby:
The parts supplier is called Shorty and you can find him in trenches west from the Clerics headquarters. Your task it to get Closed Box and you can do that in two ways:
- Buy the box from Shorty. When you pay 100 Elexit, Shorty will demand another 100 Shards. You can pay him (from your own pocket) another 100 Elexit, threaten him by using 3 Combat points (25XP) and pay only 50 Elexit or you can attack him and kill (100XP).
- Use Pickpocket ability and steal from Shorty.
Get the part (100XP) and go back to Godehard. You receive 200XP and 75 Elexit.
From Old to New
How to unlock: Talk to Anna in The Hort.
Note – try to take care of this quest as soon as you unlock it, preventing any Clerics from dying in the meantime. Otherwise, some of the robots in the Cleric settlement may rebel and kill innocent NPCs.

Anna in The Hort can give you a mission, which will require you to collect AI chips from malfunctioning robots. Head for the airport with several Hangars, southeast of the Cleric settlement. Once there, you’ll notice a group of mechanics battling several drones and one powerful Fighting Colossus. Join the fight and begin with taking out the small fry. Leave the Colussus for the last – watch out for his energy attacks, especially those it launches when airborne.
After the battle (you’ll receive 25XP for every destroyed drone plus 200XP for the Colossus) search the remains of the machines and pick up 5 AI Chips (700XP). Bring them to Anna (800XP). Your reward depends on how fast you’ve dealt with the problem, and how polite you were when talking to Anna (more politeness = more Elexit).
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