Radio Commander. Top 10 overlooked strategy games in 2019

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Radio Commander
- Developer: Serious Sim
- Release date: October 10, 2019
- In a nutshell: a combination of FPP and real-time strategy
If you've been wondering, whether strategy games can be even more realistic after you've read about Command: Modern Operations and Rule the Waves 2, then the Polish Serious Sim studio may give you an answer. Although Radio Commander is a much simpler video game than the aforementioned titles, in some way it's even more realistic experience, as it allows you to literally embody the commander who's in charge of military operations. Instead of conventional and common tools used in strategy games, we get everything that a field officer would actually have at his disposal.
As a strategy game it offers a relatively simple gameplay, but the unique FPP feature and the main idea definitely deserve attention. You play the role of an American army officer during the Vietnam War, who is supposed to command his allied forces during a series of military operations. There wouldn't be anything extraordinary or unusual about this, if it wasn't for the fact that players observe the action from the first person perspective and have to give orders to other units over the radio. Also, players have to listen to troop reports in order to get a brief overview of the current situation on the battlefield. Moreover, you can use a map which shows the current position of all your troops, just like in a common strategy game. The only difference is that you have to command all units directly by the radio. It's important to maintain contact with your units during the whole gameplay, because you will have to make many dramatic decisions from time to time.
The experimental form of gameplay is complemented by a significant emphasis on the storyline. Our decisions are often made in uncertain conditions, and they may have an impact on the final result of the battle. All this makes Radio Commander a unique game that can be considered as a new approach to strategy genre. Game ratings on Steam platform confirm that it was a quite successful experiment.